Nanci Danison died on the operating table while undergoing cancer treatment in 1994.
Nanci Danison died on the operating table while undergoing cancer treatment in 1994.
Ironically, it was then that he “woke up” to the reality of life after death and the nature of reality itself.
Ms. Danison, a devout Catholic from Ohio, was suspected of having breast cancer and was on the operating table awaiting a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
Danison, now 74, suffered a fatal reaction to anesthesia.
She told ‘The death of my body in 1994 changed everything.
‘My heart went from beating too fast to not beating at all.
Danison, then a health care lawyer and partner at her firm, described herself as a “truth seeker” and says her afterlife experience was about “getting answers,” much the same way she did in her work as a lawyer.
She said: ‘I had no idea that my body was dying. I did not lose a moment of consciousness during the agony and death of my body, nor during my own transit to the other side and the afterlife.
“I was conscious the whole time and I remember everything.”
Danison said she met dear friends who had died, but in the form of “Beings of Light,” and remembered not only her life, but hundreds or thousands of other physical lives.
He absorbed a “documentary” type history of Earth, which showed how religions developed, “to explain why my religion had taught me wrong information about life, death, God and the afterlife.”
Danison was a successful lawyer at the time of her experience (Image Grok/Rob Waugh)
She could see her body lying in the mammography room and was aware of a ‘Light’.
Danison said he suddenly had “burning questions” about the nature of reality: “What is God? What am I? What does God expect of me? What is the purpose of life? Where is heaven? Where is hell? And what is the one true religion?”
Danison had attended Catholic schools as a child, then a Methodist college, and said she was a “devout seeker of spiritual truth.”
But what she found surprised her.
She said: ‘I was angry that I had not learned these answers before I died, as I assumed everyone else on Earth knew this information except me.
She said: “I stepped into the Light and was completely saturated with unconditional love, happiness and acceptance.”
She said: ‘I literally merged my Energy and Self into my five Light Being friends so I could experience their physical lives.
She says the feeling was “similar to a virtual reality game but much more sophisticated.”
She said: ‘The five of us then moved through the Energy field that I call Source and others call God, Yahweh, Allah, the Creator, etc.
‘As I was deeper within the energetic field of the Source phenomenon, I observed the Creation of our universe as Source itself explained to me the meaning and purpose of life.’
Danison realized that she was part of the Source, along with all other human beings, all interconnected.
She said, ‘You and I are actually the Source, we are just playing a role similar to how we currently play roles in our dreams.
Davison just before her first near-death experience in 1994 (Nanci Davison)
‘I was shown that I had never been separated from Source and was in fact an integrated part of its consciousness and self-awareness that had simply temporarily inhabited a human animal.
‘The purpose of life is to allow Source to experience the feelings and sensations of the universe it created, comparable to how we experience our dreams through the dream version of ourselves.
She said: “When our bodies die, we simply awaken from the sleep of human life and resume spiritual life in what we call the afterlife.”
Danison said her experiences “changed her life” and she began a mission to educate others and experience unconditional love in her life.
She said: ‘I left my law firm and opened my own law firm. I did not want my efforts to fulfill my spiritual mission to negatively affect my law partners.
‘I tried to be more loving and less career-oriented because I learned that love is the only thing that matters.’
She also earned a pilot’s license and became a licensed private detective, and has written several books detailing her experiences.
Danison became seriously ill again in 2001 and had another near-death experience, where she was warned that “extremely difficult” times lay ahead and that her body might not be strong enough.
She said the Beings of Light told her she would face suffering on Earth, but she was determined to stay.
Danison was a successful lawyer at the time of her experience (Nancy Danison)
She said: “If I stayed in my human host, I was told, I would have to endure constant suffering. Despite what I was told about my future, I chose to stay in human form. I did not want to fail the mission the Source gave me, to tell everyone what I had learned in the afterlife.”
She said her message to anyone facing death is simple: focus on love.
She said: ‘Focus on love: on all the people you’ve loved, on all the places you felt loved, on all the events that made you happy, and on all the joy you hope to feel after you die.
‘You will return HOME, to your true home, to unconditional love and acceptance. Remember that you will leave all the pain and sadness behind when you leave, but you will take with you all the love and precious memories.
‘I learned that we are divided between incarnation and the afterlife. Your loved ones exist not only in human life, but also in the afterlife, regardless of whether they have died or not. You will not leave anyone behind.’