My son and I just completed a virtual tour of the pyramids. It was fascinating and fun, but I miss not experiencing the physicality.
For all the talk about the ‘metaverse’ and virtual reality headsets, there’s no escaping the fact that the digital landscape feels lonely.
Today, quirky Uranus encourages reality-based advancements. The most exciting future is the one we can reach out to and touch.
Read more MailOnline horoscopes.
March 21 – April 20
We’re supposed to leave the past behind. But wouldn’t it be more prudent to put it in front? If we could keep that in mind, you might find it harder to twist and change based on our current circumstances. It’s strange how quickly our perception of historical events, relationships, adventures, and misadventures alters depending on our mood. Your story is in the process of being rewritten. As you discover that you haven’t gone through what you think you have, you will realize that you are in a much better place than you thought.
How can you stay focused and happy? Their detailed forecasts contain the advice you need.
Oscar Cainer: Today, peculiar Uranus encourages reality-based advancements. The most exciting future is the one we can reach out to and touch.
April 21 – May 21
You’ve seen an opening. An opportunity has appeared. At the moment, you’re not sure where it will take you and what to do to make the most of it. That’s why you’re investing time and energy into preparing for your trip. You are ensuring that you are equipped with all the resources that may be necessary. However, the windows of opportunity are not necessarily large. And you’ve packed the psychological equivalent of an oversized travel bag. What you really need is confidence. The rest you can leave behind. Get underway!
For great tips to guide you through the twists and turns that await you.
May 22 – June 22
The idea of change is exciting. But only if it is the right exchange rate. Even if it’s positive and should have been done a long time ago, we don’t want to be overwhelmed by its speed. Feeling like we’re out of control, unable to decide where we’re going, isn’t much fun. We want to have our hands on the wheel and access the brakes. But could you be slowing down a process that has the potential to transform your world? Relax today. You are on the right path, heading to a great destination. The sooner you arrive, the better.
There is no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your detailed forecasts can help you at
June 23 – July 23
You are starting to become more aware of problems that you were not aware of before. It’s not just that you’re discovering useful information, but you’re seeing with new eyes, which means you’re looking at your life and perceiving things differently. Something you’ve been looking for has been hidden in plain sight. It’s been there all along. Although this is a little disconcerting, it is excellent news. Once you get past the element of surprise, you’ll see it as a gift. You can stop looking for something you thought you were missing and start working.
What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? Check your detailed forecasts at
July 24 – August 23
Self-discipline deserves praise. Self-denial deserves disapproval. It is one thing to be able to moderate our behavior and another to think that we are not worthy of something. You are questioning your motivation and it makes you doubt yourself. But as long as you don’t engage in actions that are harmful to yourself (or anyone else), you should stop thinking and start acting. They are offering you an opportunity. If you take it, you will improve your status and social life. You have every right to this. Go!
Curious to know more? There is always valuable news in your in-depth forecasts on
August 24 – September 23
Why go to the trouble of researching something thoroughly when you can make a quick decision? Surely you have enough evidence: since other people are determined to share their opinions with you, why can’t you just trust what they say and take action? However, you are an intuitive Virgo. And even though all the information you receive points in one direction, you can’t help but have a hunch that it doesn’t point in the right direction. Your powers of discrimination are at their peak right now. Follow your instinct. You’re right.
Success is about attitude and timing. Their detailed forecasts show the way to positive change. Visit
September 24 – October 23
If we take the time to study a beautiful flower, it is possible, if we wish, to find flaws in it. We can criticize anything. Even perfect plans have flaws. Every positive contains a negative. But what happens if we take a critical view of the human tendency to be critical? That can be a game changer! It makes us aware of our power to make ourselves feel better (or worse) depending on our attitude. Today brings a choice. You can consider your current situation as problematic or as full of potential. Choose the last option.
You have a lot to wait for. The inspiration you need is in your in-depth forecasts at
October 24 – November 22
Psychologists say we all fall into behavioral patterns. If, for example, we have been bullied, we are more likely to attract more of that discomfort into our world. But there are ways to free ourselves from any unwanted cycles we face. It begins by refusing to accept anything as “inevitable.” Once we decide to let go of those types of negative expectations, life has a way of responding by presenting us with the opposite. With a change of attitude today, you will welcome a well-deserved gift.
Knowledge is power. Find out how to make the most of your astrological assets at

Oscar tells those born under Pisces that with Venus, the planet of love and pleasure in their sign, if they hope for the best, they will be delighted with whatever life has in store for them.
November 23 – December 21
You are not someone who gives up easily. You like challenges. So, just because you’re dealing with a situation that feels unfair doesn’t mean you’re going to abandon all hope and go back into hiding… right? Do not do that! This inspiring cosmic climate provides opportunities to instigate change. You can change something in a way that works in your favor. It’s time to gather your optimism and apply your energy. Once you have found a way to address this problem, the path to progress will be clear.
What’s in heaven for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For good news, check out their detailed forecasts at
December 22 – January 20
Imagine that you are walking around the city with a friend. You’re distracted by something, and when you’re done being distracted, you turn to talk to them, but they’ve disappeared. So, head out to find them. Meanwhile, they return to the place where they last saw you; but you are not there. Oh. Similarly, you are searching for something that is searching for you. You think you know where it is. But you’re looking in the wrong place. And that makes it difficult for him to find you. Relax today. You will allow a natural process to develop.
Make the most of your opportunities. Your in-depth forecast has inspiring news at
January 21 – February 19
Since people say the dumbest things, it’s no wonder we can’t always believe what we hear. But we must be careful what we discard. Just because something sounds ridiculous or is presented in a way that’s easy to dismiss doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain useful information. It is worth considering something that today sounds incredible or too good to be true. Question whoever is speaking. And question your answer. With your ruler in such a strong position, something silly might be exactly what you’re looking for.
Transform your life! To move in a positive direction, there is good news when you visit
February 20 – March 20
Would you like something delicious to happen? I hope his answer is “Yes.” I’m not trying to alert you to the possibility of this happening so that you’ll be on your guard and stop it. Why wouldn’t you want it? Unless, of course, you prefer to keep your expectations low to avoid disappointment. But there is no need for that. Feel free to dream big today. With Venus, the planet of love and pleasure in your sign, if you hope for the best, you will be delighted with whatever life has in store for you. Positive thoughts can be transformed into positive realities.
For tips to guide you through the twists and turns ahead, check out their detailed forecasts at