Home Health Cancer survival rates in Britain are “stuck in the 1990s” as study finds Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Denmark are “a decade ahead” in breast and prostate cancer care.

Cancer survival rates in Britain are “stuck in the 1990s” as study finds Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Denmark are “a decade ahead” in breast and prostate cancer care.

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The most recent figures available for prostate, bowel, breast and cervical cancer show that survival in the UK is

Cancer survival in the UK is decades behind countries such as Sweden and Denmark, according to an analysis.

The most recent figures available for prostate, bowel, breast and cervical cancer show that UK survival is “stuck in the 2000s” and barely reaching the levels some other European countries reached in the early 2000s. 2000.

Macmillan Cancer Support carried out the analysis, which looks at how the UK is doing compared to countries with comparable healthcare systems.

Its experts estimate that women’s survival from bowel cancer is 20 years behind Sweden, which had a better five-year survival at the turn of the millennium than England in 2020.

“Shocking” survival data shows 57.6 per cent of women in England now live at least five years after diagnosis, compared to 72.7 per cent in Denmark, 71.7 per cent in Norway and 70.6 percent in Sweden.

The most recent figures available for prostate, bowel, breast and cervical cancer show that survival in the UK is “stuck in the 2000s” and barely reaching the levels some other European countries reached earlier in the decade. 2000 (archive image)

Similarly, survival data from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland found they were 10 to 15 years behind compared to Sweden and Norway.

Prostate cancer survival, which the Mail has campaigned for for 25 years, remains a decade behind Scandinavian countries.

Five-year survival in England is currently 88.5 per cent, compared to 95 per cent in Sweden, 94.8 per cent in Norway and 90.2 per cent in Denmark.

Similarly, only 57.6 percent of men with bowel cancer are alive five years later, significantly lower than the 73.2 percent in Denmark, 70 percent in Norway and 69.4 percent in Norway. in Sweden.

Breast cancer survival in England is also a decade behind Sweden and Denmark, while Scotland and Northern Ireland are a decade behind Sweden.

The data also showed that cervical cancer survival in England is 25 years behind Norway, which achieved higher survival between 1992 and 1996 than England has now.

Gemma Peters, chief executive of Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “Behind today’s shocking data are thousands of real people whose entire worlds have been turned upside down by cancer.”

“It’s clear that cancer care is at a critical point, but this is a political choice and there is room for improvement.”

“We urgently need the next UK government to prioritize a long-term cross-government strategy that will revolutionize cancer care and ensure all people with cancer have access to the care they need, every step of the way.”

The UK has long been shown to have some of the worst cancer survival rates in Europe, but this uses the most recent data, giving a more complete picture.

Breast cancer survival in England is also a decade behind Sweden and Denmark, while Scotland and Northern Ireland are a decade behind Sweden (file image)

Breast cancer survival in England is also a decade behind Sweden and Denmark, while Scotland and Northern Ireland are a decade behind Sweden (file image)

It comes a day after new data revealed that more than 100,000 patients were diagnosed with cancer in A&E over the past five years.

A Cancer Research UK report warned last week that 380,000 cancer patients have faced “unspeakable suffering” as a result of treatment delays over the past decade.

In the latest comparison, Macmillan compared the UK to Sweden, Norway and Denmark as they have similar health systems and high-quality cancer data.

An NHS spokesperson said: “The NHS is caring for and treating record numbers of people with cancer, with more people diagnosed at an earlier stage than ever before and survival rates in England are at an all-time high. “.

“It is transforming and expanding its innovative screening programs, including lung checks in supermarket parking lots, at-home bowel cancer testing and using artificial intelligence to detect skin cancer, making getting a check easier. easier than ever, so accept your screening invitation when prompted.” – You can save your life.’

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