Home Australia Grant Coleman jailed after one-punch attack on ex-surfer Chris Davidson at South West Rocks

Grant Coleman jailed after one-punch attack on ex-surfer Chris Davidson at South West Rocks

Grant Coleman pleaded guilty to one count of assault causing death and one count of assault and was jailed for five years on Friday.

A man who thought he was the “unofficial sheriff” of a NSW coastal town has been sentenced to five years in prison for killing a champion surfer in a one-punch attack.

Newcastle District Court Judge Peter McGrath on Friday ruled Grant Coleman, younger brother of NSW Waratahs coach Darren Coleman, had taken the law into his own hands to become the former professional surfer’s “executioner” Chris “Davo” Davidson.

Judge McGrath jailed Coleman, 43, who pleaded guilty to one count of assault occasioning death and one count of assault, to five years with a minimum of three years.

The roofer, who suffers from a brain injury acquired while playing rugby league, attacked Davidson, 45, outside South West Rocks Country Club at around 11pm on September 24, 2022.

He had previously seen Davidson, who was convicted in 2017 of indecently assaulting a 15-year-old girl at his home, speaking with a 19-year-old woman and calling him a “paedophile”.

Grant Coleman pleaded guilty to one count of assault causing death and one count of assault and was jailed for five years on Friday.

Grant Coleman pleaded guilty to one count of assault causing death and one count of assault and was jailed for five years on Friday.

Judge McGrath said Coleman had had an intense dislike for Davidson and developed a fixation with him.

“Mr Coleman felt justified in his attitude towards Mr Davidson,” the judge said.

“He felt justified in taking the law into his own hands.

“He felt justified in hitting Mr Davidson on the head.

“In Mr. Coleman’s worldview, he was sort of the unofficial sheriff of South West Rocks and he determined who was acceptable and who was not acceptable to the town.

“I have to say I have no doubt that many in the local community would have agreed with him. Mr. Davidson was more than a parasite.

“To Mr. Coleman’s knowledge and knowledge, he was a serious and repeated abuser of young women.” He had physically and emotionally abused a friend of Mr. Coleman’s, damaged her property and traumatized his two young children, but Mr. Coleman took justice into his own hands.

“He was judge and jury for Mr. Davidson. Tragically, Mr. Coleman also became Mr. Davidson’s tormentor.

The judge said the two men, who were living off past glories, were drinking separately at the country club when Coleman saw Davidson approaching a 19-year-old girl.

Coleman had attacked former professional surfer Chris Davidson outside the South West Rocks Country Club around 11 p.m. on September 24, 2022.

Coleman had attacked former professional surfer Chris Davidson outside the South West Rocks Country Club around 11 p.m. on September 24, 2022.

Coleman had attacked former professional surfer Chris Davidson outside the South West Rocks Country Club around 11 p.m. on September 24, 2022.

He said Coleman became aware of wider concerns among members of the South West Rocks community about the potential danger Davidson posed to young women.

Davidson told the girl at the club that he was a former professional surfer, kissed her on both cheeks, offered to take her to France and described her as the most beautiful girl he had never seen.

Coleman asked nearby friends if the girl knew Davidson was a predator.

He began shouting “You’re a paedophile” at Davidson before a fight broke out.

Coleman confronted Davidson again about 10 minutes later and grabbed him firmly by the throat.

Coleman was escorted out of the club and waited outside until Davidson came out around 11 p.m. The two men exchanged words before Coleman punched Davidson once in the jaw.

Davidson, who had lost use of his left arm and shoulder following a previous car accident, fell to the ground and hit his head, knocking him unconscious.

He was treated at the scene by paramedics but died a short time later at Kempsey Hospital.

In his defense, Coleman claimed that he had heard rumors about Davidson’s past behavior with young girls and that he was trying to protect the community when he confronted him, but that he had never intending to kill him.

A psychological report said Coleman’s undiagnosed brain injury, caused by his years playing rugby league, had led to a significant impairment in his impulse control.

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