Home Australia Gunman shoots up pro-Trump pastor Greg Locke’s home with children inside in terrifying attack

Gunman shoots up pro-Trump pastor Greg Locke’s home with children inside in terrifying attack

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Gunman shoots up pro-Trump pastor Greg Locke's home with children inside in terrifying attack

A gunman opened fire at the home of pro-Trump pastor Greg Locke while one of his sons was inside.

The Nashville pastor and founder of Global Vision Bible Church shared shocking footage following the incident that occurred in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

He revealed that one of the bullets “went through the headboard of our youngest daughter’s bed and lodged in her pillow.”

Locke and his family pulled into their driveway “exactly one minute after some madman unloaded an entire magazine of bullets from an automatic weapon into our house, our garage and my truck.”

The incident was captured by a security camera.

The Nashville pastor and founder of Global Vision Bible Church shared shocking images of the aftermath of the incident that occurred in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Locke said that

Locke said “an entire magazine of bullets from an automatic weapon” was unloaded “in our house, in the garage and in my truck.”

His truck was shot at in the incident.

His truck was shot at in the incident.

“It’s 2:00 in the morning and for the past three hours our house has been a full-blown crime scene,” he said.

“The sound on the video is really scary. Detectives will be here for a while.

“Only one of our children was at home and thank God he was not in the same area of ​​the house.”

Locke said he had no further details about the attack but said “God protected us in unimaginable and supernatural ways,” urging his followers to pray for his family.

Locke is known for his divisive sermons and social media posts, and is an outspoken supporter of former President Donald Trump.

The chilling incident has sparked an outpouring of support for Locke and his family.

“This makes my stomach turn. Thank God everyone is okay,” said one supporter.

Locke said he had no further details about the attack, but said that

Locke said he had no further details about the attack but said “God protected us in unimaginable and supernatural ways,” urging supporters to pray for his family.

He revealed that one of the bullets

He revealed that one of the bullets “went through the headboard of our youngest daughter’s bed and lodged in her pillow.”

1725464911 733 Gunman shoots up pro Trump pastor Greg Lockes home with children

“It’s 2:00 a.m. and for the past 3 hours our house has been a full-blown crime scene,” he said.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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