Home Australia Footage that helped jail vile pet abuser: Thug caught hitting puppy on the head and throwing another dog across the street jailed after video goes viral

Footage that helped jail vile pet abuser: Thug caught hitting puppy on the head and throwing another dog across the street jailed after video goes viral

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Tyler Steele sparked fury after he was caught on doorbell camera punching a 12-week-old XL Bully for disobeying him.

This is the heartbreaking viral video that helped jail a vile pet abuser who furiously beat his helpless 12-week-old puppy.

Tyler Steele, 28, sparked nationwide anger after he was filmed punching a 12-week-old XL Bully in the street in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.

As the vile pet abuser furiously pulled on Bo’s leash, the frightened dog’s screams of pain could be heard on Proudlock Avenue in Stoke-on-Trent on July 7, 2023.

The ruthless bully can be heard saying: “I don’t want it anymore.” He can go to hell while he mercilessly attacked the puppy.

The 28-year-old was also captured in separate images grabbing a French bulldog by the neck and throwing the frightened pet into the air from a parked car.

Tyler Steele sparked fury after he was caught on doorbell camera punching a 12-week-old XL Bully for disobeying him.

This vile dog owner Tyler Steele, who was filmed repeatedly hitting a puppy on the head and throwing another small dog across the road, has been jailed for 18 weeks.

This vile dog owner Tyler Steele, who was filmed repeatedly hitting a puppy on the head and throwing another small dog across the road, has been jailed for 18 weeks.

The other incident, which occurred on May 2, 2023, was filmed about a mile away from the second beating.

Steele, of Stoke-on-Trent, pleaded guilty to two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

He was jailed for 18 weeks and banned from keeping animals for five years at North Staffordshire Justice Center on Monday.

After being shamed on social media, Steele returned to the property where the footage was filmed and brazenly declared that he “didn’t give a damn about the video.”

He said: ‘I told everyone it was me. I don’t give a damn. I’ll treat my dog ​​how I want to treat him.’

A couple called Ashley Salmon and Megan Dawson sold the puppy to Steele for £1,000 just days before the disturbing images emerged.

The couple later demanded poor Bo be returned after witnessing the horrifying video on social media.

In July 2023, Salmon said she was now taking care of Bo after Steele violently pulled on Bo’s leash and hit her in the head.

Steel had only owned Bo (pictured) for a few days before the shocking viral images (pictured) emerged, with his previous owners demanding the dog be returned to them.

Steel had only owned Bo (pictured) for a few days before the shocking viral images (pictured) emerged, his previous owners demanding the dog be returned to them.

Bo was seen by a veterinarian who determined she was in good health, aside from a slight swelling above her bloodshot eye (pictured with mother Rayah).

Bo was seen by a veterinarian who determined she was in good health, aside from a slight swelling above her bloodshot eye (pictured with mother Rayah).

After the ordeal, Bo was seen by a veterinarian who determined that she was in good health, except for slight swelling just above her bloodshot left eye.

Mr Salmon said at the time: “I spent an hour with Tyler about two weeks ago when he came to ask me about purchasing Bo. She is one of three puppies that were for sale.”

‘From the interaction I had with Tyler, there was no reason for me to suspect that he would treat Bo the way he did. He said he had other bulldogs and wanted an XL Bully.

“He handed her £1,000 in cash and took her away. But when I saw that video of him hitting her repeatedly on the head, I felt disgusted.

‘She hadn’t been with him even a week, and he was doing that to her. I contacted him on Facebook and told him I wanted Bo back.

“At first he said he didn’t want to part with her because she was his pet and he loved her, but I told him he couldn’t love her that much if he was willing to beat her senseless.”

‘It was only after I offered to give him his money back that he agreed to meet me again and give me Bo back. But he didn’t want to talk about what he did. He is a coward, he just wanted his money back.

‘Bo will now stay with us as our family pet. I can’t trust anyone else to take care of her properly.

However, the disturbing images are not the only time Steele displays shocking behavior towards animals.

However, the disturbing images are not the only time Steele displays shocking behavior towards animals.

He previously threw a French bulldog out of his parked car just two months earlier (pictured)

He previously threw a French bulldog out of his parked car just two months earlier (pictured)

After angrily throwing the frightened dog away, Steele left the dog on the road and returned home.

After angrily throwing the frightened dog away, Steele left the dog on the road and returned home.

Steele (pictured) was sentenced to 18 weeks behind bars after pleading guilty to two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

Steele (pictured) was sentenced to 18 weeks behind bars after pleading guilty to two counts of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

“We had her checked at the vet because her left eye was bloodshot and a slight lump above her eye socket, but she is much better now. She is in good spirits.

But no dog is safe with Tyler. He should never be allowed to own any animals again.

Following the trial, Sergeant Chris Gifford, of Staffordshire Police’s Stoke North team, said: “I am satisfied with the sentence imposed on Steele and the fact that he has been disqualified from keeping animals for five years.”

“This case sends a clear message that we will take action against animal cruelty.”

An RSPCA spokesperson said: “This was a very disturbing case and we were pleased to be able to assist Staffordshire Police, strengthening our partnership.”

“We are grateful to people who report suspected animal suffering as we strive to make the world a better place for all species.”

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