Home US Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – October 7, 2024

Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – October 7, 2024

We first glimpsed the far side of the Moon 65 years ago. It's amazing how long something beautiful can remain hidden from our sight.

We first glimpsed the far side of the Moon 65 years ago. It’s surprising how long something beautiful can remain hidden from our sight.

Today, as creative Venus (in Scorpio) links up with mysterious Pluto, we don’t have to launch into space to experience hidden delights.

By taking a closer look at what is happening in our own lives, we will appreciate different qualities and discover creative avenues that have practical applications. There’s a lot to get excited about and it’s right under our noses!

Have you ever wondered what you are really capable of? Do you have talents that you are not using? How much more successful could you be if you understood yourself better?

The answers to these and more questions are also revealed in Your personal profile. It is the unique astrological model of your life. For more information, click here.

Read more MailOnline horoscopes here


March 21 – April 20

Imagine that you are struggling to find someone who can provide you with a specific service. You’ve searched on Google, you’ve asked your friends, but you can’t find exactly what you need. So, ta-dah! Just when you’re about to give up, you stumble upon the right person to do the job. Your need is covered. And you experience a relief that borders on triumph. It’s so satisfying that you’ll almost want to repeat the process, even though it’s totally unnecessary. Resist the temptation to recreate something today. Focus on what is evolving. It’s good.

Discover your inner light, the one that shines no matter the weather in your ‘Guide to the Future‘.


April 21 – May 21

No wonder you feel furious. One aspect of your world seems to involve a series of ridiculous demands on your time and (silly) avoidable situations. When you try to inject a note of sanity, someone goes out of their way to drive you crazy again. Oh! If you want to change the dynamic, you must stay calm. If you show your frustration, you will lose sight of your goal and increase confusion. Your ruler’s link to Pluto allows you to find a clear path forward. If you follow it, other people will notice. And the change will begin.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favor right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you were waiting for. A personal birth chart report will tell you what is really possible… and when… and how. Discharge yours now!

We first glimpsed the far side of the Moon 65 years ago. It’s amazing how long something beautiful can remain hidden from our sight.


May 22 – June 22

In ancient times, advisors who offered wisdom to royalty and rulers always included a “fool.” Sometimes his job was to make the King/Queen/General laugh. On other occasions, they were given the task of saying what no one else dared to say. And sometimes, they skillfully imparted knowledge that everyone else had overlooked. Your sense of humor is key to resolving a situation today. You have information that others will benefit from knowing. And if you share it in a fun way, no one’s ego will be damaged.

Now, do you want to know more about what is going to happen to you, when it is going to happen and why? Get a complete and ‘scarily accurate’ horoscope birth chart report and you’ll find out. Download your Natal Chart report here!


June 23 – July 23

That topic that seems problematic? If you look closer, you will see that it is a cosmic gift. So do celestial beings have a crazy sense of humor? At all! They know exactly what you need. This is not some kind of punishment for a past misdemeanor. No. You are not being judged; you are misjudging what is unfolding in your world. If today you feel that you deserve it and know that you are entitled to the best, you will be able to turn what you perceive as a difficulty into an opportunity to harness your power. And with that attitude you can fly.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favor right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you were waiting for. A personal birth chart report will tell you what is really possible… and when… and how. Discharge yours now!


July 24 – August 23

What is the big problem? That’s up to you to decide! It’s what you choose to do that’s problematic. Unless, of course, someone has gotten there first, created a mountain out of a molehill, and told you that you are responsible for addressing this huge problem. In which, you have a lot of work ahead of you. You won’t easily convince them that they have misinterpreted the signals and that what seems important is actually trivial. So don’t waste your time trying. As long as you know it’s not a big deal, you’ll be able to deal with it easily.

Would you like to be able to develop more of your potential? A personal profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!


August 24 – September 23

You are confused about the answer to a question. Which is so unusual that it throws you into a cloud of doubt. But maybe you don’t understand it because you’re asking the wrong question. If you look for an explanation, you will find it. But if you’re frustrated with yourself, you need to change your approach. Through a process of self-examination, you can discover why you don’t understand. And by being prepared to accept alternative solutions, you will gain information that will allow you to move forward and feel much better.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favor right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you were waiting for. A personal birth chart report will tell you what is really possible… and when… and how. Discharge yours now!


September 24 – October 23

It’s hard to believe, but some mountains get bigger year after year. Everest, for example, gains five centimeters a year. One wonders who is taking the measures. Does it involve a team of climbers and lots of long tape measures? Sometimes we just have to accept the facts, no matter how absurd they may seem. But not always. Today, as your ruler, Venus, links with mysterious Pluto, if a tidbit of information sounds strange, it’s worth investigating. Just because someone thinks a problem is getting worse doesn’t mean it is.

Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your next year’s chart. Now! Click here!

Today, as creative Venus (in Scorpio) links up with mysterious Pluto, we don't have to launch into space to experience hidden delights.

Today, as creative Venus (in Scorpio) links up with mysterious Pluto, we don’t have to launch into space to experience hidden delights.


October 24 – November 22

Since Venus is in your sign and is linked to your ruler, Pluto, let’s test your intuition. I’m going to toss a coin and you tell me which side is up when it lands. Ready? OK… Is it heads or tails? You’re right! Let’s try again. Correct! Shall we try a third turn? Wow! Don’t doubt your abilities today. Your finely tuned perception is sharper than usual. However, instead of wasting it on silly games, direct this energy toward figuring out how to fulfill a long-cherished dream. With this level of knowledge, you can take steps to achieve it.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favor right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you were waiting for. A personal birth chart report will tell you what is really possible… and when… and how. Discharge yours now!


November 23 – December 21

When we are worried, anxious, or fearful, we rarely (if ever) make logical, sensible decisions. Extreme positive emotions (like passion) also make it difficult. A good choice requires a certain degree of detachment; We need our intellect to engage. The problem is that unless we give ourselves time to properly evaluate what is happening, our minds try to justify heart-driven explanations and justifications. With Venus connecting with mysterious Pluto, be wary of anyone who claims to be speaking complete common sense today. And that includes you!

Reveal today the astrological secrets of the coming year. For a complete set of totally personal predictions. discharge “Your guide to the future.”


December 22 – January 20

We live on a rotating ball of rock that is not entirely spherical. It also doesn’t follow an absolutely circular orbit around the Sun. So even when its inhabitants feel like they’re going around in circles, those circles are never perfect. Thank God for that! We often feel like we are repeating patterns; but there are always crucial differences. They may be minor, but they are important. Don’t assume you know exactly what the current situation can teach you. Under these magical skies, the rewards will surprise you (in a good way).

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favor right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you were waiting for. A personal birth chart report will tell you what is really possible… and when… and how. Discharge yours now!


January 21 – February 19

Some things are undeniably difficult. Others are undeniably simple. But determining which category things fall into is not as simple as we would like. The conundrum he faces is so complex that he is tempted to seek advice from someone who should know what is going on. But don’t do it. There is a chance that they have a vested interest in your choice and add to your confusion. If you want to decide what to do, take advantage of your own resources. Under these skies, your mind is more than capable of making the right decision.

Do you want to know what next year has in store for us? Let me calculate your complete personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!


February 20 – March 20

Our sense of self-importance doesn’t always work in our favor. Sometimes it comes between us and what we want most. It convinces us that we want something more than our heart’s deepest desire; our dignity. And we will do everything we can (including denying ourselves the chance to fulfill our dreams) to preserve it. So today it is worth considering what your dignity means to you. Is it coloring your judgment? By taking an honest assessment of where you are and what you want, you can tap into some cosmic magic.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favor right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you were waiting for. A personal birth chart report will tell you what is really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now!

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