Courage comes in different forms. There is the classic general type demonstrated by George Washington (who was brave in battle). But there is another; It allows us to express our feelings.
As a former army captain who sings love ballads, James Blunt (who, like George, has a birthday today) straddles these worlds.
As Venus and Mars link, the struggle to be different and authentic will gain admiration.
Read more MailOnline horoscopes.
March 21 – April 20
A boat will be of no use to you if you are trying to get somewhere and you don’t have access to the sea. And if you are in the middle of the ocean there is no point in having a car. Vehicles that operate in both environments are often uncomfortable; You don’t want to travel long distances in one. Since you are trying to find the best way to approach the journey you face, it would be helpful for you to evaluate the territory you are heading into. If you hope to get to your destination quickly, make sure you have the knowledge you need.
The Full Moon highlights dynamic changes. Your future has enormous potential. Visit
Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that courage comes in different forms. There is the classic general type demonstrated by George Washington (who was brave in battle). But there is another; It allows us to express our feelings.
April 21 – May 21
If you wave an imaginary wand and say some magic words, what can you manifest? Well… it depends on what you say (and who is listening). You may not be a magician, but there are some words, when spoken into the right ear, that will provoke an immediate and delicious response. With just one hint, you can be sure to get the reaction you want. And if you touch on a sensitive topic, you can be sure that you will suffer an inflammatory reaction. You are dealing with someone sensitive today. So choose your words carefully.
Wonderful opportunities arise as the Full Moon energizes your life. Visit
May 22 – June 22
It’s not easy for any of us to make difficult decisions. And we all have our ways of dealing with them. Some people choose to be indecisive. They believe that if they delay making a decision, things will work themselves out. Other people think that if they don’t make a decision quickly, they will miss an opportunity. They tend to decide, move forward with what happens and never look back. Whichever method you choose to use today, rest assured that your judgment is good. As long as you follow your instincts, you will have nothing to regret.
This week brings a powerful Full Moon. To create the change you want, visit
June 23 – July 23
It would be helpful if you could find out who supports you. It would also be helpful to know who to trust. And it would be nice to find a way to satisfy your most urgent need. But suppose you can’t find the answers to these questions? Does that automatically mean you have to move forward alone? Or that you are unable to solve your current problem? No. Everyone experiences moments of indecision and uncertainty. As your ruler, the Moon, becomes full, it brings confidence. Your perspective is brilliant.
How will the Full Moon transform your life? There is inspiring news when you visit
July 24 – August 23
Somewhere on this ball of rock is there someone better than you? Are they more worthy of cosmic blessings? Do you really need to settle for second best? I hope your answer to these questions is a resounding ‘no’! You may not be the most powerful or the richest person, but these are not the criteria we should use to judge people’s merits. And just because lions are jungle royalty doesn’t mean they don’t feel vulnerable sometimes. You need to set your expectations high. The next Full Moon brings a well-deserved reward.
The Full Moon brings powerful positive change! For great news about your future, visit
August 24 – September 23
When you arrived on planet Earth, you broke the mold. Which explains why sometimes you feel like no one knows how to handle you. And why people sometimes assume you’re completely normal! They are simply trying to apply the rules they follow to you. You can’t blame them for this. It’s just that since they aren’t particularly notable, they don’t expect you to be. The problem is that sometimes you forget your uniqueness and doubt your abilities. Don’t do that today. Anything that intimidates you is manageable.
The Full Moon suggests that good times are ahead. For more information, visit
September 24 – October 23
If you were an owl, a bat or a hedgehog, you would only come out at night. If you were a butterfly, a bee, or a squirrel, you would find a place to rest when the sun began to set. We humans are lucky to have the ability to set our biological clocks so that we can adapt and appreciate 24 hours a day. In your current world, you are dealing with a two-sided situation. Only one side attracts you. But the other side has its positive aspects. If you open your mind to its full potential, you will have a much more satisfying and complete experience.
Find out why this week’s Full Moon is so magical for you. Visit
October 24 – November 22
We may not be performers on stage, but the song ‘There’s No Business Like Showbiz’ still resonates. The lyrics explain how, despite various challenges, artists must find ways to “keep the show going.” Sounds familiar? You’re perfectly capable of cracking a smile (even when it’s the last thing you feel like doing). But is that appropriate at this time? We often feel pressured to act; look our best and appear prosperous, no matter how we feel. Don’t be afraid to be honest today. You will be surprised by the support you will receive.
The Full Moon brings the key to the future you dream of. To get the information you need, visit

As Venus (pictured) and Mars link, the struggle to be different and authentic will gain admiration.
November 23 – December 21
We know that there are always (at least) two sides to every story. And different ways of seeing any situation. But when we are in the middle of something complicated we tend to see things only from our perspective. The ability to step back and make an objective evaluation is a skill. And sometimes, we only access it when we begin to doubt things that previously seemed obvious. Indecision is uncomfortable… but it is not a weakness. It can be a sign of wisdom. Don’t accept an easy answer today. Question what you see before making a decision.
Maximize the energy of the Full Moon! For his latest forecasts, visit
December 22 – January 20
If we do not have the freedom to make mistakes, we do not have true freedom. I am paraphrasing Gandhi because, like the great peacemaker who campaigned against injustice, one feels the need to support someone who seems to have no voice and is being judged. You’ve heard the story about him. And you know it’s more complicated than it seems. Just rest assured that he is not making a mistake. By showing compassion, in your own way, you are making the world a better place. Have courage in your convictions.
The Full Moon brings positive changes! Know more! Visit
January 21 – February 19
You are returning to a place you thought you would never return to. It is not a physical place; it is much more likely to be an emotional state of mind. This is someone with whom you once had nothing in common. And that’s putting it mildly! You seemed to have completely opposite points of view. However, you are now in a more powerful position. So how are you going to handle this? Are you going to go out, all guns blazing, to set them straight? I hope not! If you use your power to influence them, you will find them surprisingly cooperative.
The Full Moon can transform your world. For valuable keys of the week, visit
February 20 – March 20
Just because other people don’t see things the way you do doesn’t mean they’re right. Quite the opposite. A combination of sensitivity and creativity allows you to notice subtleties that they do not notice. His ability to capture moods allows him to skillfully (and accurately) summarize situations; With just a hint, you can discern relevant information. Your skills can be used to great effect today. Just don’t expect your revelations to be understood instantly. Take your time and you will get the understanding you need.
Get ready for a special moment! The Full Moon brings exciting opportunities. Visit