Home Tech Fridge magnets can give you a holiday boost by reminding you of happy times abroad, research finds

Fridge magnets can give you a holiday boost by reminding you of happy times abroad, research finds

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Research has found that souvenirs, such as refrigerator magnets, can help protect memories and trigger positive emotional responses, reminding people of happy times.
  • Britons said they would rather buy collector’s magnets than photographs



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They could be considered “tattoos” picked up while on vacation.

But catching a glimpse of a refrigerator magnet in the kitchen can improve a traveler’s mood long after the trip is over.

Research has found that souvenirs can help protect memories and trigger positive emotional responses.

Brits surveyed said acquiring one was a priority while they were away, with some finding more pleasure in magnet collections than photo albums.

One participant said, “I don’t usually take pictures of anything… In the end they just give me a refrigerator magnet and I can remember everything from there.”

Research has found that souvenirs, such as refrigerator magnets, can help protect memories and trigger positive emotional responses, reminding people of happy times.

Research has found that souvenirs, such as refrigerator magnets, can help protect memories and trigger positive emotional responses, reminding people of happy times.

The shopping was found to be a repeated behavior, with one woman recalling a “massive panic” after realizing she hadn’t bought anything on the way home.

Many said they were reminded of their vacation every time they opened the refrigerator door, especially when a magnet fell out. Some magnets had attached themselves to more poignant memories over the years, serving as reminders of trips taken with friends or family members who had already passed away.

In an article published in the Annals of Tourism Research, the researchers from the University of Liverpool said: “Although souvenirs have generated considerable interest in tourism research, less attention has been paid to their post-trade ‘afterlife.'” the holidays”.

‘Fridge magnets are unusual among souvenirs because they are intended for a single, specific destination within the home: the refrigerator.

‘Due to their integration into everyday household rhythms, magnets are active agents in stimulating post-vacation memory work…(they) have a complex capacity to affect everyday life long after the vacation is over .’

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