Home Australia I bought two whole chickens at Woolworths for $1.50. This is exactly what I do to ensure I get discounts every time.

I bought two whole chickens at Woolworths for $1.50. This is exactly what I do to ensure I get discounts every time.

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Katherine Clayton from Perth noticed the discounted prices at her local store at 4pm on weekdays, so she has been arriving ten minutes early and waiting to take advantage of the discounted purchases.

An Australian mum has revealed how she got two whole chickens from Woolworths for just $1.50 each.

Katherine Clayton from Perth noticed the sale prices at her local store at 4pm on weekdays, so has since arrived ten minutes early and stopped in to take advantage of the discounted shopping.

On this occasion, the 2-kilogram seasoned chickens were originally priced at $14.25 and $13.35, but Katherine managed to get the birds for just $1.43 and $1.34, as they were about to expire.

To get deals, the mother of two told FEMAIL that customers should talk to employees to find out the best time to shop for discounts and then take advantage of the deals without shame.

“I love buying nice things. I’d rather spend a dollar on a new bag than at Woolies,” said Katherine, co-founder and CEO of insurance brand Peachii.

“I’m always looking for special deals. We cook everything in-house. I noticed there was a pattern, I got a few deals at first and then I started talking to the staff and now I know the best time to buy.”

Katherine shared the knowledge in a video and encouraged others to follow in his footsteps.

“I warn you that this is a full-contact sport: if you can’t talk to people or interact with employees at the grocery store, this game is not for you,” he said.

This time he got two 2kg chickens for $1.43 and $1.34.

Katherine Clayton from Perth noticed that her local store had a 4pm discount on weekdays, so she always arrives ten minutes early and waits to take advantage of the discounted purchases. On this occasion, she bought two 2kg chickens for $1.43 and $1.34.

“But if you want to get big savings, listen up,” he said.

First, shoppers should find out what time their local supermarket offers discounts on meat, as hours vary by location.

“It happens every day at the same time. They have a rhythm,” he said.

“At 3:50 p.m. I’m there and I’m crawling, I’m ready. When the man or woman comes out with the gun and starts putting up those stickers, you’re already there.”

Katherine said she takes what she finds and puts it in the freezer for a later date.

To get the deals, the mother of two told FEMAIL that customers should talk to employees to find out the best time to shop for discounts and then take advantage of the offers without shame (pictured with her husband).

To get the deals, the mother of two told FEMAIL that customers should talk to employees to find out the best time to shop for discounts and then take advantage of the offers without shame (pictured with her husband).

To save even more money, Katherine always shops at different supermarkets, avoids buying online, and never goes during “peak hours.”

“The days leading up to holidays and long weekends often offer big discounts before the supermarket closes the next day,” he said.

As a busy mom, you always plan ahead to make sure your freezer and pantry are stocked instead of having to buy items at full price.

“I think if you’re always in a rush when you’re shopping or you’re always waiting until you run out of items before you buy, that can also be a challenge because you don’t have that flexibility to wait for a sale,” she said.

By thinking ahead, Katherine has been able to save money to buy handbags, Mecca products and essentials for the family. She is also saving up for a family holiday to Europe next year.

The short video has since been viewed more than 84,000 times, with many thanking her for sharing the information.

One Woolworths employer wrote: ‘I’ve worked at Woolworths for years and they’ve been cracking down on this. The day before the best before date is around 15-20 per cent, and the day of the best before date is 30-50 per cent at best. It depends on how much of each item needs to be removed.

‘Each store is different, but it all depends on the room for manoeuvre available for making sales.’

Katherine added that it is important to be polite and respectful when speaking to supermarket staff and asking for discounts.

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