The US government has yet to unravel mysterious sightings of UFOs taking to the skies, but a Harvard professor believes the answer may lie 300 feet below the surface.
Avi Loeb, known for his efforts to show that we are not alone, has stated that Extraterrestrial visitors travel through hidden dimensions created by CERN particle accelerator researchers.
The accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), shoots particles at nearly the speed of light to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, in the hope of discovering hidden dimensions that will reveal how our universe formed.
In a new documentary, Loeb said extraterrestrial civilizations may have been developing dimension-hopping technology for billions of years.
The physicist also noted that aliens are using theoretical quantum gravity engineering to travel through “coiled” dimensions that humans can only detect in particle accelerators like CERN.
Harvard scientists say extraterrestrial visitors are traveling through hidden dimensions created by CERN particle accelerator researchers (pictured) searching

Avi Loeb made these claims in a new documentary, saying that aliens are using theoretical quantum gravity engineering to travel through “curved” dimensions that humans can only detect at particle accelerators like CERN.
The Harvard scientist stated in the documentary ‘The Paranormal UFO Connection’ that if extraterrestrial technology is able to arrive at our door, we would be stunned because it would represent something we do not possess.
“It’s like a cave dweller coming to a city like London or Europe and seeing all the technological devices there,” Loeb said.
“There will be a sense of religious wonder, and we wouldn’t understand it, especially if we’re dealing with the effects of quantum gravity that we have some idea about.”
Loeb said traveling through extraspatial dimensions would mean the chance of collisions would be “much lower.”
Scientists at CERN have attempted to detect six “extraspatial” dimensions and are looking for particular particles as evidence that these dimensions exist.
The underground LHC is located on the border between France and Switzerland and went into operation for the first time on September 10, 2008.
In 2012, scientists used it to discover the Higgs boson, or God particle, which was a missing piece of the puzzle for physicists trying to understand how the universe works.
«Quantum mechanics was discovered exactly a century ago. And all of the most sophisticated technologies we use today, such as the Internet, artificial intelligence, etc., depend on our knowledge of quantum mechanics,’ Loeb explained.
“But the learning process is incomplete: there are several important puzzles in modern physics.”
«Within the mainstream of theoretical physics of the last decades, the predominant paradigm is that it is possible to unify quantum mechanics and gravity unless one works with extraspatial dimensions.
‘We only see three of them in our daily lives. But the idea is that the others are curly. And we can’t really detect them unless we shoot particles that have exceptionally high energies that probe these tiny scales.
‘Of course, if there are additional dimensions, then the reality we know extends to them. And then we can imagine life in more than three spatial dimensions. “It will be much more diverse and interesting.”
Last year, Loeb set out for Papua New Guinea on a $1.5 million ocean expedition to find what he believes could be a piece of alien technology, which crashed into the sea in 2014.

Filmmaker and musician Mark Christopher Lee’s ‘The Paranormal UFO Connection’ explores different ways UFOs and other unexplained phenomena could reach our planet.

The accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), fires particles at nearly the speed of light to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, hoping to uncover hidden dimensions that will reveal how our universe formed.
His expedition found metal “spherules” at the bottom of the sea, which Loeb said could be “technological signatures” of an alien civilization.
Israeli astronomer and his research partner Amir Siraj concluded in 2019 that an object external to our solar system had collided with Earth in 2014.
The Papua New Guinea object traveled toward Earth at more than 30 miles per second, a speed so high that it suggests it originated outside our solar system.
Loeb also argues in the film that world governments should divert the $2 trillion annually that he says is spent on military budgets toward the search for extraterrestrial life.
Filmmaker and musician Mark Christopher Lee’s ‘The Paranormal UFO Connection’ explores different ways UFOs and other unexplained phenomena could reach our planet.
Speaking to, Lee said: ‘I have a science degree so I’m quite rational. I was really looking forward to seeing what Avi’s take on this would be. He is one of the few serious scientists in the world who is interested in this topic.
‘Our talk was very enlightening: he believes that advanced civilizations in other parts of the universe can use other spatial dimensions to easily travel through the universe.
“Particularly with the progress being made at CERN in terms of demonstrating the existence of other dimensions, it makes logical sense that a much more sophisticated civilization would have developed the technology to utilize them.”
‘The Paranormal UFO Connection’ is on Tubi TV in the US and available via YouTube worldwide.