A Hooters girl who was pulled over for driving under the influence was caught on bodycam footage trying to flirt and flash her way out of a traffic stop in Florida.
Sophia Ross, 22, of Sarasota, was pulled over for a traffic stop on Nov. 17 after another driver called 911 to report that the waitress had gone several curbs and stopped at green lights, according to an affidavit reviewed by DailyMail.com.
The witness then decided to follow Ross before driving to her car, where he discovered “the driver appeared to be asleep,” records show.
When Sarasota Police Department officers arrived on the scene, they found Ross who appeared to still be sleeping before she “woke up and began driving” toward the police car, “struck” the vehicle.
The officers then approached Ross’ car and put the vehicle in park while she “moved slowly and acted lethargic,” before attempting to charm one of the officers who repeatedly called them “dad,” according to the now-viral footage obtained Through WFTV.
When asked to perform a field sobriety test, Ross, who had an alleged blood alcohol level of .318 — more than four times the legal driving limit — told the officer, “I’ll do anything for you, Dad.”
‘God damn it. You in that suit. I would do anything for you,” she added before lifting her sweatshirt and moving her chest towards the officer’s bodycam after being told she was being recorded.
Sophia Ross, 22, of Sarasota, was pulled over for a traffic stop on Nov. 17 after another driver called 911 to report that the waitress had hit several curbs and stopped at green lights.

While one of the officers tried to get her to take a field sobriety test, Ross continually flirted with him and at one point even lifted her sweatshirt to reveal her chest (pictured)
After asking Ross where she was from, one of the officers appeared to belch and said he was “drinking a fizzy drink.”
‘Oh! What were you drinking?’ she asked him, slurring her words and hanging on the door of her car.
After the officer told her he had drunk a Celsius energy drink, he and his partner walked Ross across the street as she stumbled and tried to hold on to a street pole.
As authorities continued to question her, Ross joked about the officer drinking an energy drink before her arrest.
“Hey, you drank a carbonated drink. You were drinking a carbonated drink, and you’re going to try me?’” she asked an officer.
She then continued to whine about how she had to pee while the officers remained calm and told her they were “investigating a DUI.”
Ross subsequently refused to take DUI tests, saying, “I literally drink and I’m not going to drive,” despite being stopped by police moments earlier after driving.

When asked to perform a field sobriety test, Ross (pictured), who had an alleged blood alcohol level of .318 – more than four times the legal driving limit – told the officer: “I’ll do anything for you, Dad.”

Ross refused to take the field sobriety test, but cooperated with officers as they handcuffed her at the scene
“But you were already driving, that’s the problem,” an officer responded.
“I wasn’t,” she replied quickly. ‘No, I wasn’t. No, I wasn’t.’
She then tried to suggest that officers had not stopped her in the middle of the road, even though the officers were pointing at the cars.
“Where do you think you are now?” an officer asked her.
“I’m in Gulf Gate,” she replied. “No, you’re miles from Gulf Gate,” an officer told her.
She continued to protest what had happened, appearing to clasp her hands together and make a gun with her fingers, pointing at the police.
Ross and the two officers soon moved to the other side of the street so she could perform her tests.
One of the officers then told his partner to turn off the car’s lights while he tried to get Ross to cooperate.
As he did so, the 22-year-old told him, “We’re going to make out here,” as the officer quickly replied, “No, we’re not.”
The officer, doing his best to remain professional, could be heard chuckling occasionally as Ross continued her flirtatious comments.
“Would you like to try doing this first exercise for me?” the officer asked her, and she called him “Daddy” and said she would “do anything” for him.

Ross was charged with driving under the influence with a BAC over .15. She also had slurred speech, bloodshot eyes and unsteady feet, according to a report from a breath test operator

She pleaded not guilty to the drunken driving charge and was released on $500 bond, records show
Ross apologized before walking closer to the officer and saying, “Dude, why are you drunk testing me?” You know I’m drunk. Why are you doing this to me?’
He then told her that he and his partner should ‘try’ to get her to complete the tests, as she shut him down, saying: ‘So you’re going to get drunk, and then fuck me, right?’ asked seductively.
One of the officers then helped her start the tests as she said: ‘I can’t keep my hands off him, sorry.’
“Unfortunately, you’re going to have to,” the officer told her as she said, “I can’t do it, buddy.”
He then handed her a piece of paper that she thought was a quote as she began cursing at the officer before returning to flirting.
‘F*** bro! God damn it brother! Is this your phone number?’ she asked, as the officer said, ‘No, it’s empty.’
Ross then begged the other officer to write his partner’s phone number on the piece of paper.
They then told her she was being recorded as Ross told an officer to hold the piece of paper while she pushed her face into the lens.
‘I’m going to talk to the camera. I’ll talk to the camera,” she said.
“You’re the one taking me home, right?” Ross asked one of the officers, before adding, “I want you!”

Ross appeared in court for her hearing on December 16 and is expected back for her pre-trial hearing on Thursday
She then revealed her Hooters tank top under her shirt, moved her chest towards the camera and said, “See this? I wear contact lenses.’
The officer quickly warned her that the footage is public, but Ross didn’t seem to care.
“Everyone can see that… mom, dad, grandma, family,” he said. “I just want you to…”
“Do you think I care?” Ross replied.
Ross refused to complete the field sobriety test, but did cooperate with officers as they placed her in handcuffs at the scene.
After about 30 minutes, the officers placed Ross in their squad car as she continued to say, “I have to pee, guys.”
Ross was charged with driving under the influence with a BAC over .15. She also had slurred speech, bloodshot eyes and unsteady feet, according to a report from a breath test operator.
She pleaded not guilty to the drunken driving charge and was released on $500 bond, records show.
Ross appeared in court for her arraignment hearing on December 16 and is expected back on Thursday for her pre-trial hearing.