Home Australia Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – March 29, 2024

Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – March 29, 2024

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Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that although the powerful planet Mars and lucky Jupiter encourage us to pursue dreams, our energy and enthusiasm must be well directed.

50 years ago today, a group of farmers, who were digging a well, discovered The Terracotta Army. I hope this bodes well for the weekend’s Easter egg hunt; perhaps there are other gifts to be found (besides chocolate!).

But although the powerful planet Mars and lucky Jupiter encourage us to pursue dreams, our energy and enthusiasm must be well directed.

This is not the time to embark on useless searches. It is by investing in projects and people we care about that treasures can be discovered.

Do you need to know more? These eerily accurate birth charts, based on your unique birth locations, will tell you everything you need to know. Simply enter your birth information and receive a completely personal message. personal birth chart made just for you.

Read more MailOnline horoscopes.


March 21 – April 20

From turning down the heat to recycling our clothes, we do everything we can to save energy. But no one mentions the amount of time we spend worrying unnecessarily. Think how much better the world would be if we invested all that energy into thinking positive thoughts! As your ruler, Mars, links up with lucky Jupiter, focus less on what you need to cut back on and more on your right to be happy. Under the weekend sky, your ability to think positively has powerful consequences.

Get your chart worked out and then look at where the planets are right now, where they will be, and how they will affect you in the future. Click here!

Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that although the powerful planet Mars and lucky Jupiter encourage us to pursue dreams, our energy and enthusiasm must be well directed.

Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that although the powerful planet Mars and lucky Jupiter encourage us to pursue dreams, our energy and enthusiasm must be well directed.


April 21 – May 21

When we find ourselves dealing with disconcerting people (or situations), it’s easy to blame ourselves (or someone/anyone else!). But suppose we could take a more philosophical approach? Not only do you have the potential to do great things and be a great person, but you are already doing great things and are a great person. The problem with being ambitious is that obstacles that less focused people would barely notice frustrate you. Think big this weekend. You are receiving the power to succeed.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly Click here.


May 22 – June 22

What if you give yourself permission to enjoy this weekend? Even if there is so much going on that you feel overwhelmed, what would happen if you made an effort and focused on the positive? Surely there is nothing to lose by prioritizing anything that seems hopeful. As a way to establish a positive outlook, it’s hard to think of a better way to respond to the complexities you face. Give it a try. You’ll find that you can access a mindset from which you can make valuable decisions (including having fun).

A portal of possibilities is now open. Do not be late. Click here to order your birth chart and alter your destiny.


June 23 – July 23

When we only have minor problems to solve, our imagination tends to spring into action. It exalts small problems disproportionately. Or it takes us on a tangent, giving us new difficulties to consider. Since your imagination is powerful, it is good at making mountains out of grains of sand. On the contrary, when one is faced with an important problem, accepting the challenge is rewarding. If you check if your current worries are real, you will see that they are. This are good news. This weekend, you will be able to deal with them easily.

Finally, if you want good news, give me your date and place of birth and I will tell you all the good things that await you. you read Guide to the future horoscope now.


July 24 – August 23

The future is calling you. So should you heed his call? Suppose he has created a fantastic idea that will take you down the garden path? You better pack your outdoor shoes and get ready for a hike! This adventure must be accepted and undertaken with enthusiasm. So feel free to ignore the negative perspective other people are trying to impose on you this weekend. And accept this invitation. It comes from a good place. And if you think you don’t deserve it, you’re wrong! Rewards (and fun times) await you.

If you give me your date, place and time of birth… then I will tell you what the planets say about you and your future. Learn more


August 24 – September 23

I saw a statistic that says we are more likely to be abducted by aliens than to win the jackpot. Hmmm…does that mean aliens are definitely real? Do the people who came up with this have proof? Maybe these statisticians came from another planet? How else could they be so sure? That crazy dream you’ve been trying to let go of? Is it as silly as hoping to win the lottery? No! It’s not that far-fetched. This weekend, if you work towards what you want, you have an excellent chance of achieving it.

Now please read on because if you haven’t yet had a full reading of your personal chart, calculated from your date of birth, you’re missing out. Change your future. Click here!


September 24 – October 23

What if you could levitate? Or materialize (and dematerialize) at will? Think of the fun you could have! Traffic congestion? No problem. Queues? Same. Long distance airfares? A thing of the past. But there may be some problems along the way. Imagine, for example, if your body arrived a few minutes before your clothes? That wouldn’t be good. Even the most desirable dreams have hidden drawbacks. This weekend a fantastic probability becomes possible. You just need to be sure it’s what you really want.

PS: Your complete personal horoscope reveals surprising secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in surprisingly precise detail. Be wise. Order now! Click here!


October 24 – November 22

If you’re wondering what you’re supposed to do with your time on planet Earth, read on: Your mission is to learn to spell. It is vital that you can place the letters in the correct order. Another important task is to experience the right amount of stress. Since there is a lot around, you must be responsible for your part. If you choose to relax instead of doing the above, what will the world come to? I’m joking, of course! The truth is that when we take care of ourselves, others follow our example. And that’s good news for everyone.

Oh, one more thing before I let you get back to the rest of the Internet. It’s a wild world out there. Arm yourself with a reading of your complete personal chart and you will be better equipped in almost every way. Click here!

Oscar says that it is by investing in projects and people that matter to us that treasures can be discovered.

Oscar says that it is by investing in projects and people that matter to us that treasures can be discovered.

Oscar says that it is by investing in projects and people that matter to us that treasures can be discovered.


November 23 – December 21

What would have a significant, positive impact on your world? What do you really need? How attainable are your dreams? It’s worth taking the time to carefully consider your answer to these questions because, as we all know, we need to be careful what we wish for. And under this weekend’s encouraging cosmic weather, with your ruler, lucky Jupiter, in the spotlight, your wishes are being heard. If you’re not sure you’re asking for the right thing, ask for clarity. Then you can take a step forward, with confidence, towards success.

To get an instant, in-depth and totally personal reading of your birth chart based on your date of birth and covering the next three, six or twelve months, Click here.


December 22 – January 20

What prevents you from moving forward and fulfilling a dream? What is restricting your progress? Would narrowing your vision and resetting your expectations put you on a more realistic path? The obstacles you face exist for a reason. Or they are beneficial because they force you to follow a specific course. Or they are fulfilling a self-imposed prophecy based on their sense of entitlement. Don’t you deserve to continue with your plans? This weekend, if you’re willing to explore a challenge, the door will open to an exciting option.

That was his last prediction. This is a message about the next phase of your life. If you approach it, armed with a complete and personal horoscope reading, it could make a big difference! Click here!


January 21 – February 19

Although you may feel bewildered and confused, there is no big puzzle to solve. Actually, the problem you are facing is because the problem you are facing is too simple. In some ways, it would be easier if it were more complicated; At least then, you can look for a broader perspective. Or look for other options you should consider. But the truth is that you have the measure of this. You know what needs to be done to get the result you want. So…what’s stopping you? This weekend is time for action. Don’t keep putting it off!

To truly understand who you are and where your life is headed, you need a complete horoscope chart. These graphics are about you! So change your life for the better and get an incredibly accurate personal reading… Download yours now!


February 20 – March 20

With Venus nearing the end of its stay in Pisces, the weekend is a good time to consider its impact. It’s an opportunity to appreciate her creativity and take advantage of the additional resources presented to you. You now have reasons to be grateful. If you recognize them, more reasons will be presented to you. With your inner glow, you are attracting people into your world who will appreciate and support you. It is by trusting the energy that comes to you now that you can maximize the good fortune that awaits you.

Love? Money? Career? Welfare? Whatever your question, you’ll find information and advice in your complete personal birth chart. Invest in a report that could change your entire life for the better, based on the exact details of your birth. Click here Learn more.

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