Home Australia Harrowing moment a horse is rescued after falling into a Florida pond, before scaring his rescuers by suddenly jumping out of the water.

Harrowing moment a horse is rescued after falling into a Florida pond, before scaring his rescuers by suddenly jumping out of the water.

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A group of brave firefighters rescued an exhausted horse after falling into a retention pond in Florida

A group of brave firefighters rescued an exhausted horse after it fell into a retention pond in Florida.

Deputies with Lacrosse Fire Rescue and Alachua County Fire Rescue received a call about the horse that drowned Tuesday.

The horse, named Dakota, is reportedly 15 years old and appeared exhausted when he was found, according to reports. FOX35.

A video shared by the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office captures the harrowing moment, with firefighters holding the horse’s head above the water as they remove it from the pond.

A group of brave firefighters rescued an exhausted horse after falling into a retention pond in Florida

The horse, named Dakota, is reportedly 15 years old and appeared exhausted when he was found. A video shared by the Alachua County Sheriff's Office captures the harrowing moment, with firefighters holding the horse's head above the water as they remove it from the pond.

The horse, named Dakota, is reportedly 15 years old and appeared exhausted when he was found. A video shared by the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office captures the harrowing moment, with firefighters holding the horse’s head above the water as they remove it from the pond.

Two lifeguards stabilized the horse and kept its head above water, while the rest of the team worked out a rescue plan.

Two lifeguards stabilized the horse and kept its head above water, while the rest of the team worked out a rescue plan.

Two lifeguards stabilized the horse and kept its head above water, while the rest of the team worked out a rescue plan.

Crews were able to create a harness with a six-inch-wide strap, the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office said.

“Once everyone was in position, they pulled the horse to safety using a forward assist technique,” authorities wrote while sharing the video on Facebook.

A board was placed under the horse to help the teams slide it out of the water and onto the grass, as the video shows.

He lay on his side, recovering from the ordeal with a cloth over his eyes after being pulled out.

At one point, the Dakota horse suddenly startled, leaving rescuers startled.

He lay on his side, recovering from the ordeal with a cloth over his eyes after being pulled out.

At one point, the Dakota horse suddenly startled, leaving rescuers surprised.

“Once everyone was in position, they pulled the horse to safety using a forward assist technique,” authorities wrote while sharing the video on Facebook.

Other rescuers can be seen gently stroking the horse on the head and back, trying to comfort it and help it calm down.

Other rescuers can be seen gently stroking the horse on the head and back, trying to comfort it and help it calm down.

It only took a few seconds for the 15-year-old horse to regain strength as he followed the rescuers and walked away from the pond.

‘Let’s get away from that water, friend. There you go,” one person can be heard saying while guiding Dakota.

Other rescuers can be seen gently stroking the horse on the head and back, trying to comfort it and help it calm down.

The crews cheered and applauded as the horse followed their lead and began to walk normally.

“The horse was reunited with its owner and did not appear to have any injuries,” the sheriff’s office wrote.

Residents have since taken to social media to express their gratitude, with one saying: ‘Glad to see this horse back on dry land! Thanks to everyone involved!’

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