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An Australian couple are furious after their landlord made an “unreasonable” request after final inspection.
The Tasmanian couple revealed the real estate agent asked them to “rectify” several things that were wrong with the property after they moved out.
The “problems” included tire tracks in the garage and the garden was not weeded. However, the couple shared that the garage had tire marks when it was handed over to them and the lot was covered in rocks.
The woman was smart enough to take photos of the condition of the house and claimed that she shouldn’t have to fix these specific problems.
“The report also has all the usual real estate niceties, like smudges on mirrors, fingerprints, and small hairs that need grinding,” she shared on Reddit.

A Tasmanian couple’s real estate agent asked them to “rectify” several things that were wrong with their previous property. “Problems” included removing tire tracks from the garage and weeding the garden.
The landlord is holding the deposit hostage until the changes are made – and he’s only given the couple two days to do so.
“We have already made a claim for our deposit and in my email I mention that I am happy to come and resolve the issues.”
“But I have also provided the evidence that I have provided in the photos here as to why I should not need to repair the garden and garage,” she added.
She revealed the problem made her “hotheaded” and she “never wanted to rent again.”
Plus, the couple has full-time jobs and can’t take the time to revisit their previous rental mid-week to clean up stray hairs and fingerprints.

The garden was covered in rocks when the couple moved in.

The real estate agent said the weeds growing on the land were unacceptable.
Many other seasoned tenants offer advice on the issue.
“Go to the rental court immediately. Request a refund of your deposit. Submit all your evidence. In every rental I’ve had in Sydney I’ve had this crap, but I always get my money back,” one said.
A second advised: “You can offer to pull the weeds as it will take two minutes, but don’t offer to fix the garage.” It could be a can of worms if you make cleaning difficult.
“This is absolutely not a garden,” said one man. “If it were full of soil and had a few plants in it, then I might consider that pulling out a few weeds would be an impractical requirement, but that’s almost exactly how it was found (without rocks).”