Home US Horror as Alabama boy, 2, is mauled to death by his neighbor’s husky and German shepherd after he opened the door and entered their outdoor pen: Mom says ‘our world is torn apart’

Horror as Alabama boy, 2, is mauled to death by his neighbor’s husky and German shepherd after he opened the door and entered their outdoor pen: Mom says ‘our world is torn apart’

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Mark Alan Pertain, 2, was fatally mauled by his neighbor's dogs on Friday in a horror attack in New Hope, Alabama.

An Alabama mother shared her heartbreak after her neighbor’s dogs killed her two-year-old son.

Kayla Partain said her youngest son, Mark Alan, was attacked Friday in his neighbor’s yard in New Hope, Alabama, leaving her “completely devastated.”

‘The pain is unreal. I don’t even feel like I’m living reality. “My children’s hearts are so broken,” she said in a tragic Facebook post.

Neighbor Ricky Clark believes the tragic accident occurred after the boy opened his backyard gate alone and insisted his dogs had never hurt anyone before.

Mark Alan Pertain, 2, was fatally mauled by his neighbor's dogs on Friday in a horror attack in New Hope, Alabama.

Mark Alan Pertain, 2, was fatally mauled by his neighbor’s dogs on Friday in a horror attack in New Hope, Alabama.

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1709761639 281 Horror as Alabama boy 2 is mauled to death by

The boy’s grieving mother, Kayla, said she is “completely devastated” by the loss of her son.

Neighbor Ricky Clark said he saw the boy's lifeless body in his garden but was baffled by the attack as his dogs had never hurt anyone in the past.

Neighbor Ricky Clark said he saw the boy's lifeless body in his garden but was baffled by the attack as his dogs had never hurt anyone in the past.

Neighbor Ricky Clark said he saw the boy’s lifeless body in his garden but was baffled by the attack as his dogs had never hurt anyone in the past.

When the fatal attack occurred Friday in Clark’s backyard, he said he was shocked by the wounded father’s bloodcurdling screams from outside his home.

“He was banging on the door really hard and said, ‘It’s my son, it’s my son, I think he might be dead,'” Clark said. WAAY.

He said he ran outside and found the two-year-old “lying on the ground” in front of his dog run, and “he wasn’t moving or anything and the door was open.”

The Madison County Coroner’s Office declared Mark dead at the scene, and Coroner Dr. Tyler Berryhill ruled that he suffered fatal bite wounds.

Clark said he was taken aback by the random attack as he maintains that his two dogs, a Husky and a German Shepherd, have never hurt anyone in the past.

“I couldn’t believe it,” he continued.

“My dogs never go out and bark at anyone or anything… If I had even an inkling that dogs could hurt anyone, I wouldn’t have had them.”

Clark speculated that the attack may have been prompted by the presence of a local bulldog, which he said has been loose in the area recently.

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1709761639 37 Horror as Alabama boy 2 is mauled to death by

Clark said she ran to her yard (pictured) after hearing the boy’s father’s blood-curdling screams, where she found the boy “not moving.”

“There’s a brown bulldog running around the neighborhood, and it was running around the yard,” he said, adding that seeing the dog running loose around the neighborhood wasn’t unusual.

“When I boarded my dog, I saw her run out of the yard and I don’t know if it had anything to do with it.”

He felt the boy may have seen the dogs and followed them to his backyard, which was gated but not gated, according to WAF.

“He could have opened the door and that other dog could have come in here with him, and then everyone could have attacked, and he could have been right in the middle of it,” he said.

Clark’s dogs were confiscated by animal control, who told him they would be returned in 10 days.

Mark’s heartbroken mother, Kayla, said the devastating loss is something that will “never get easier,” but said that before the investigation is complete, “it appears as if this was just a very tragic accident with no one to blame.” be considered guilty”.

“Last night our world was completely destroyed,” he wrote on Saturday.

‘I lost my youngest son, my mini me, my Mark Alan. The pain is unreal. I don’t even feel like I’m living reality. “My children’s hearts are very broken.”

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1709761639 745 Horror as Alabama boy 2 is mauled to death by

Mark’s devastated mother said the boy and her other son Cole (pictured together) were “thick as thieves”, and since the tragedy Cole has “asked about him several times a day”.

The grieving mother said her eldest son, Cole, was left heartbroken by the loss of her young son and has not accepted the reality of the tragedy.

On Tuesday, he said in another post that the two young boys had “always been thieves” and had never spent even days apart.

‘Cole has asked about him several times a day. Whether it’s just repeating his name or asking where he is,” she said.

‘It breaks my heart so much. Each time, the whole house falls into a spiral of emotions.’

A family friend has shared a GoFundMe to help the family deal with the financial burden of the loss.

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