Home Australia Gold Coast attack: Miss World Australia contestants Jasmine Stringer and Top Model Australia forced to defend themselves from alleged attacker

Gold Coast attack: Miss World Australia contestants Jasmine Stringer and Top Model Australia forced to defend themselves from alleged attacker

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The woman attacked the group of models by pulling their hair and trying to hit them

Conflicting images have emerged of the terrifying moment Miss World Australia and teenage models were forced to defend themselves after a woman allegedly assaulted them in a random attack.

Jasmine Stringer had just hosted a runway training class with Top Model Australia contestants at a gym in Southport Park shopping center on the Gold Coast on Friday night when all hell broke loose.

The contestants, some as young as 14, had gone out to wait for taxis when they noticed a woman across the street acting erratically, before she suddenly confronted them.

Footage showed the woman shouting and punching some of the girls, including Mrs Stringer, who claimed she was punched in the face.

“He just hit me in the head,” one of the girls screams in the video.

The attacker was seen grabbing the hair of two of the girls before being surrounded by others in the group who tried to push her away while shouting at her.

The woman attacked the group of models by pulling their hair and trying to hit them

Miss World Australia Jasmine Stringer (pictured) has since questioned why the group had to wait so long for police and mall security to attend.

Miss World Australia Jasmine Stringer (pictured) has since questioned why the group had to wait so long for police and mall security to attend.

The group can be heard arguing with the woman.

“You started it,” the woman stated.

‘Excuse me!’ A girl from the group responded.

Adelaide model Stevie Hearl, 23, claimed the woman ran up behind her and hit her on the head.

“(She) knocked me to the ground by my hair,” he told Seven News.

“Personally, it has affected me more mentally. I’m just experiencing some symptoms of shock.

Stringer said the attack had left Hearl and many of the other girls feeling unsafe.

“She is now very alert, looking around, looking behind her, looking over her shoulder at all times, terrified to walk in what should be a safe place,” he said. 7 news.

Mrs. Stringer took instagram on Monday night to address the incident and tell her followers that she was “fine and unharmed.”

He also expressed frustration at the response of emergency services.

The group of girls were forced to defend themselves during the attack (pictured)

The group of girls were forced to defend themselves during the attack (pictured)

“I called 000 and was on the scene for almost 15 minutes,” Stringer wrote.

‘At that time I felt that the dispatcher had had a dismissive attitude and in the space of 15 minutes there was no security or police arriving at the scene.

‘We are currently witnessing a political climate that is under immense pressure to do more to promote the safety and protection of women and children.

‘I am shocked that inside the CBD at 6.55pm on a Friday night, there were no police or downtown security staff available to assist when women and children were being randomly physically and verbally attacked.

The reigning Miss World Australia recalled feeling “pretty helpless right now.”

Stringer has since vowed to do everything he can to protect the group in the future and thanked the bystanders who intervened to protect them.

Police spoke to a 46-year-old woman and issued her with a summons for disorderly conduct.

She has not yet been charged.

Top Model Australia contestant Stevie Hearl (pictured) hit in the head from behind

Top Model Australia contestant Stevie Hearl (pictured) hit in the head from behind

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