Home Life Style How to make your week as productive as possible, living each day according to the planets – by astrologer DAISY FORREST

How to make your week as productive as possible, living each day according to the planets – by astrologer DAISY FORREST

Learning to work with the planets can transform your week, writes astrologer DAISY FORREST

Have you ever wondered why your energy changes so significantly throughout the week?

Some days you don’t feel like tackling tasks and everything seems to be going wrong, while other days you feel like going to the gym, filing your taxes, or having a complicated conversation with your boss.

Before assuming it’s all down to how well you slept the night before, it’s worth taking a look at the impact the planets have on our daily lives.

Because, according to astrology, each day of the week is “ruled” by a different planet (plus the sun or moon) in our solar system, bringing with it its own energies and effects. And for thousands of years, astrology students like me have known how to harness these planetary energies to make the most of their week.

Learning to work with the planets can transform your week, writes astrologer DAISY FORREST

You may scoff, but just look at the names of our days of the week to see how closely related they are to the planets.

Take Monday or “moon day” as an example. The Latin word for “luna” is “luna”, hence Monday is Lundi in French and Lunes in Spanish. Tuesday, which has its origin on Mars, is Mardi in French and Martes in Spanish.

So, from knowing which day is best for an important meeting, to which day is the favorite for a first date or a financial windfall, here’s how learning to work with the planets can transform your week…

Monday – Moon

The Boomtown Rats sang I Don’t Like Mondays, and Monday astrology would agree. Ideally, we would all spend this day at home.

Monday is ruled by the Moon, associated with mothers, homes and comfort. It represents activities carried out at home such as cleaning, baking, taking care of your space and generally being outdoors as little as possible.

Monday also rules our emotions, so it is a good day to call our loved ones, have a therapy session or an intimate meeting with a friend. Any other outlet for your emotions, such as journaling or art, also works with Monday’s energies.

Tuesday – Mars

I consider Tuesdays to be the “real” start to the week.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the planet of physical activity, dynamic action and getting things done. It represents ambition, strength and drive. It’s the best day of the week to do something physically strenuous, whether it’s a session at the gym, helping someone with a move, or running errands.

The planet also represents leadership and power, so this is the day to choose if you are presenting a project at work.

Mars is all about competitiveness and conflict, so use Tuesdays to choose (and win) your battles.

Wednesday – Mercury

Mercury embodies intellectual energy and communication, meaning anything that involves talking to each other gets a harmonious boost on Wednesday.

Work meetings will go very well since everyone will feel able to express their concerns and feel heard. It is a good day for job interviews, new business meetings and the best day to sign contracts. It is also a great day to hold community meetings or neighborhood meetings, as Mercury presides over local networks.

However, too much mercurial energy can result in overthinking, so beware of anxious rumination.

Thursday – Jupiter

Jupiter is perceived as an abundant planet that portends good fortune and is associated with money, so schedule an important appointment, send bills, or buy a scratch card!

As the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter expands everything, including ideas, making it a good day to visualize, manifest, or plan your dream vacation.

The planets in our solar system have a significant impact on our daily lives.

The planets in our solar system have a significant impact on our daily lives.

Jupiter is also associated with higher education, so if you want to learn a foreign language or start an Open University course, this is the day to do it.

However, Jupiter expands indiscriminately, so keep in mind that it can make the good even better or the bad worse.

Friday – Venus

Venus is the planet of love, romance and indulgence. It’s no surprise that many couples view Friday as date night, and all that passionate energy makes it the perfect day for a first date.

But Fridays don’t just feature personal relationships: individual professional meetings also benefit.

Venus also rules beauty and self-care, meaning it’s the best day to schedule a beauty appointment or haircut without risking buyer’s remorse.

Saturday – Saturn

Saturn is the taskmaster of astrology. The planet represents discipline, responsibilities and obligations. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Parkrun, the weekly 5k run or walk event, has taken off thanks to its organization on Saturday mornings.

This day is all about structure and working toward long-term goals, so weekly shopping, meal plans, budgets, classes or workshops, and list-making are best tackled on Saturday.

Sunday – Sun

The Sun is about self-expression, growth, positivity, and finding ways to relax. Think about resting, having a leisurely lunch, and being social. Much better if it involves going out into nature.

Sunday does not contain any dynamic energy: this is a day designed to take things easy. The sun is also associated with joy, so fill your cup for the week ahead with activities that really brighten you up.

  • As told to Samantha Brick

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