Home US Furious mum reveals she’s SELLING her Taylor Swift concert tickets after singer’s support for Kamala Harris

Furious mum reveals she’s SELLING her Taylor Swift concert tickets after singer’s support for Kamala Harris

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A mother revealed that she is ditching Taylor Swift by selling three tickets to her concert after her support for Democratic candidate Kamala Harris

A mother has revealed she is ditching Taylor Swift by selling three tickets to her concert following her endorsement of Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, claiming she doesn’t want her daughter to support someone with “non-Christian beliefs.”

The anonymous Canadian mother shared a message to the 34-year-old pop sensation via a video that has since been… circulating the web.

In the three-minute clip, the woman claimed she was selling tickets she had purchased for her 13-year-old daughter’s birthday after the “Cruel Summer” singer took to Instagram to show her support for Kamala following the explosive presidential debate earlier this week.

She confessed that she now had bad blood with the singer, as she claimed that Taylor did not care about the economy because she was a “multimillionaire” and was too focused on her “private planes.”

The mother also said she now refused to spend “another dollar” supporting the star’s “non-Christian beliefs,” citing the singer’s pro-choice stance on abortion as an example.

A mother revealed that she is ditching Taylor Swift by selling three tickets to her concert after her support for Democratic candidate Kamala Harris

At the beginning of the clip, the mother noted that while she knew it was a “long shot,” she still wanted to post the video in hopes that the pop sensation would see it.

He also hinted that the star had planned his support for Kamala before the debate.

The mom said, ‘One, I think it’s really interesting how you had that long letter to all of your fans printed out already two seconds after Kamala and Donald Trump had their debate, which just tells me that you already had this written before the debate, which also tells me that you were not open-minded.

“Kamala lied to everyone on that stage and those of us who know it, know it.”

The anonymous mother went on to unleash a furious rant about the singer’s alleged lack of concern for the economy.

He added: ‘Taylor, you’re a billionaire. The rest of us aren’t, the rest of us are struggling, people can’t afford to buy a house and some of us are losing our businesses.

“If Harris comes to power, our economy will suffer, but I know that won’t affect them because they have all that money and private jets. They don’t even live in that kind of world.”

The Canadian woman noted that it appeared the issues at hand were “LGBTQ rights and abortion of babies,” saying “neither of those are affected by Donald Trump.”

The anonymous Canadian mother shared a message to the 34-year-old pop sensation via a video that has since been circulating on the web.

The anonymous Canadian mother shared a message to the 34-year-old pop sensation via a video that has since been circulating on the web.

“Donald Trump is the right person for the job. If the US economy suffers, the whole world suffers, Taylor. If the whole world suffers, your job and your career are gone because no one will be able to afford to go to your concerts,” he added.

The mother then added religious beliefs to her angry rant by claiming that according to the Bible, she is allowed to “judge other believers.”

“How can you call yourself a believer and be in favor of killing babies? So with that, I got three tickets to the Toronto show that I was going to take to my 13-year-old daughter, she turns 13 that day and it was a special treat because she’s been a lifelong fan of Taylor Swift and I was going to take her to this concert.

‘But my tickets are already on sale because I don’t want to spend another dollar to support you, your private planes and your non-Christian beliefs.

“I also don’t want my daughter, my Christian daughter, to believe that it’s okay to do things that go against God’s work, like killing babies,” she added.

The furious mother ended the clip by stating that she never wanted to see the pop sensation again.

Her viral video comes days after Taylor dramatically endorsed the Democratic candidate in an Instagram post following the presidential debate.

The megastar made the shock announcement on Instagram after the ABC showdown in which Trump accused immigrants of eating pets and said Democrats wanted to “execute babies” in the ninth month of pregnancy.

In the three-minute clip, the mother claimed she was selling three of the concert tickets she had purchased for her 13-year-old daughter's birthday.

In the three-minute clip, the mother claimed she was selling three of the concert tickets she had purchased for her 13-year-old daughter’s birthday.

She confessed that she now had bad blood with the singer, as she claimed that Taylor did not care about the economy because she was a

She confessed that she now had bad blood with the singer, as she claimed that Taylor did not care about the economy because she was a “billionaire” and supported Kamala.

Her message read: “Like many of you, I watched tonight’s debate. If you haven’t already, now is a good time to do some research on the issues at hand and the positions these candidates take on the issues that matter most to you.

‘As a voter, I make sure to watch and read as much as I can about your proposed policies and plans for this country.

‘I recently learned that an artificial intelligence of mine falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy was posted on your site.

‘It really brought to mind the fears I had around AI and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It led me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The easiest way to combat misinformation is with the truth.

‘I will be voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 presidential election. I will be voting for Kamala because she is fighting for the rights and causes that I believe need a warrior to defend them.

“I think she is a talented and steady leader, and I believe we can accomplish much more in this country if we are guided by calm and not chaos. I was very encouraged and impressed by her choice of running mate, who has been advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.

The megastar made the shocking announcement on Instagram after the ABC showdown in which Trump accused migrants of eating pets.

The megastar made the shocking announcement on Instagram after the ABC showdown in which Trump accused migrants of eating pets.

Taylor posted her endorsement moments after Donald Trump and Kamala Harris finished their first debate

Taylor posted her endorsement moments after Donald Trump and Kamala Harris finished their first debate

“I’ve done my research and I’ve made my decision. The research is all yours and the choice is yours. I also want to say, especially to first-time voters: remember that in order to vote, you must be registered! I also find it much easier to vote early. In my article, I’ll give you links to places to register and find dates and information for early voting.”

The “I Knew You Were Trouble” singer mocked Republicans in her post as she criticized comments made by Trump’s vice presidential nominee JD Vance about “childless cat ladies.”

Taylor signed her post: ‘With love and hope, Taylor Swift, childless cat lady.’

The Trump campaign ignored the endorsement.

“It’s further proof that the Democratic Party, unfortunately, is the party of the wealthy elite,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told DailyMail.com.

‘And Taylor Swift may make great music, but she doesn’t understand the struggles of ordinary, working-class families, and President Trump is speaking on behalf of those hard-working, struggling families who don’t have the privilege, like Taylor Swift, of living in a gated community, who need their local police funded, who want their Second Amendment right to defend themselves and their family because they don’t have armed security like Taylor Swift does.’

Taylor had previously endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

And in a 2019 interview with The Guardian, Taylor said he supported Hillary Clinton over Trump in the 2016 election and accused Trump of treating the presidency like “an autocracy.”

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