Home Life Style ‘He tried to place an order for me and got the name wrong’: find out if he matched on this week’s blind date

‘He tried to place an order for me and got the name wrong’: find out if he matched on this week’s blind date

Nanny and nurse Lily (pictured) is 35 years old. She is looking for someone stable and family-oriented with a good work-life balance.


Single for a year, no children.

Dating someone from the past?

I started a bit late. I moved to London nine years ago and before that I didn’t think much about my love life.

The only guy I ever had a serious relationship with disappointed me terribly. Since then, I’ve taken some time away from the dating world to take care of myself and heal.

Pre-date jitters?

Yes, I’m an introvert and I’m happiest at home with my three cats. But I reminded myself that my partner was probably feeling nervous, too.

Nanny and nurse Lily (pictured) is 35 years old. She is looking for someone stable and family-oriented with a good work-life balance.

First impressions?

Daniel seemed nervous, he didn’t shake my hand or hug me. As soon as we sat down, he told me he had bought me a gift. On my profile, which he had seen before the appointment, I had written that I love the smell of lavender oil, so he had bought me some as a gift.

He urged me to open it and smell it. I froze because his insistence made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn’t have known I would react like that, but I haven’t used it since.

Easy to talk?

Yes, although unfortunately there is a “but” that comes after… Daniel tried to place the order for me. Again, it made me feel uncomfortable, I didn’t want him to decide for me.

There were a couple of negatives, too. We’re both creatives, and I’m an artist in my spare time, but while I asked about Daniel’s creative hobbies, he didn’t ask me about mine. The same thing happened when we talked about movies.

Embarrassing moments?

Daniel called me Milly and I had to correct him.

Lily found it awkward when her date, Daniel, tried to place an order for her, and it didn't help that he called her Milly.

Lily found it awkward when her date, Daniel, tried to place an order for her, and it didn’t help that he called her Milly.

Did sparks fly?

No. Daniel flirted with me and told me how nice my makeup looked, but I wasn’t interested. He’s handsome, but I wasn’t attracted to him.

He suggested I get his number a couple of times (I work with babies and he said he could help me get a job), but I didn’t take him up on it.

He tried to place an order for me and got my name wrong.

Do you see it again?

Just as a friend. But then again, I have a lot of friends, so I’m not sure it’s a good idea to go down that route. We left after two hours because (luckily) I had a job interview to attend.

What do you think he is? Did I think about you?

I’m bad at reading signals, so maybe he found me attractive. Daniel needs someone stronger to hold him accountable if he tries to assert himself in certain situations, like ordering your food.

Would your friends like it?

Daniel is a person who likes to take pictures of his food in restaurants. My friends neither do nor like it.



Single for a year, no children.


Nanny and nurse.


Someone stable and eager for a family, with a good work-life balance. I’m not interested in immature guys.


Single for three years, no children.


Technology recruitment.


I am an open-minded woman who likes to exercise. I tend to avoid women who drink, smoke or have more than one child.


Single for three years, no children.

Past quotes

I’ve had a few relationships over the years, but online dating doesn’t satisfy me. You can talk to a woman for a long time and then get nowhere. I never imagined I’d go on a blind date, but after watching Love Is Blind on Netflix, I thought, “Why not?”

Pre-date jitters?

Not really. As a recruiter, I’m used to meeting people. I turned down a blind date with a woman who seemed pushy and materialistic. Lily was more my type: humble.

Tech recruiter Daniel (pictured), 40, is looking for an open-minded woman who loves to work out.

Tech recruiter Daniel (pictured), 40, is looking for an open-minded woman who loves to work out.

First impressions?

Positive. Lily seemed like a down-to-earth woman. She met almost all of my physical expectations: dark-haired, about 1.50 m tall (I’m 1.75 m tall).

She had a nice smile, brown eyes and was wearing a colorful floral dress.

Easy to talk?

As we sat down, I offered Lily a bottle of lavender oil and explained that it might calm her down. She seemed to love it.

We talked about our careers. Lily is a nanny and taking care of other people’s children says a lot about her character.

We also talked about places we’d both like to go to. I’m a well-travelled man and spent my 40th birthday in Las Vegas. Lily prefers cultural destinations, but we both agree that Sri Lanka is on our bucket lists.

We spent lunch seeing if we’re on the same life path. I’d love to get married and have kids, though I don’t think that’s on Lily’s agenda right now.

Embarrassing moments?

No, although Lily found the lavender thing quite amusing.

While Daniel would love to get married and have children, he didn't realize that Lily wanted the same things at this point in her life.

While Daniel would love to get married and have children, he didn’t realize that Lily wanted the same things at this point in her life.

Did sparks fly?

No, and I always know that right away. There was just no chemistry with me and I have no idea if she was flirting with me. However, Lily has a good heart and is a good person.

Do you see her again?

As a friend, yes, but will we meet again? It’s unlikely. We said goodbye after lunch because Lily had to go to a job interview.

Some women are too aggressive. Lily was my type… humble.

There was no point in me giving her any advice as a recruiter because I have no idea how to be a babysitter. I had babysitters when I was a kid and if anything I would drive them away.

What do you think he thought of you?

I have the feeling she thinks the same as me: we have a great time together, but that’s all.

Would your friends like it?

I guess you’d say Lily is more quiet and reserved than my usual type.


Appreciated? The design of the restaurant.

Regrets? I don’t regret it, no.

Coffee or taxi? Taxi.


Appreciated? My conversation with Lily.

Regrets? Not even a little bit.

Coffee or taxi? Coffee.

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