Home US Glamorous yogi criticized for shocking act on Zion National Park’s delicate, protected rock face

Glamorous yogi criticized for shocking act on Zion National Park’s delicate, protected rock face

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A woman is being criticized for jumping over a safety railing at Zion National Park and performing a risky yoga pose

A glamorous yoga instructor is coming under fire for jumping over a safety railing and performing risky poses on a fragile rock face in Zion National Park.

National park enthusiasts shared a video of the woman on the Instagram page Tourons of National Parks, a page dedicated to documenting cases of “idiot tourists.”

The woman climbed over the barrier separating the pedestrian path from the edge of the cliff to show off her yoga skills.

With nothing behind her to stop her from falling, the yogi strikes a dancer’s pose in which she balances on one leg while pulling the other behind her head.

After completing her pose, the woman sits on the ledge and lets her legs dangle over the rock.

A woman is being criticized for jumping over a safety railing at Zion National Park and performing a risky yoga pose

Critics have criticized her for ignoring park safety rules.

She sat on the ledge and dangled her legs over the rock.

The woman overcame the barrier that separates the pedestrian path and the edge of the cliff.

Critics have slammed the woman for putting her safety at risk and ignoring Zion’s safety rules.

“She should be arrested and banned from any national park! How dangerous and deceptive. There are rules for a reason. If someone falls, there are other lives in danger if you try to rescue them,” one person said.

“The level of stupidity and discovery is insane. I honestly don’t like people who blatantly ignore handrails and safety signs. If she fell and died, it’s her fault. But I don’t want a rescue team to be put in danger because of her stupidity,” said another person.

A third person said: “I’m sick of these people who think the rules aren’t for them. They put others at risk who need to be rescued. Many of these idiots end up dead from doing these stunts.”

“The park service should fine that dumb woman massively,” said another.

Zion National Park recommends that visitors stay on trails, stay away from cliff edges, and heed posted warnings.

“Your safety depends on good judgment, proper preparation and constant attention. Your safety is your responsibility,” the national park states on its website.

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‘Falls from cliffs on trails have resulted in deaths. Loose sand or rocks on rocks are very slippery. Be careful of edges when using cameras or binoculars. Never throw or roll rocks. There may be hikers below you. Be aware of the hazards to keep yourself, others, and park resources safe during your visit.’

Others criticized the woman for disrespecting nature and putting herself and others at risk just to get a video.

“This is not what yoga teaches us about honoring other cultures, their sacred spaces, and following rules created for our safety,” one person said.

“I think we’re all so fed up with these self-centered attention seekers that not having them in a beautiful nature photo would be so much nicer. Please STOP taking selfies,” said another.

“People who adore themselves as much as these idiots can’t heal,” a third person said.

“What a complete moron! But it’s all motivated by social media and the need for clicks, likes and money, all of which are not worth the cost of recovering a body,” said a fourth.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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