Home Sports Government announces plans to bring Women’s World Cup, Tour de France, Rugby World Cup and World Athletics Championships to Britain in the next decade

Government announces plans to bring Women’s World Cup, Tour de France, Rugby World Cup and World Athletics Championships to Britain in the next decade

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The United Kingdom is planning a bid to host the Women's World Cup for the first time in history.
  • UK Sport confirmed that it wants to organize 70 events in the next 15 years







The United Kingdom is planning a bid to host the FIFA Women’s World Cup for the first time.

UK Sport, the government agency responsible for major sporting events, confirmed that the tournament is one of 70 events they want to hold in this country over the next 15 years.

A bid to host the Women’s World Cup – the biggest global sporting event ever held here – could be made as early as 2031.

However, if the 2027 tournament goes to Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands (who face Brazil and a joint bid from Mexico and the United States), then the UK would be aiming for 2035 or 2039. It would be the first absolute World Cup held on these shores since 1966.

UK Sport’s target list also includes the 2027 Tour de France, the World Athletics Championships in 2029 or 2031, the Ryder Cup in 2031 or 2035 and the men’s Rugby World Cup in 2035 or 2039.

The United Kingdom is planning a bid to host the Women's World Cup for the first time in history.

A bid could be made to host the Women's World Cup, the biggest global sporting event ever held here, in 2031.

A bid could be made to host the Women's World Cup, the biggest global sporting event ever held here, in 2031.

The Government plans to bid to host the Women’s World Cup for the first time

The Lionesses won the Women's European Championship when the tournament was held in England in 2022.

The Lionesses won the Women's European Championship when the tournament was held in England in 2022.

The Lionesses won the Women’s European Championship when the tournament was held in England in 2022.

“Live sport is a fundamental part of the social fabric of this country,” said Simon Morton, events director at UK Sport.

‘No other country buys more tickets per capita to major sporting events than the UK.

The UK wants to host the men's Rugby World Cup again in 2035 or 2039, which would be the first time since 2015.

The UK wants to host the men's Rugby World Cup again in 2035 or 2039, which would be the first time since 2015.

The UK wants to host the men’s Rugby World Cup again in 2035 or 2039, which would be the first time since 2015.

“Over the coming years we want to deliver a live sports program that will resonate with the British public and make a difference to the lives of millions of people.”

Stuart Andrew, Government Sports Minister, added: “With the UEFA Champions League final at Wembley in June and the Women’s Rugby World Cup in 2025, we are building on our world-leading reputation as hosts of major sporting events. “.

“We are working closely with UK Sport and our partners to deliver our shared ambition of delivering up to 70 major events across 30 different sports in the UK over the coming years.”

The bid to host the 2031 Women’s World Cup was first rejected last year by FA president Debbie Hewitt, who described it as a “very attractive proposition”.

Of all the future events for which the UK is considering bidding, the 2029 World Athletics Championships are the furthest along and a feasibility study is currently underway.

UK Athletics chief executive Jack Buckner admitted: “We would love to have another chance in 2029 and a World Championship.”

‘First of all we have to do a feasibility study and analyze the different options.

The Tour de France last came to the UK in 2014, when the Grand Depart was held in Yorkshire, but could return in 2027.

The Tour de France last came to the UK in 2014, when the Grand Depart was held in Yorkshire, but could return in 2027.

The Tour de France last came to the UK in 2014, when the Grand Depart was held in Yorkshire, but could return in 2027.

UK Sport also wants to organize the 2029 World Athletics Championships in Great Britain

UK Sport also wants to organize the 2029 World Athletics Championships in Great Britain

UK Sport also wants to organize the 2029 World Athletics Championships in Great Britain

“We can’t definitively say it will be London, but it would be in our mind given the success it had before.”

The Tour de France last came to the UK in 2014, when the Grand Depart was held in Yorkshire, but could return in 2027.

The Ryder Cup has also not taken place in Britain since it was at Gleneagles in 2014, but could return in 2031 or 2035, with the Solheim Cup a possibility for 2030.

England will already host the women’s Rugby World Cup next year, but the UK wants to host the men’s tournament again in 2035 or 2039, which would be the first time since 2015.

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