Home Tech How to exercise safely during a heat wave

How to exercise safely during a heat wave

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When summer begins with a sweltering heat wave, like Many places will see the year 2024.can pose risks to almost anyone who spends time outdoors, whether they are runners, people who walk or bike to work, outdoor workers, or children playing sports.

Susana Yearginan expert on heat-related illnesses, explains what everyone should think about before spending time outdoors during a heat wave and how to keep yourself and your vulnerable family and friends safe.

What are the risks when exercising outdoors?

The time of day matters if you’re going for a run, or if you’re walking or cycling to work during a heat wave. Early risers or night runners face fewer risks: the sun is not as hot and the air temperature is lower.

But if your normal routine is going for a mid-morning or lunch run, you’ll probably want to reconsider exercising in the heat.

Virtually everywhere in the US, The hottest part of the day is between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.. The body will gain heat from both. air temperature and solar radiation. The ground also heats up, so you’ll feel warmer coming up from the asphalt or grass.

Add moisture to the mixture and that will also affect your body’s ability to dissipate heat through sweat.

Signs of heat illness and what to do.

Photography: Elenabs via Getty Images

Don’t forget that the body too generates internal heat when you’re active, whether it’s running or even mowing the lawn. When it’s hot outside, you increase heat gain through that effort even more. The harder someone runs or cycles, the more heat they generate.

Outdoor workers on farms, construction sites, or even walking dogs often spend more time in the heat and have less flexibility for breaks.

Are our bodies finally adjusting to the summer heat?

Needed about two weeks for a typical person to fully acclimatize to higher temperatures. During that time, your body makes surprising adaptations to withstand the heat.

His sweating rate improves, dissipating heat more effectively. Your plasma volume expands so that there is more blood pumping through your body, so the heart doesn’t have to work as hard. Because your cardiovascular system is more efficient, your body doesn’t get as hot. You also retain salt a little better, which helps you keep water in your body.

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