Home Life Style I am a mother living in a council house. I show the reality of caring for four children, but a troll reported me to the police for child neglect.

I am a mother living in a council house. I show the reality of caring for four children, but a troll reported me to the police for child neglect.

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Nicole Austin, from Worthing, was shocked when police knocked on her door one night last month.

A mother has accused a troll of reporting her to the police for child neglect because of her “messy” social home.

Nicole Austin, from Worthing, Sussex, often makes candid videos showing her home to highlight the reality of being a mother of four.

She recently posted a clip of her cleaning her children’s bedroom which was covered in “rotten apple cores, mouldy food and dirty dishes”.

But the 25-year-old was shocked when police knocked on her door one night last month.

She said: ‘Police have been sent to our house at night to check on our children. They have been charged with child neglect. I can’t believe it. I’m stunned.’

Nicole Austin, from Worthing, was shocked when police knocked on her door one night last month.

The 25-year-old often makes candid home videos to highlight the reality of being a mother of four.

The 25-year-old often makes candid home videos to highlight the reality of being a mother of four.

He said officers arrived at his home at 8 p.m. and stayed for two hours to conduct a “wellness check.”

She said police were “making noise,” causing her children to stay up late “on a school night.”

Nicole added: “Do you understand how traumatic this is for my kids? My kids have been through (domestic violence), we’ve had a lot of police in our house, our house has been raided twice, we’ve been through a lot.”

The mother-of-four, who receives Universal Credit, said she has had “multiple” referrals to social services.

She said: “Luckily, they checked our children, who were lying in bed, in a tidy bedroom, in a messy but clean house, a normal home. The police were not interested.”

“It was horrible. I was so scared, so upset and so shocked. None of my kids went to bed until after 10pm on a school day.”

A viewer asked if the police gave a reason behind her visit, to which Nicole replied that they said they received a report because her “house was messy.”

Nicole said she “understands” the trolls who post on her account, adding that she has received some “vile comments” but said calling the police was too much.

Nicole is seen cleaning one of her children's bedrooms.

Nicole is seen cleaning one of her children’s bedrooms.

She set a timer for 30 minutes and began picking up all the toys that had been left outside.

She set a timer for 30 minutes and began picking up all the toys that had been left outside.

The mother of four, who receives Universal Credit, said she has had

The mother-of-four, who receives Universal Credit, said she has had “multiple” referrals to social services.

She said: “When is enough enough? Have we learned nothing from all these social media stars who have passed away for things they’ve done to themselves because of the hate they’ve received?”

“When is this going to stop? Seriously, guys, you need to think about what you’re doing. My kids are safe, they’re loved, and they’re in a happy home.

You may not think it, but by police and child services standards, they are loved and cared for.

‘Don’t interrupt my children and my family life like that, it’s too much.’

Her followers took to the comments to express their thoughts and opinions on the video, with some agreeing with the report and others calling it a “waste of police resources.”

Someone wrote: ‘Do you think multiple reports let you know that the way you present yourself is not good?’

Another wrote: “Do you realize how traumatic it is for children to live in such chaos?”

A third said: ‘You posted a video showing so many things that could have hurt your children, what did you expect?’

A fourth commented: “Oh my god what a waste of police resources! Hope everyone is okay sweetheart.”

MailOnline has contacted Sussex Police for comment.

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