Home Health HEALTH NOTES: Walkies? Make sure it’s in the morning!

HEALTH NOTES: Walkies? Make sure it’s in the morning!

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Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna studied 26,000 nurses in the US and found that those who got up early to take their dog out saw big improvements in their mood.



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Walking your dog can prevent depression, but only if done in the morning.

Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna studied 26,000 nurses in the United States and found that those who got up early to take their dog out experienced big improvements in their mood.

But walking them only in the afternoon or evening did little to improve the owners’ mental health, the PLOS One journal report found.

Scientists believe that early dog ​​walks, like any walk, help “reset” the human biological clock, which can benefit mental health.

Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna studied 26,000 nurses in the US and found that those who got up early to take their dog out saw big improvements in their mood.

Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna studied 26,000 nurses in the US and found that those who got up early to take their dog out saw big improvements in their mood.

40 per cent of UK workers say they would take a job that paid less if it meant getting generous benefits such as private healthcare, a survey shows.

And a third think bosses should routinely offer support packages to staff to help maintain good mental health.

The survey of 2,000 UK adults was carried out for insurance company MetLife UK.

More than one in four also said they would like to be offered free dental care as part of an employment package, at a time when NHS dental services are in crisis.

Almost nine million people in England now suffer from at least two long-term health problems which seriously affect their quality of life.

Researchers at Imperial College London examined demographic data and found that, although the elderly are most affected (two million people over 80 suffer from numerous health problems), more than 125,000 children also suffer from at least two life-limiting diseases, such as obesity and diabetes.

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