Home Australia Ghislaine Maxwell is seen looking dishevelled on a walk in US prison – as Epstein’s madam ‘works on a memoir behind bars to combat misinformation about her ties to billionaire paedophile’

Ghislaine Maxwell is seen looking dishevelled on a walk in US prison – as Epstein’s madam ‘works on a memoir behind bars to combat misinformation about her ties to billionaire paedophile’

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A disheveled Ghislaine Maxwell was spotted at the FCI Tallahassee exercise yard in Florida on Sunday, February 18.

A disheveled Ghislaine Maxwell has been photographed walking behind bars while reportedly working on a memoir to combat public knowledge of her links to Jeffrey Epstein.

The 62-year-old, who is serving a 20-year sentence at FCI Tallahassee in Florida, was seen with her hands tucked up her sleeves as she stepped out to get some exercise.

The disgraced socialite was also seen sporting a new, shorter haircut while doing laps on the facility’s exercise yard in frigid temperatures on Sunday, February 18.

It comes amid claims she is working on a book that will confront “misinformation” about her links to billionaire Epstein after court papers named the dead pedophile’s associates and new details of his grooming empire to early this year.

In January, DailyMail.com revealed that Maxwell had been telling his fellow prisoners to ignore the reports and promised that he would write a memoir telling “the truth”, although this is expected to be an attempt to cover up his involvement.

A disheveled Ghislaine Maxwell was spotted at the FCI Tallahassee exercise yard in Florida on Sunday, February 18.

A disheveled Ghislaine Maxwell was spotted at the FCI Tallahassee exercise yard in Florida on Sunday, February 18.

The 62-year-old was seen wearing an all-grey suit, with her hands clenched under her sleeves as she paced around outside.

The 62-year-old was seen wearing an all-grey suit, with her hands clenched under her sleeves as she paced around outside.

The 62-year-old was seen wearing an all-grey suit, with her hands clenched under her sleeves as she paced around outside.

The convicted sex trafficker was seen sporting a new, shorter hairstyle as she continues to serve her 20-year sentence.

The convicted sex trafficker was seen sporting a new, shorter hairstyle as she continues to serve her 20-year sentence.

The convicted sex trafficker was seen sporting a new, shorter hairstyle as she continues to serve her 20-year sentence.

A source claimed that Maxwell, who was a close associate of Epstein for years, claimed that “the documents in the news are all false or disinformation” and that “the truth will only come to light when his book comes out.”

The source said: “She brags about how great it will be, but it sounds like the same old lies she’s told thousands of times.”

“She truly believes she has done nothing wrong and that the charges will be dropped when people read it.”

Maxwell was convicted of teenage sex trafficking and multiple conspiracy charges after a 2021 federal trial uncovered how she lured girls as young as 14 into Epstein’s clutches.

In a prison interview last year, she denied any knowledge of the dead financier’s crimes, insisting she regretted meeting him and had no idea he was “capable of evil”.

But hundreds of documents made public in January, related to a long-settled defamation case brought against Maxwell by Prince Andrew’s accuser, Virginia Giuffre, make a mockery of her claims of innocence.

Dozens of famous people, including Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, Donald Trump and Stephen Hawking, were exposed as friends or associates of the late predator, who hanged himself behind bars in 2019 rather than face trial.

But multiple testimonies from Epstein’s victims and former assistants once again insisted that Maxwell was “the boss” of his underage sex ring, reaching the same conclusion as jurors at his New York trial.

Maxwell, who procured minors for sex offender and ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein, has allegedly been dispelling reports about the newly released trove of court documents naming his associates as his friends in prison, insiders say.

Maxwell, who procured minors for sex offender and ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein, has allegedly been dispelling reports about the newly released trove of court documents naming his associates as his friends in prison, insiders say.

Maxwell, who procured minors for sex offender and ex-boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein, has allegedly been dispelling reports about the newly released trove of court documents naming his associates as his friends in prison, insiders say.

An undated file photo issued by the US Department of Justice illustrates how close Ghislaine Maxwell and disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein once were.

An undated file photo issued by the US Department of Justice illustrates how close Ghislaine Maxwell and disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein once were.

Maxwell was convicted of child sex trafficking after her criminal trial revealed how she lured girls as young as 14 into Epstein's clutches.

Maxwell was convicted of child sex trafficking after her criminal trial revealed how she lured girls as young as 14 into Epstein's clutches.

Maxwell’s close relationship with Epstein was well documented in public over the years, but she still denies any knowledge of the dead financier’s crimes.

Federal inmates are prohibited from entering into publishing deals, but there is nothing stopping Maxwell from writing a “private manuscript,” an activity protected by the First Amendment, and mailing it to a lawyer or loved one for distribution.

She doesn’t have a computer, but she has access to a typewriter and is able to catch up on the legal system through her work in the law library at the Tallahassee low-security prison, where she has been incarcerated since July 2022.

“She has access to three lockers in the legal department and moves her manuscript and papers from one to another because she is so paranoid that someone might steal it or leak it,” the source added.

“Apparently it’s already finished but she’s waiting for the right time to publish it.”

The source explained how Maxwell has become increasingly withdrawn and bitter during her time behind bars, throwing tantrums and barely participating in prison life.

DailyMail.com previously revealed how Maxwell organized yoga and etiquette classes for his 846 fellow inmates after arriving in the Sunshine State and went running every day on the athletics track.

He recently abandoned his plans to participate in a prison “marathon” race; However, he barely exercises and rarely goes out.

‘Max hasn’t dyed his hair. She barely takes care of herself these days. “She still has the job at the law library, but she is very rude to anyone who asks for help,” our source said.

1708904539 979 Ghislaine Maxwell is seen looking dishevelled on a walk in

1708904539 979 Ghislaine Maxwell is seen looking dishevelled on a walk in

Multiple testimonies from Epstein’s victims and former assistants once again insisted that Maxwell was “the boss” of his underage sex ring, reaching the same conclusion as jurors at his New York trial.

During his first televised prison interview last year with British broadcaster Jeremy Kyle, Maxwell sensationally claimed, without evidence, that the now-famous photograph of Prince Andrew and Virginia Roberts Giuffre was fake.

During his first televised prison interview last year with British broadcaster Jeremy Kyle, Maxwell sensationally claimed, without evidence, that the now-famous photograph of Prince Andrew and Virginia Roberts Giuffre was fake.

During his first televised prison interview last year with British broadcaster Jeremy Kyle, Maxwell sensationally claimed, without evidence, that the now-famous photograph of Prince Andrew and Virginia Roberts Giuffre was fake.

Maxwell was convicted on December 29, 2021, on five of the six charges she faced for helping the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse underage girls.

Maxwell was convicted on December 29, 2021, on five of the six charges she faced for helping the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse underage girls.

Maxwell was convicted on December 29, 2021, on five of the six charges she faced for helping the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse underage girls.

Maxwell's bleak financial situation and incarceration at FCI Tallahassee are a surprising fall from grace for the favorite daughter of the late media baron Robert Maxwell.

Maxwell's bleak financial situation and incarceration at FCI Tallahassee are a surprising fall from grace for the favorite daughter of the late media baron Robert Maxwell.

Maxwell’s bleak financial situation and imprisonment are a shocking fall from grace for the favorite daughter of the late media baron Robert Maxwell. Pictured: General views of FCI Tallahassee

Early reports revealed how the disgraced British socialite struggled to cope with her new life behind bars, refusing to eat and complaining bitterly to prison authorities that her clothes did not fit.

Early reports revealed how the disgraced British socialite struggled to cope with her new life behind bars, refusing to eat and complaining bitterly to prison authorities that her clothes did not fit.

Early reports revealed how the disgraced British socialite struggled to cope with her new life behind bars, refusing to eat and complaining bitterly to prison authorities that her clothes did not fit.

‘I think it’s because he finally realized that he won’t be getting out of here anytime soon. However, this will all change when her book is published… or so she thinks.

Maxwell asked to serve her sentence at FCI Danbury, the white-collar Connecticut prison that inspired Orange is the New Black, but was unexpectedly sent 1,000 miles to South Florida.

FCI Tallahassee bosses tried to prevent inmates from learning too much about her by removing the library’s only copy of Filthy Rich, James Patterson’s best-selling book about Epstein’s crimes.

But as word spread about her links to the billionaire pedophile, she has been scorned by her fellow criminals, who say she is distant and has poor hygiene.

Controversy occurred when Maxwell used the prison’s video visitation system to give an interview to British broadcaster Jeremy Kyle in which he claimed, without evidence, that the now-famous photograph of Prince Andrew and Giuffre was fake.

DailyMail.com revealed how the chat earned Maxwell 48 hours in the Special Housing Unit, a ‘prison within a prison’ comprising small, grim cells where inmates are caged for 23 hours at a time and fed through slits in the door.

It also reported that the Brit earned the title ‘Prison Karen’ after making hundreds of petty complaints about life behind bars, from criticizing the miserable vegan menu to complaining that a transgender inmate was having loud sex on the bunk above the hers.

Maxwell, federal prisoner 02879-509, also locked up two Cuban criminals in solitary confinement after ratting them out for demanding she buy items for them with her $360 commissary allowance.

She will be almost 80 when she is released, unless she can successfully appeal her convictions for helping Epstein, who committed suicide in prison while awaiting trial in August 2019. She was 66 years old.

Federal prosecutors deny claims that she was made a scapegoat for his crimes.

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