Home Australia How to transform your body in 90 days: Sales manager sheds fat and drops two shirt sizes thanks to a simple trick anyone can do

How to transform your body in 90 days: Sales manager sheds fat and drops two shirt sizes thanks to a simple trick anyone can do

John Keltner felt

At age 53, John Keltner became trapped in a vicious cycle of alcohol, fast food and sweets.

The office worker, who worked in sales and business management, felt “fat, slow and confused” at his top weight of 96.6kg (213lb).

“This was mainly due to my regular drinking habit, which led to poor eating habits and lack of physical activity,” John told FEMAIL.

Her diet consisted mainly of processed and unhealthy foods, takeaways and sugary snacks, and there was never water on the table, as soda and alcohol were her beverages of choice.

“I used to drink beer and whiskey, I didn’t sleep well, I didn’t have a clear head and I didn’t feel like getting up in the morning. “I would wake up confused from drinking the night before,” he said.

His morning always started with a soft drink or a sweet coffee before leaving for work.

At lunchtime, I would opt for a quick meal and then enjoy a few drinks after work.

Dinner was always late at night, whether it was a big meal at home, a quick bite on the road, or a visit to a fast food restaurant.

John Keltner dropped two shirt sizes in just 90 days after quitting alcohol for good

John Keltner dropped two shirt sizes in just 90 days after quitting alcohol for good

Before going to bed, John indulged in ice cream.

“I would repeat my typical diet the next day,” he explained.

John, from California, knew he needed to overcome his poor eating habits, including his daily alcohol consumption, to be healthy.

“I felt like I wasn’t taking advantage of my abilities and the alcohol was holding me back,” he said.

“I felt alone in this situation.”

By a stroke of luck, she was on Facebook when she discovered James Swanwick, the Australian-American founder of Alcohol Free Lifestyle, a science-based program to help people change their relationship with alcohol.

“I reached out to James and met with him to talk to him about my growing concerns about my drinking habit and my overall health,” John said.

“We discussed where I was and where I wanted to be in terms of health, relationships and finances.”

In December 2018, just days before Christmas, John decided to take on a three-month challenge in which he would give up alcohol for good.

“The first change was to stop my daily drinking habit and live without alcohol for 90 days,” he explained.

‘I stopped drinking and my life changed for the better. After a few days, I felt more energy and clarity. I reduced the amount of fast and processed food I ate.’

The now 59-year-old with his beautiful wife whom he married in September 2024

The now 59 year old man with his beautiful wife

The now 59-year-old with his beautiful wife whom he married in September 2024

With his renewed energy, he increased his exercise regimen, which included playing basketball and golf, as well as attending two to three fitness classes a week that focused on strength training and cardio.

He noticed that his face seemed visibly thinner as a result of stopping drinking.

“During the first 90 days without alcohol, I went from 96.6 kg (213 lb) to a weight of 88.4 kg (195 lb), a total loss of 8.2 kg (18 lb) with an increase in strength and overall fitness,” John said.

‘The transformation in those 90 days was incredible. I lost weight, felt more energetic, slept better, made better decisions and felt calmer.’

John’s healthy day on a plate.

BREAKFAST: eggs and avocado

LUNCH: grilled chicken sandwich

DINNER: Steak and roasted vegetables

SNACKS: Fruit, edamame and popcorn.

After completing the challenge, John said he had lost an additional 2.2kg, bringing his total weight down to 86kg (190lb).

In just a few months, he lost a total of 10.4 kg. While the weight loss was not dramatic, John noticed a significant change in his body composition.

In the first three months, he went from a shirt size XL to a large/medium and from a pant size 36/38 to a 34/33.

Not only did she lose weight, but the alcohol-free lifestyle also allowed her to lower her blood pressure, decrease inflammation (including aches and pains), and have clearer skin.

During the challenge, she changed her eating habits by choosing healthier foods.

On a typical day, I would start the day with eggs and avocado for breakfast, enjoy a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch, and end the day with a steak with grilled vegetables for dinner.

I only ate fruit, edamame, and popcorn all day long.

For the first 90 days, he still treated himself to his favorite treats.

“I still treated myself to some candy, but not as much as before,” he said.

‘For me, I mainly focused on successfully managing my alcohol-free lifestyle and that led me to make better diet and nutrition decisions.

“I reduced the amount of sweets and sugar consumption.”

His weekly exercise includes golf, basketball, strength training and cardio.

His weekly exercise includes golf, basketball, strength training and cardio.

John said he would typically follow a 16/8 plan for a week or two at a time, eating only for an eight-hour period, followed by a 16-hour fasting period.

“I also fasted for certain periods of time,” he said.

You would stay hydrated with water after eliminating alcohol and soda.

Now, five years later, he continues to lead a healthier lifestyle.

“I feel healthy and athletic at 59 years old. I feel very good about how I look and feel now,” he said, adding that he has maintained a weight of around 90 kg (200 lb) for the past five years.

‘Both my personal and professional life have improved dramatically. And of course, I still love my life without alcohol. I had to get slightly smaller glasses due to the loss of swelling in my cheeks.

“Everyone compliments me on that: ‘Oh, it looks like you’ve lost weight.’

During her 90-day challenge, she tracked her alcohol-free lifestyle every day.

During her 90-day challenge, she tracked her alcohol-free lifestyle every day.

During her 90-day challenge, she tracked her alcohol-free lifestyle every day.

During her 90-day challenge, she tracked her alcohol-free lifestyle every day.

Between January and March 2019, John took on a 90-day challenge in which he gave up alcohol.

His exercise program still includes basketball, golf, strength training and cardio.

“The other thing I did was start walking, instead of taking a cart, when I played golf,” he said.

For those struggling to lose weight, John said: ‘In my experience, if you currently drink alcohol regularly, stop first.

‘That will lead to increasingly positive momentum, both physically and mentally.

‘For some, this may be temporary, but for me it has been a permanent change in my lifestyle. I have been alcohol-free for almost six years.

‘My keys to success were: getting training, having a community of like-minded people, being accountable for my commitments, having fun, investing in my health and well-being, and spending money because you pay attention to what you pay for.

“The only thing I would have done differently would have been to start earlier.”

He urged everyone to join a group to meet like-minded people who share the same interests and enjoy the activities they do.

“Commit to that group and be responsible for following a regular routine or schedule,” he said.

‘Start slow and work your way up. Consistency is key. Progress over perfection.

He added: “Start now.”

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