Home Australia Hobart, Tasmania: Why these world-famous Picasso paintings were hung in MONA women’s toilets after court decision to allow men into women-only exhibition

Hobart, Tasmania: Why these world-famous Picasso paintings were hung in MONA women’s toilets after court decision to allow men into women-only exhibition

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Picasso art now hangs in the women's toilets (pictured) at Hobart's MONA, after its Ladies Lounge was closed following losing a discrimination ruling.

World-famous artworks by Picasso were hung in women’s toilets after a court ruled that men were allowed access to a women-only exhibition.

TasmaniaHobart’s Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) had been displaying the artworks in the Ladies Lounge, a women-only area and exhibition.

The space was created by artist Kirsha Kaechele, wife of MONA’s billionaire owner David Walsh, and opened in 2020.

The salon was created just for women as an artistic statement about the fact that women have historically been excluded from public places, and Kaechele wanted men to have a similar experience.

The artist said that “the rejection of men is a very important part of the artwork” and that the women’s room is “exciting, fun, exciting… it’s naughty.”

But in April, the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT) ruled the Ladies Lounge was discriminatory after a man made a complaint.

Jason Lau said that when he visited MONA in 2023, he wasn’t told he couldn’t enter the women-only exhibit.

TASCAT Vice President Richard Grueber said in his ruling that he was “not satisfied that the discrimination experienced by Mr. Lau is designed to promote equal opportunities for women.”

Picasso art now hangs in the women’s toilets (pictured) at Hobart’s MONA, after a Ladies Lounge exhibition was closed following a discrimination ruling by the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Women can now exclusively see Picasso paintings (pictured) when they visit the museum's bathroom

Women can now exclusively see Picasso paintings (pictured) when they visit the museum’s bathroom

Grueber gave the museum 28 days to begin allowing men into the exhibit, but the Ladies Lounge has been closed since then.

On Monday, Kaechele posted a video instagram account that displays some of the artwork that was originally in the Ladies Lounge and now adorns the walls of the bathroom stalls.

‘A new exhibition at Mona. For ladies only…” she wrote.

‘(We’d never had women’s bathrooms at Mona before, they were all unisex. But then the Ladies Lounge had to close thanks to a lawsuit brought by a man. And I just didn’t know what to do with all those Picassos…).

Hobart's Museum of Old and New Art has closed its 'Ladies Lounge' after a Sydney man who was refused entry took it to court claiming it was discriminatory. The salon's creator, Kirsha Kaechele, is pictured on the left.

The Ladies Lounge at MONA was created just for women as an artistic statement about the historical exclusion of women from public places, and Kirsha Kaechele (pictured, left) wanted men to have a similar experience.

‘We will reopen the Hall as a church/school/boutique glamping accommodation/facilities/etc. under Section 26 of the Anti-Discrimination Act, but in the meantime, enjoy! (ladies).’

Section 26 of the Tasmanian Discrimination Act 1998 allows a person to discriminate against another in a way that “promotes equality of opportunity for a group of people who are disadvantaged or have a special need because of a prescribed attribute” .

Mr Lau objected to this legal defense by the Ladies Lounge, saying that Section 26 “was designed to allow positive discrimination and not negative discrimination”.

“This exhibition is clearly designed to turn away all men… I would say it is not in the spirit of section 26,” he said.

In the April ruling, the museum was given 28 days to begin allowing men into the Ladies Lounge, but instead it was closed and some of the artwork was moved to the women's bathrooms (in the photo).

In the April ruling, the museum was given 28 days to begin allowing men into the Ladies Lounge, but instead it was closed and some of the artwork was moved to the women’s bathrooms (in the photo).

Artist Kirsha Kaechele, wife of MONA's billionaire owner David Walsh, opened Ladies Lounge in 2020 (pictured, MONA in Hobart)

Artist Kirsha Kaechele, wife of MONA’s billionaire owner David Walsh, opened Ladies Lounge in 2020 (pictured, MONA in Hobart)

After the announcement, the artist’s followers were in favor of moving the Picassos to the bathrooms.

‘Genius. I love your work,” wrote one.

“I love your work and thank you for making art accessible so we can see it this way.” another wrote.

Kaechele announced on May 7 that the museum would appeal TASCAT’s decision to the Supreme Court.

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