Home US Food blogger eats like Donald Trump all day, then does the same to Joe Biden’s diet and reveals which one left him most miserable

Food blogger eats like Donald Trump all day, then does the same to Joe Biden’s diet and reveals which one left him most miserable

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Bennett Rea, 35, from Los Angeles, ate like Donald Trump for a day

Donald Trump is famous for his notoriously unhealthy diet, but it turns out Joe Biden’s isn’t much better.

That’s according to a social media personality who ate like elderly politicians for an entire day. TikTok user Bennett Rea, 35, concluded at the end of the experiment that none of them have a diet even close to that of “normal people.”

Trump’s daily consumption of up to 12 Diet Cokes and a McDonald’s left Rea feeling “hungover” and like he was in a “Supersize Me” experiment.

But Biden’s peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he said, seemed almost “childish” and transported him back to his school days of brown bag lunches.

The writer also ate like Joe Biden for a day

Bennett Rea, 35, revealed the presidential diets on his TikTok cookinincongress. Pictured above, he’s trying out Trump’s diet (left) and Biden’s diet (right).

“Biden’s diet was very simple and eliminated any decision fatigue,” she told DailyMail.com. “He had a very childlike quality to him.”

“After that, I felt like this diet wasn’t for me. I was bored, it was bland. There wasn’t enough protein, so I was kind of hungry and sugary from all the Gatorade.”

The writer directs the cookingwithcongress TikTok account that reveals the diets of famous politicians and former presidents, and already has 20,000 followers.

Rea researched the diets of both presidents through news articles and books.

It was based on works such as Alex Prud’homme’s “Dinner with the President,” which covers the diets of Biden and Trump, and Corey Lewandowski’s “Let Trump be Trump,” which also contains details about the former president’s food preferences.

Biden typically starts his day with a bowl of Special K and an orange Gatorade.

For lunch, enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, and more Gatorade, while for dinner have Angel Hair pasta with red sauce.

Snacks include protein and Fig Newtons, as well as Haagen-Dazs vanilla chocolate chip ice cream.

Donald Trump is pictured above enjoying a McDonald's and a Diet Coke on his private jet in 2016, which he did in celebration after winning the Republican Party nomination.

Donald Trump is pictured above enjoying a McDonald’s and a Diet Coke on his private jet in 2016, which he did in celebration after winning the Republican Party nomination.

Biden is pictured enjoying ice cream in Cleveland, Ohio, in May 2021.

Biden is pictured above enjoying ice cream in Cleveland, Ohio, in May 2021.

Trump, for his part, usually skips breakfast. Lunch is usually a steak cooked so well that it curls at the corners, which he eats with ketchup and sometimes a salad with Roquefort dressing.

A typical dinner consists of two Big Macs, two Filet-o-Fish, a small chocolate shake, and again, a Diet Coke.

Snacks are Doritos or Lays and even more Diet Coke (Trump is known to enjoy up to 12 cans a day).

Rea told this website: ‘Trump’s diet, I don’t understand how someone who is 60, 70 or 80 years old can eat like Donald Trump for a whole day.

‘It was getting too close to a ‘Supersize Me’ experiment and I had a feeling he wouldn’t make it for more than a day because he had health problems.

‘The next day I felt hungover as if I had drunk a jug of red wine, I couldn’t concentrate.

‘I took half a day off work, walked around the city and felt nauseous, it was tough, I only started to feel better the next day.’

The above shows the two diets that the presidential candidates are following for this year's elections.

The above shows the two diets that the presidential candidates are following for this year’s elections.

Rea said following Biden’s diet left him “bored as hell” and feeling like he was eating “grown-up food.”

Overall, the experiment left him miserable and amazed at how two such high-performing individuals could function on seemingly poor diets.

“I was able to get by and function on these diets with the incredibly low risks that come with being a freelance writer, editor and parent,” he said.

“But as far as high-risk situations go, all I can say is I didn’t feel very good, I didn’t feel very good.”

Trump’s diet left him feeling like someone gets after Thanksgiving dinner and in that “weird aggressive posture,” where he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to fight or lie down.

He also said that he had eaten twice the recommended amount of salt in one day and was proud of eating so much fast food.

Describing how it affected his stress levels, he added: “At one point during the Trump diet, I ended up saying to my wife, ‘I can’t really talk to you right now, I just need to be alone with all this food I’ve got in my stomach.'”

Neither president’s diet contained alcohol; Trump claims to have been a lifelong teetotaler (which he says was due to watching his brother Fred struggle with alcoholism and die from it), while Biden also doesn’t drink after witnessing the effects of alcohol on his family.

Rea said he missed having a glass of wine or a beer in the evening while on the presidential diet.

Biden’s diet was also devoid of caffeine: the president doesn’t typically drink coffee these days, believed to be a personal preference.

Mr Rea said this made him feel “bored” as he likes to start his day with a cup and a half of coffee.

The two videos have racked up more than a million views: Biden’s clip has 1.7 million, while Trump’s has 1.3 million at the time of publication.

On Biden’s video, one viewer commented: “Joe Biden is my 17-year-old son. He’s had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches almost every day since he was 18 months old. I remember him asking for it then.”

A second said: “I’m honestly surprised it’s not worse… my grandma eats a bowl of cottage cheese and then tuna salad or barley soup for dinner.”

On Trump’s video, one person said: “My blood pressure doesn’t like that McDonald’s,” while a second said: “My body hurts just looking at this,” and a third said: “What a fool I was, I was worried about his protein intake for a minute.”

Rea said his family loved the experiment and thought it was “funny” that he was trying to eat like a president.

Some friends also said they hadn’t seen him eat like this since he was 14 or 15, when he used to often enjoy a bag of Doritos.

Rea said that when he was five years old he announced that he wanted to be a president and also a professional chef, and that his channel was a continuation of that childhood dream.

Rea is shown eating Biden's typical dinner

And your dessert

Biden’s diet: Rea is pictured above enjoying the Angel Hair pasta and ice cream that the current president enjoys at night.

He enjoys cooking regularly at home, where he often prepares spicy or Moroccan dishes, but says he has no professional experience in an industrial kitchen.

He also worked at a distillery for over six years, where he helped mix cocktails and even created some new ones for the menu.

He is currently working on videos revealing the diets of other past presidents, including Barack Obama and Roosevelt, which will be revealed in the coming weeks.

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