Home Australia Friends are rallying behind Vanja Wilson, mother of two young children, as she fights a brave battle against ovarian cancer after enduring hours of surgery.

Friends are rallying behind Vanja Wilson, mother of two young children, as she fights a brave battle against ovarian cancer after enduring hours of surgery.

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Friends of popular businesswoman Vanja Wilson (pictured right with her husband and two young children) have rallied around her after she was recently diagnosed with cancer.

Friends of a popular businesswoman with two young children have rallied around her “with a heavy heart” after she was recently diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

The organizers of a GoFundMe campaign Vanja Wilson, a 38-year-old digital marketer, wrote that she had recently been diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer.

“We approach you with heavy hearts and hopeful spirits,” Ms. Wilson’s friends wrote, adding that she is “a loving wife to Calum and a devoted mother to their two beautiful daughters, Mila, 8, and Misha, 4”. ‘.

Wilson, who lives with his family in Dee Why on Sydney’s northern beaches, received the shocking diagnosis just a few weeks ago and is currently recovering from a six-hour abdominal surgery.

His friends said he has “a long and arduous road of treatments and therapies ahead of him to combat this insidious disease.”

Friends of popular businesswoman Vanja Wilson (pictured right with her husband and two young children) have rallied around her after she was recently diagnosed with cancer.

“As they prepare for the battle ahead, and with their two wider families based overseas, we will come together as their Australian ‘family’ to support them in any way we can,” the fundraisers wrote.

They said they had started the fundraiser because “cancer treatment is not only physically and emotionally exhausting, but also carries a significant financial burden.”

‘Our goal is to alleviate some of the stress by assisting with out-of-pocket medical costs, as well as indirect costs due to a change in work circumstances for both Vanja, while she receives treatment; and Calum as he does whatever it takes to be by Vanja’s side and take care of her precious girls.’

Ms Wilson’s friends noted that many people had been asking how they could help “during this unimaginably scary time” and said the GoFundMe page “is a wonderful way to do that”.

“Your donation will allow the Wilson family to focus on what really matters: supporting Vanja and the family during this period of immense stress and uncertainty, and allowing them to spend precious time together as a family while she receives treatment.”

Wilson, who lives with his family in Dee Why (pictured) on Sydney's northern beaches, received the shock diagnosis just a few weeks ago and is currently recovering from a six-hour abdominal surgery.

Wilson, who lives with his family in Dee Why (pictured) on Sydney’s northern beaches, received the shocking diagnosis just a few weeks ago and is currently recovering from a six-hour abdominal surgery.

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