Home Australia I can’t believe my friend’s shockingly rude response to my pregnancy announcement. I’m exaggerating?

I can’t believe my friend’s shockingly rude response to my pregnancy announcement. I’m exaggerating?

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A woman revealed the shocking message she received after announcing her pregnancy

A woman has revealed the “rude” message she received from a friend after announcing her pregnancy and says the cruel comment will stay with her for years.

The 29-year-old got married four months ago and then decided to tell family and friends she was pregnant after her 12-week scan.

He sent photos of the ultrasound and among the many congratulatory messages was a comment that he “never saw coming.”

“You looked fatter in your wedding photos,” he said. “Now I know why.”

The text was accompanied by a laughing emoji and was apparently intended as a joke.

But the future mother could not believe the lack of respect, because she was not pregnant at the time of her wedding.

A woman revealed the shocking message she received after announcing her pregnancy

“A family friend said I looked fat on my wedding day,” she said on Reddit. “Not that my weight should matter, but I’m not overweight at all.”

She told her brother about the comment, which sparked an argument between the two men.

The brothers have known the family friend for 20 years and the joke was apparently out of character for him.

“I’ve never heard this guy make a joke in the 20 years I’ve known him,” he added in a comment. “He’s a history teacher who takes himself too seriously.”

Another mother said she also received similar comments when she announced her pregnancy.

‘Something similar happened to me. I was six weeks pregnant when my husband proposed to me. When we told my grandmother when she was 12 weeks old, she said, “Oh, that’s why your stomach looked so big in your proposal photos!” Mind you, when I was about 16 weeks, I looked bloated at best,” one woman shared.

Others criticized the man’s rude behavior.

‘This is not a friend. Keep some distance,’ said one.

“That’s so bad,” added another.

A third wrote: “I will never understand why people think they have the right to comment on other people’s bodies.” I’m sure you looked stunning and this jerk doesn’t deserve to share your joy. Congratulations on your growing family!’

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