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How Twitch streamers could shape the 2024 election

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How Twitch streamers could shape the 2024 election

Lea Feiger: Yes, royalty is globalist, the conspiracy is very hackneyed, but it is always good.

Makena Kelly: Yes. Haunted portrait.

Lea Feiger: Haunted Portrait, okay, it’s actually very good. I didn’t even think of it as conspiracy related.

Hassan Piker: Yes, it wasn’t bad at all.

Lea Feiger: I like that.

Hassan Piker: Well. I didn’t realize it was supposed to be a current one. I mean, I went right in, I’m in New York. The two things I thought about, especially being at One World Trade Center, was what happened in Tower Seven? How did Tower Seven fall? A question that runs through my head at all times. I’m not like jet fuel, I can’t melt steel beams, but it’s a little strange that Tower Seven fell. Who knows?

Lea Feiger: You’re approaching true 9/11 territory.

Hassan Piker: That’s the one that, I don’t think, we did it deliberately and then so we could have a global war or whatever. I don’t get to that extreme.

Lea Feiger: Oh.

Hassan Piker: But either it was like a farce or a stage show or we did it. We blow up the towers. For our listeners. Hasan doesn’t believe it. Yeah, I don’t think so, but Tower Seven is a little weird.

Makena Kelly: Presumably. Very

Lea Feiger: Really supposedly. Really, really hard, supposedly.

Hassan Piker: Tower seven, I don’t know what happened. I’ll go out and investigate later.

Makena Kelly: Oh, good, now report your findings.

Hassan Piker: When I leave.

Lea Feiger: I feel like we’ve gotten a little glimpse into the conspiracy corner of your mind. Very sorry. I’m going to have to give the win this week to McKenna.

Makena Kelly: Wow.

Hassan Piker: At least this one was relevant. It’s a new one. Mine is old. An old but golden one.

Lea Feiger: Hasan, thank you very much for joining us today.

Hassan Piker: Thanks for having me.

Makena Kelly: Yes, this was great. This was great.

Hassan Piker: Thanks for having me. Yes, this was great.

Makena Kelly: Where can all our listeners find you besides Twitch?

Hassan Piker: Yes. I’m live on Twitch every day at Twitch.tv/HasanAbi from 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time until 8 p.m., seven days a week, and beyond that, I’m Hasan D. Piker on TikTok and on Instagram. and Hasan the Hun on Twitter.

Lea Feiger: Marvelous. Thank you very much for joining us, Hasan.

Hassan Piker: Thanks for having me.

Lea Feiger: Thanks for listening to WIRED Politics Lab. If you like what you heard today, be sure to follow the show and rate it in the podcast app of your choice. We also have a newsletter that Makena writes every week. The link to the WIRED newsletter and report we mentioned today is in the show notes. If you would like to contact us with any questions, comments or show suggestions, please email politicslab@wired.com. That’s politicalab@wired.com. We are very excited to hear from you. WIRED Politics Lab is produced by Jake Harper. Jake Lummus is our studio engineer, Amar Lal mixed this episode, and Stephanie Karyuki is our executive producer. Jordan Bell is our executive development producer, Chris Bannon is the global head of audio at Condé Nast, and I’m your host, Leah Feiger. We’ll be back on your feeds with a new episode next week. Thank you for your time.

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