Home Australia Heated moment MAFS bride Sara breaks down and storms out after Jayden confronts her about text messages to ex-boyfriend

Heated moment MAFS bride Sara breaks down and storms out after Jayden confronts her about text messages to ex-boyfriend

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Married At First Sight Sara Mesa (pictured) reached boiling point after a tough interrogation by groom Jayden Eynaud and his bride Eden Harper during Feedback Week

Married at First Sight Sara Mesa reached boiling point after a harsh interrogation by groom Jayden Eynaud and his bride Eden Harper during Feedback Week.

Monday’s episode saw the 29-year-old nutritionist open up about her turbulent relationship with husband Tim Calwell.

Sara was grilled about being sincere and honest with her husband before being asked about deleted text messages to her ex.

Eynaud wasted no time asking: ‘Are your ex’s messages still on your phone? And if they are, can Tim see them? And if they’re not, why aren’t they?’

“Um, to be honest, me and my ex didn’t really send a lot of questions back and forth,” Sara answered quickly.

Married at First Sight Sara Mesa (pictured) reached boiling point after a harsh interrogation by groom Jayden Eynaud and his bride Eden Harper during Feedback Week

Married At First Sight Sara Mesa (pictured) reached boiling point after a tough interrogation by groom Jayden Eynaud and his bride Eden Harper during Feedback Week

Monday's episode saw the 29-year-old nutritionist open up about her turbulent relationship with husband Tim Calwell

Monday's episode saw the 29-year-old nutritionist open up about her turbulent relationship with husband Tim Calwell

Monday’s episode saw the 29-year-old nutritionist open up about her turbulent relationship with husband Tim Calwell

‘But there would have been some texts within the last two weeks, 100%. Even if it’s one or two messages, 100 percent there would be messages there,” Jayden asked.

Trying to deflect, Sara mumbled, ‘When, when, when I was, um, when we all met…’

‘Did you delete them? That’s his question,’ asked Jayden’s partner Eden Harper, to which Sara replied: ‘yeah.’

Sara was grilled about whether she was sincere and honest with her husband

Sara was grilled about whether she was sincere and honest with her husband

Sara was grilled about whether she was sincere and honest with her husband

Eynaud wasted no time asking: 'Are your ex's messages still on your phone? And if they are, can Tim see them? And if they're not, why aren't they?'

Eynaud wasted no time asking: 'Are your ex's messages still on your phone? And if they are, can Tim see them? And if they're not, why aren't they?'

Eynaud wasted no time asking: ‘Are your ex’s messages still on your phone? And if they are, can Tim see them? And if they’re not, why aren’t they?’

1710179658 413 Heated moment MAFS bride Sara breaks down and storms out

1710179658 413 Heated moment MAFS bride Sara breaks down and storms out

“Um, to be honest, me and my ex didn’t really send a lot of questions back and forth,” Sara answered quickly

When asked why she deleted them, Sara explained: ‘Because I feel like it’s not, like, I feel like it was literally like we met, but like I don’t feel like there’s a problem.’

Jayden shot back: ‘What about, let’s be honest, you don’t just delete things just to meet. I’ve had guys that I go on dates with that I haven’t seen in ages and it’s just a one time meeting, but I don’t go and delete their messages.

‘So there’s a reason you deleted them and I think we both know what it is. There are obviously things in there that would upset Tim that you don’t want him to see.’

'But there would have been some texts within the last two weeks, 100%. Even if it's one or two messages, 100 percent there would be messages there,” Jayden asked.

'But there would have been some texts within the last two weeks, 100%. Even if it's one or two messages, 100 percent there would be messages there,” Jayden asked.

‘But there would have been some texts within the last two weeks, 100%. Even if it’s one or two messages, 100 percent there would be messages there,” Jayden asked.

Sara then tried to explain that she didn’t want Tim to know the pair were still in touch, knowing how long they’ve been friends.

Mesa then reached boiling point when Jayden continued to accuse her of cheating on her partner Tim with his ex.

“I’m happy to take ownership for what I did and what we’re talking about is me lying about like being with my ex on the weekend,” she shouted.

Mesa then reached boiling point when Jayden continued to accuse her of cheating on her partner Tim with his ex.

Mesa then reached boiling point when Jayden continued to accuse her of cheating on her partner Tim with his ex.

Mesa then reached boiling point when Jayden continued to accuse her of cheating on her partner Tim with his ex.

‘The constant” No. That is not correct. No. I don’t believe you,” Like, at what point is it good enough? … Just let me talk,’ she said in a piece to the camera later.

Seconds after Jayden and Eden left her flat with Tim, Sara broke down and begged producers to ‘please leave me alone’ before announcing she was ‘going’.

An angry and upset Sara then pushed cameras and producers out of the way before she was seen running down the aisle.

Married at First Sight continues on Tuesday at 7.30pm on Channel Nine

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