Home US Grieving daughters claim psychic medium led them to their missing mom’s body after police bungled the search… as eerie ‘paranormal’ details are revealed

Grieving daughters claim psychic medium led them to their missing mom’s body after police bungled the search… as eerie ‘paranormal’ details are revealed

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Ashley Deese claimed a psychic medium helped her reach her mother's body when cops were stumped, and slammed her investigation after the death was ruled accidental drowning.

Two grieving Louisiana sisters claim a psychic medium in Wisconsin revealed the location of their mother’s body after she disappeared more than a year ago.

Ashley Deese, daughter of Theresa Jones, 56, said police were perplexed by her mother’s disappearance and criticized their investigation, which was apparently resolved once medium Carolyn Clapper intervened.

Theresa disappeared on February 2, 2023 and Ashley told her KNOE who spent hours searching for his mother along with the Union Parish Sheriff’s Office K9 unit.

Days later, Ashley and her sister Brittany approached Clapper in Wisconsin, who is well known in the psychic community for her claims of finding missing people.

Ashley claimed she was able to provide eerily accurate details leading up to the body, but remains dissatisfied as police never spoke to the medium and ruled the death an accidental drowning caused by methamphetamines.

“It’s been a year since this happened and she has a lot of information about this case,” he said.

Ashley Deese claimed a psychic medium helped her reach her mother’s body when cops were stumped, and slammed her investigation after the death was ruled accidental drowning.

Theresa Jones, 56, disappeared in February 2023 and her daughter still argues that foul play was a factor.

Theresa Jones, 56, disappeared in February 2023 and her daughter still argues that foul play was a factor.

Theresa's body was found in a creek a short distance from her home, and her daughter claims the medium was able to give her step-by-step instructions to reach her remains.

Theresa’s body was found in a creek a short distance from her home, and her daughter claims the medium was able to give her step-by-step instructions to reach her remains.

After contacting Clapper, Ashley said Clapper returned her request with a midnight phone call and offered to offer her free help.

During a 45-minute conversation, Ashley claimed the psychic gave her precise step-by-step instructions on how to locate her mother’s body, which was lying in a creek near her home.

It is not explained how the police K9 unit and extensive searches failed to find the body, which appeared to be a short distance behind Theresa’s property, about 200 meters away in a wooded area.

Describing what her “psychic visions” were apparently telling her, Clapper said: “There was a log, she kept showing me this pronounced log, a very large log in the forest.”

“It wasn’t just twigs and sticks, it was a log, a huge one,” he continued.

‘You know you hit this log, that’s basically what she said, you get to this log and my body will be there. There is water, I saw a stream.’

After the phone call, Ashley said she went out to look for her mother and claimed the medium’s uncanny accuracy even detailed the position of her mother’s body and her deteriorating condition.

“I immediately felt sick, I shook and started throwing up,” Ashley added.

Even though her mother’s body was found face down in the creek with no underwear on, Ashley criticized the investigation and said no rape kits or nail scrapings were administered to the remains.

“That bothers me,” he said, claiming the sheriff’s office never contacted Clapper to understand how he allegedly knew the details of the case.

Carolyn Clapper, who claims to be a psychic medium, said she had visions of a log in a stream that led her to Theresa's body. She said police did not question her for some time after her grisly discovery.

Carolyn Clapper, who claims to be a psychic medium, said she had visions of a log in a stream that led her to Theresa’s body. She said police did not question her for some time after her grisly discovery.

Theresa's body was found just 200 yards away in a wooded area near her home, even though police recruited K9 units to find the remains when she disappeared more than a year ago.

Theresa’s body was found just 200 yards away in a wooded area near her home, even though police recruited K9 units to find the remains when she disappeared more than a year ago.

Theresa's daughter said that although authorities determined the death was an accident, she

Theresa’s daughter said that although authorities ruled the death an accident, she “suspects foul play,” adding, “They haven’t proven to me that it wasn’t.” And I will suspect it until they prove to me that it is not.

The sheriff’s office said it later contacted the outlet, but noted that evidence claiming to have been discovered through some type of paranormal powers is not legally admissible.

However, Clapper said she found this approach strange because in her previous cases, when she helped find missing people, she was questioned by police departments.

“Even if they don’t believe in psychics or are skeptical, you know, they follow leads, so they still ask me if I know too much about a case and they can’t really explain how I did it.” “He would know the details that I know about a case, it’s his job to follow up,” she said.

KNOE reported that Union Parish Sheriff Dusty Gates confirmed in April that no nail scraping kits or rape kits were administered, but that decision was often left up to medical examiners.

He also said Theresa’s lack of underwear was likely due to running water washing it away, and the case was ruled an accidental drowning with methamphetamine intoxication as a contributing factor.

Theresa was found face down in a creek with no underwear on, which authorities said was likely due to the flowing water washing her off.

Theresa was found face down in a creek with no underwear on, which authorities said was likely due to the flowing water washing her off.

An autopsy found Theresa had a large amount of methamphetamine in her system and her daughter said she had been sober for 20 years.

An autopsy found Theresa had a large amount of methamphetamine in her system and her daughter said she had been sober for 20 years.

The medium said she was attracted to visions of 'a log' that helped her locate the body.

The medium said she was attracted to visions of ‘a log’ that helped her locate the body.

Ashley said her mother struggled with addiction more than 20 years ago. However, a police report says she told officers that her mother recently relapsed and she began using marijuana and cocaine, which Ashley claims she never said.

The report also says Ashley said her mother “refuses to take her medication like she’s supposed to,” which she also denied.

“It doesn’t add up, it doesn’t make sense,” he said. “And if anyone can understand it, I’ll sit back and listen.”

While the case remains closed as Sheriff Gates said no new information leads to opening it, Ashley said the investigation into her mother’s death left her still searching for answers.

‘I also feel like as soon as it became known that there were drugs involved, and even a history of drugs, I felt like sobriety didn’t matter. And I feel like because there were drugs involved, it’s just another one on the street,” he said.

And he concluded: “I suspect that a crime has been committed.” They haven’t shown me that it wasn’t. And I will suspect it until it is proven that it is not.

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