Home Health From Meagan Good to Lenny Kravitz: Here’s why celebrities are becoming celibate and what health benefits lie behind this lifestyle

From Meagan Good to Lenny Kravitz: Here’s why celebrities are becoming celibate and what health benefits lie behind this lifestyle

Uncut Gems star Julia Fox said she was

More Americans than ever are following the lead of celebrities and abstaining from sex in hopes of improving their mental and physical health.

Famous actors Julia Fox, Drew Barrymore, Meagan Good, Orlando Bloom and Lenny Kravitz have all tried celibacy at some point and praised its benefits.

Health experts told DailyMail.com that while temporarily abstaining from dating can be good for your career, concentration and mental health, not having sex or masturbating for long periods of time can cause major health problems.

For example, studies have shown that the risk of cancer and premature death from any cause is higher in people who do not have orgasms. Furthermore, celibacy is also linked to heart problems.

Uncut Gems star Julia Fox said she was “de-centring men” from her life as a form of self-empowerment

However, Julia Fox, star of 2019’s Uncut Gems who dated Kanye West, said this year that she hadn’t had sex in two and a half years and had “never been better.”

For her part, Barrymore spoke about her decision to be celibate after her divorce in 2016, which allowed her “the pleasure of working on myself and learning what parenting is all about.”

Musician Lenny Kravitz revealed this year that he has been celibate for nine years and plans to remain that way until he meets the right person, saying: “It’s a spiritual thing.”

And actress Meagan Good decided to give celibacy a try after filming Jumping the Broom (2011).

She broke that promise in 2012, when she married the film’s director, DeVon Franklin.

She saying“When you take that out of the equation, you get to know the person in every way except the physical, which comes later.”

Celibacy has become common in the United States: an estimated one in six women and one in ten men report having stopped having sex and dating.

Their reasons vary widely, from adhering to religious beliefs, protecting themselves from STDs, pursuing professional goals, or healing from trauma.

The trend comes at a time when casual sex has been in decline for years.

And actress Meagan Good decided to give celibacy a try after filming Jumping the Broom (2011) until she got married a year later.

And actress Meagan Good decided to give celibacy a try after filming Jumping the Broom (2011) until she got married a year later.

Actress and talk show host Drew Barrymore remained celibate after ending her marriage in 2016 to better cope with being a single mother.

Actress and talk show host Drew Barrymore remained celibate after ending her marriage in 2016 to better cope with being a single mother.

Celibacy has been shown to improve some people’s concentration on their career goals and schoolwork. freeing them from thinking about their next sexual encounter.

You can also Improving self-care Helping them prioritize your needs and personal development Without worrying about a partner.

Abby Wilson, a licensed therapist based in Texas who specializes in relationships and trauma, told DailyMail.com‘I think there’s a lot of value in taking a step back from something and really turning that energy inward, or building a solid foundation to have a stronger sense of self and understand yourself on a deeper level, and also understand what brings meaning and fulfillment to life outside of romance or sexual relationships.’

A 2017 report found that the percentage of adults ages 20 to 24 who had abstained from sex in the year prior to their survey rose from just under 12 percent between 2000 and 2009 to more than 15 percent From 2010 to 2014.

A 2020 study found that sexually inactive men between the ages of 18 and 24 increased from about 19 percent in 2000 to 2002. to almost 31 percent from 2016 to 2018, while the percentage of young women increased from 15 percent to 19 percent.

Still, giving up sex entirely has its downsides.

Celibacy can cause some atrophy of the pelvic floor muscles, as well as sexual organs such as the clitoris, which can shrink and lose sensitivity.

Sex is also healthy for the heart. Increasing your heart rate during sex to 140 or 160 beats per minute is equivalent to walking a mile in 20 minutes and then climbing two flights of stairs.

The large Massachusetts Male Aging Study found that men who have sex twice a week have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who have sex less frequently.

It also relieves stress and anxiety by activating oxytocin, a hormone that generates well-being, and dopamine, the reward chemical in the brain, while decreasing levels of cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones).

Researchers in Switzerland surveyed 370 women about how often they masturbate and the reasons behind it: 64 percent reported they masturbate to relax, 55 percent said it evoked joy and 12 percent said they do it to relieve stress, the study reported. International Journal of Sexual Health.

Lenny Kravitz revealed in 2024 that he had been celibate for nine years since his last serious romantic relationship

Lenny Kravitz revealed in 2024 that he had been celibate for nine years since his last serious romantic relationship

Sex may also protect against cancer. In 2015, Harvard scientists reported that men between the ages of 40 and 49 who ejaculate 21 or more times a month reduce their risk of prostate cancer by 22 percent.

And a new review of existing studies dating back 30 years found that men who climaxed 21 or more times a month had a 31 percent lower risk of prostate cancer than those who climaxed only four to seven times a month.

Celebrities who support celibacy have contributed to a growing movement of people taking extended breaks from intimacy in the name of personal growth.

Olivia Reynolds explained her motivation in a video that has already been viewed by two million people. She dated someone casually, but abstained from having sex until she got into a serious relationship for about a year.

Mrs. Reynolds saying: ‘I had no idea what my standards actually were. But spending more time with myself, focusing on my mental and physical wellbeing, focusing on my goals, my ambitions, really solidified my standards.

“And when my standards became more established and I realized my worth, my anxious attachment style kind of disappeared.”

Meanwhile, TikTok user kingmeel93 has been celibate. for about six yearsand for him, it benefits his mental health and protects his health.

‘Everything is so sexual these days, we skip the conversations, we skip getting to know each other, we’re going to be skin to skin… and what’s happening to me is that STD rates are through the roof. I’m fine. I’m fine with my coffee. My skin is fine. I don’t need all that.’

It has spawned an online movement called #BoySober launched by Gen Zers to give up dating apps, texting their exes and hooking up (an acronym that refers to a sexual relationship without commitment) in order to emotionally free themselves from the trials of the exhausting cycle of dating, obsessively checking their phone, hanging out a little more, being ignored and all over again.

With around 30 million videos associated with the BoySober tag, predominantly made by women, the movement aims to break that cycle of dating and disappointment by giving up the habit altogether, much like quitting alcohol cold turkey.

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