Home Life Style “I didn’t laugh out loud at his jokes, I was funnier than him”: find out if they matched on this week’s blind date

“I didn’t laugh out loud at his jokes, I was funnier than him”: find out if they matched on this week’s blind date

Gaby (pictured), 25, was last in a relationship in 2021. She is looking for a man who is taller than her, fun, emotionally intelligent and a bit adventurous.

GABY, 25

Single, no children.

Dating someone from the past?

In 2021, I was in a relationship for just under a year, but ended it because we had grown apart. Since then, I’ve gone through periods where I’ve had three dates in a week and then none for several months.

Pre-date jitters?

Not really. It’s my first blind date, but I think I’m a really nice person, so I was hoping we’d have a good time.

Gaby (pictured), 25, was last in a relationship in 2021. She is looking for a man who is taller than her, fun, emotionally intelligent and a bit adventurous.

First impressions?

Tom arrived earlier than expected and is handsome, in the classic tall and handsome way.

I was grateful that he hadn’t lied about his height on his profile. I’m 5’7″ without heels, so the fact that he’s 6’2″ helped. I couldn’t possibly date a shorter guy.

Easy to talk?

The conversation flowed well. We talked about countries we’ve liked to visit; I liked Bali, while Tom has been to places I haven’t, like Romania. We thought it was fun to go on a date, but we talked about how passionate we are about traveling alone.

I didn’t laugh out loud at his jokes: I was funnier than him.

Tom has a good sense of humor, and although I didn’t crack up at any of his jokes, we did have a good laugh. Still, I think I was funnier than he was.

He ordered the same drinks, starters and main dishes as me. I didn’t know how to take it, as I’m vegan. Was he trying to be polite or was I just indecisive?

Embarrassing moments?

Yes! It was a humid day and a drop of sweat fell from my forehead onto the table. He didn’t say anything, but I felt mortified.

Also, my skirt had a layer of netting on top that had ridden up around my butt when I stood up.

Did sparks fly?

It’s too early to tell. Our time together wasn’t flirtatious at all. Tom certainly didn’t give me any indication that he was flirting, but he was an attractive guy.

Gaby, a data strategist, thought Tom had a good sense of humor, although she didn't laugh at any of his jokes.

Gaby, a data strategist, thought Tom had a good sense of humor, although she didn’t laugh at any of his jokes.

Do you see it again?

Tom asked me for my Instagram and asked what I thought about seeing him again. I agreed that it would be nice. He then sent me a message to thank me for the date.

If he asked me out, I could go clear the air in a less formal setting, maybe grab a drink at the pub?

What do you think he thought of you?

I got the impression that he liked me as a person (he called me ‘bubbly’), but not that he found me attractive.

Would your friends and family like it?

We ran into one of my friends on the way out and afterwards she said that Tom was really handsome. I think they would like him.


GABY, 25

Single, no children.


Data strategist.


A man taller than me, funny, emotionally intelligent and a bit adventurous.

TOM, 26

Single, no children.


Train engineer.


A woman with a sense of adventure, genuine, friendly and a good communicator.

TOM, 26

Single, no children.

Dating someone from the past?

I lived with my ex-girlfriend for four years, but we broke up almost two years ago. Our relationship just fizzled out and there were no hard feelings.

Since then, I’ve become a bit of a hermit. I’ve been on a few dates, but I haven’t met anyone special.

Pre-date jitters?

This is unlike any dating experience I’ve ever had, but I love meeting new people.

Tom (pictured), 26, broke up with his ex-girlfriend two years ago. He is looking to meet a woman with an adventurous spirit, who is genuine, friendly and a good communicator.

Tom (pictured), 26, broke up with his ex-girlfriend two years ago. He is looking to meet a woman with an adventurous spirit, who is genuine, friendly and a good communicator.

First impressions?

When I got to the bar, Gaby had her back to me. I was worried about scaring her, so I gently tapped her on the shoulder and said, “So you’re the lucky one!”

She jumped like a mile in the air, but when I apologized she laughed and I noticed she had a beautiful smile.

Is he easy to talk to?

Often, I have to do a lot of talking and asking questions on dates, but Gaby was very cheerful and talkative.

We agreed from the start that going out to eat probably wasn’t what we’d normally do on a first date (you have to be on your best behavior), and that shared sentiment made us both relax.

She laughed at my dad jokes, but was she just being polite?

We talked about travel, work, and our families, without any awkward pauses. She laughed and made lots of eye contact, even laughing at my dad’s terrible jokes about her making her own outfits.

I said, “Is that sewing?” and she immediately understood when it could have fallen flat.

Embarrassing moments?

Fortunately, no. I concentrated hard on displaying my best table manners and managed not to spill anything.

Did sparks fly?

It’s too early to tell and I think she would say the same thing: that we had a great date and that possibly, if we knew each other better, there could have been more.

She was attractive and cheerful, but I don’t know if she found me attractive too.

Tom, a train engineer, found Gaby attractive and cheerful, and enjoyed talking to her about travel, work, and their families.

Tom, a train engineer, found Gaby attractive and cheerful, and enjoyed talking to her about travel, work, and their families.

Do you see her again?

I texted her to thank her for the appointment and she said it was nice meeting me too, but nothing more since then.

I would definitely see her again, even if it was just as a friend, who knows what could happen?

What do you think he thought of you?

I think she liked me, just because of the way she laughed at my jokes. But maybe she was nervous or polite.

Would your family like it?

Yes, my sister and her would definitely get along as they are both huge Taylor Swift fans.


APPRECIATED? Our mutual love of travel.




APPRECIATED? The conversation never faltered.



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