Home Health I am a nutritionist for cancer patients: these are my tips to avoid the disease

I am a nutritionist for cancer patients: these are my tips to avoid the disease

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Nichole Andrews, Cancer Nutritionist, Washington State

A nutritionist specialized in cancer patients revealed the dietary advice she gives to her patients to avoid developing the disease.

Nichole Andrews has worked with survivors for 12 years, designing eating plans during and after treatment to help limit the risk of the disease returning, but she says her advice also applies to the general public.

The recommendations, which include several that may be surprising to readers, such as avoiding supplements and protein bars, come amid a mysterious rise in early-onset cancers.

Andrews, a registered dietitian from Washington, revealed the dos and don’ts of TikTok.

And she appears again here in a separate video.

Cancer nutritionist Nichole Andrews from Washington state is featured in two of her videos on how to reduce your risk of contracting the disease.


green powders

Green powders may increase cancer risk

Green powders may increase cancer risk

Green powders are regularly marketed as a way to “meet nutritional needs” and “fill gaps” in the daily diet.

But Andrews is against them, warning that they often exclude vital fibers that patients need to help prevent cancer.

She said: “I would never buy those green powders or try to consume them like fruits and vegetables.”

‘The fiber is removed, they contain no liquids, they are sometimes fortified with foreign herbs that can damage the liver.

“Just eat fruits and vegetables, avoid those green powders.”

Numerous studies have linked a low-fiber diet to an increased risk of cancer, particularly colon cancer.

Experts say this may be because patients who eat less fiber have more inflammation in their digestive system, which increases the risk of harmful mutations in cells.

There is currently little research linking green powders to an increased risk of cancer, but evidence suggests they may contain cadmium, a known carcinogen.

The supplements were on the list for their high doses of vitamins and minerals.

The supplements were on the list for their high doses of vitamins and minerals.


Nearly six in ten Americans take supplements,

But Andrews suggested there was an ugly side to the $50 billion industry.

He said most people don’t need to take vitamins because they get enough from food and other places.

This means that many people may be taking them unnecessarily, risking an overdose.

Because the supplement market is not well regulated, many available pills also tend to contain too much of the nutrient.

‘Supplements [can] increase [the] cancer risk because [of] supplements in high doses, greater than 200 percent of the daily value,” he warned.

Large doses of supplements such as vitamin B3 have been linked to an increased risk of brain cancer, while others, such as vitamin C and E, have been linked to faster tumor growth.

But others have suggested that they have the opposite effect, including articles that found that taking calcium reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Andrews recommends that people ask their doctors before using supplements to find out which ones are right for them.

He said supplements are best used in cases where blood tests have detected a nutrient deficiency in the body that cannot be fixed with dietary changes.


Alcohol in any amount can cause cancer, warned

Alcohol in any amount can cause cancer, warned

On average, Americans have about four alcoholic drinks each week, and one in five binge drink each month, or have five or more drinks in one night.

But studies have linked alcohol consumption in any amount to an increased risk of cancer, including breast, liver, throat and mouth.

Ms Andrews said: “I never drink alcohol, any kind of alcohol, none.” Alcohol increases the risk of six types of cancer, with any consumption. No alcohol.’

In the body, alcohol breaks down into acetaldehyde, a known carcinogen that can damage DNA in cells.

It has been linked to the rise of cancer in Iowa, which has the second-fastest growth rate in the United States.

And in Canada, officials have become so concerned that they now recommend that people only drink two alcoholic drinks a week. U.S. officials say they could do the same.

Cold meats were also on the list.

Cold meats were also on the list.

Processed meats

Deli meats, bacon, sausages, and even prosciutto often contain added nitrates and nitrites to keep them fresher longer.

But scientists have linked these chemicals to cancer, finding that they react in the body to form compounds known to cause cancer in animals.

Mrs Andrews said: ‘I don’t make my sandwiches with processed meats.

‘I bake chicken ahead of time, slice it and use it for my sandwiches or wraps. Processed meats increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

“Use fresh meats, canned tuna, or vegetarian sandwiches.”

Previous studies have warned that eating just 2 ounces (50 grams) of processed meats a day (or two slices of ham) increases the risk of colon cancer by 50 percent.

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And protein-rich snacks such as bars, cookies and donuts.

Protein-rich cookies, donuts, and chips (although they do NOT increase cancer risk)

High-protein snacks were also mentioned, although Andrews said this was only because they should still be considered treats.

“It’s still donuts, cookies and chips,” he said.

‘These foods are fine, they do not increase the risk of cancer.

“But if you prefer protein, I always choose protein powders, protein drinks, animal proteins or plant proteins.”

‘If you want a donut, have a donut. But don’t say, “Oh, because it has protein, it’s a better choice.”

Your concerns likely center on the fact that they are still relatively high in calories, and that a “healthy” protein bar contains more fat and sugar than a Krispy Kreme donut.

It comes amid concerns about the obesity epidemic in the United States, where an estimated one in three adults in the country is considered obese.


The Keto diet involves eliminating all carbohydrates

The Keto diet involves eliminating all carbohydrates

Avoid the Keto diet

He also gave other tips to help someone prevent cancer, including avoiding the ketogenic diet.

Followers of the diet get all their energy from fats and proteins and avoid carbohydrates completely.

An estimated seven percent of Americans follow the plan.

But criticizing this, Andrews said: “Our bodies are designed so that 50 per cent of our calorie intake comes from carbohydrates because that is our body’s preferred energy source.” Plus, it’s your brain’s preferred source of energy.

“So if you’re dealing with brain fog every day or want to take care of your brain, eat carbs.”

Experts say that following the ketogenic diet for a short period can help fight cancer, and studies show that it can reduce tumors in the pancreas and colon.

But over longer periods, some doctors have suggested it could damage DNA and cells and increase the risk of cancer, although their claims are not supported by major peer-reviewed studies.

He recommended that people exercise regularly to reduce the risk of cancer.

He recommended that people exercise regularly to reduce the risk of cancer.

Exercise 150 minutes a week.

Andrews also touted the World Health Organization’s recommendation of at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.

He also said people needed to move repeatedly throughout the day to reduce the risk of cancer.

“I don’t exercise and sit the rest of the day,” he said, “it’s important to exercise 150 minutes a week to reduce the risk of cancer.”

“But sitting less and moving more is also recommended to reduce the risk of cancer.”

“All those other hours sitting will increase the risk of exercising.”

Previous studies have linked prolonged periods of sitting with an increased risk of cancers, including colon, ovarian and endometrial cancers.

This may be because the body maintains higher blood sugar during these periods for longer, increasing the risk of cell damage.

And sleep at least seven hours a night.

And sleep at least seven hours a night.

Sleep seven hours a night

The CDC says everyone should get seven to nine hours of sleep each night, and Andrews echoed this sentiment.

‘I don’t skip sleep. Sleep at least seven hours each night.

‘It balances your hormones and helps your cells and muscles rebuild. If you’re going to have cancer treatment and your body needs to repair itself from cancer treatment, you need sleep.’

He said getting more sleep could also balance hunger hormones, ensuring someone isn’t forced to overeat and be at greater risk of obesity and related conditions.

Breakfast was listed as the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast was listed as the most important meal of the day.

Have breakfast

Andrews, who has previously campaigned for cereal brands, says she doesn’t skip breakfast and advises others to do the same.

“I don’t skip breakfast,” he said. “It’s a very important meal of the day.”

‘Waking up every day and feeling hungry in the morning is a sign of a healthy metabolism. People who eat breakfast also have better weight.

‘They have a healthier weight, they have a better time losing weight, I don’t skip breakfast. Every day I wake up I have lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, some type of fruit, but I never skip breakfast.’

Don’t be fooled by organic labels

Andrews says she always buys conventional fruits and vegetables, rather than organic when possible.

“The nutritional difference is no different between organic and conventional,” he said, “[and] Organics also use pesticides.”

“I always buy conventional produce unless there is no other option because I would rather buy some fruits and vegetables than none.”

Several studies have shown that organic foods are no more nutritious than their conventional alternatives, probably because they are grown in the same soil.

The USDA also says that products that use synthetic pesticides (such as glyphosate, atrazine, and malathion) can still be labeled organic, even though the pesticides are linked to an increased risk of cancer.

As such, it suggested that organic foods did not offer a lower risk of cancer compared to conventional types.

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