Home US Florida man, 66, finds out he’s NOT a citizen after living in the US for more than six decades: ‘Well, no one’s shown up at my door to arrest me yet’

Florida man, 66, finds out he’s NOT a citizen after living in the US for more than six decades: ‘Well, no one’s shown up at my door to arrest me yet’

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Jimmy Klass, 66, discovered he wasn't actually a citizen when he recently applied for Social Security retirement papers after living in the country for more than 60 years.

A Florida man discovered he is not a citizen after living in the United States for more than six decades.

Jimmy Klass, 66, discovered he wasn’t actually a citizen when he recently applied for Social Security retirement papers after living in the country for more than 60 years.

Klass, who came to the United States when he was two years old, has lived in the country ever since, including receiving a Social Security card, a driver’s license and a voter registration card.

He has voted in multiple elections and was even accepted into the Marine Corps and police force, although he ultimately chose a union job, he said. News 6.

Jimmy Klass, 66, discovered he wasn’t actually a citizen when he recently applied for Social Security retirement papers after living in the country for more than 60 years.

Klass, who came to the U.S. when he was 2 years old, has lived in the U.S. ever since, including receiving a Social Security card, a driver's license and a voter registration card. he told News 6

Klass, who came to the U.S. when he was 2 years old, has lived in the U.S. ever since, including receiving a Social Security card, a driver’s license and a voter registration card. he told News 6

‘They sent me a letter saying, ‘Oh, you’re eligible,’ you know? Bla bla bla. You will receive your first check on the second Wednesday of January 2020,” he told the Orlando outlet.

‘But instead I received a notification that I was frozen because I hadn’t proven to them that I was here legally. “That was his determination.”

Klass believed he was a citizen his entire life. His father’s birth certificate shows that he was a U.S. citizen by birth. His mother is of Canadian descent and his paternal grandparents came from Germany.

“Well, no one has shown up at my door to arrest me yet,” he told News 6.

‘My dad’s roots were in Brooklyn, New York… And two years into my existence, they decided to load up the truck and move to Beverly, so to speak,’ he said. ‘We moved to Tennessee Avenue on Long Island, to be more specific. And we moved to my grandparents’ house.

Klass shared that he even voted in multiple elections, which is a federal crime for non-citizens, according to the FBI, however, nothing has led him to believe that he wasn’t.

‘I also have all those documents. I mean, they accepted everything: ID card with photo, I voted here. You know, I acted like a normal citizen. It was never, ever known that I was here illegally, even though Social Security says I didn’t prove it to them. They gave me Medicare for over a year and a half. “Well, no one’s shown up at my door to arrest me yet,” he said.

“But yeah, technically, if you vote and you’re illegal, those are federal charges.” “I’ve even been to the Canadian consulate in Miami, okay?” he stated. “I’ve been spending thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to try to get the money I paid into Social Security my whole life.”

Now, Klass can't receive his Social Security payments and is forced to go back to work.

Now, Klass can’t receive his Social Security payments and is forced to go back to work.

Now, Klass can’t receive his Social Security payments and is forced to go back to work.

“I even told them, ‘Well, if you’re not going to pay me monthly, give me everything I paid with interest and we’ll be done,'” he said. ‘And they say, ‘Oh, we can’t do that either.’ I said, ‘Well, what can you do?’

Meanwhile, Klass has created a GoFundMe to help cover this unexpected lifestyle change.

He has raised $235 of his $10,000 goal as of Thursday.

“Good morning everyone,” he wrote. ‘The reason I am starting to fund myself is because the United States government is not paying me the Social Security that I paid my entire life, as they indicate that I am not here legally even though I have been here for 64 years. .

“My father was a U.S.-born citizen, my mother was a Canadian-born citizen, and the struggle of having to hire lawyers and genealogists and retrieve documents for USCIS.”

‘My case is now in the hands of the media. As I get older and don’t get paid what I do, it’s becoming a financial burden and before I lose my house I’m looking for charitable help. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.’

Newly released documents about a training program in Washington, DC for illegal immigrants to vote in local elections demonstrate the need for the SAVE Act, according to Rep. Chip Roy.

Newly released documents about a training program in Washington, DC for illegal immigrants to vote in local elections demonstrate the need for the SAVE Act, according to Rep. Chip Roy.

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This comes as newly released documents about a training program in Washington, DC for illegal immigrants to vote in local elections demonstrate the need for the SAVE Act, according to Rep. Chip Roy.

‘The radical progressive Democrats in DC city government couldn’t be more proud of the fact that they are going to have illegal aliens voting in their elections; However, they want us to believe that it will stop there and that none of them will attempt (or be encouraged) to vote illegally in federal elections? Give me a break,” Roy, R-Texas, told DailyMail.com earlier this month.

‘Without the SAVE Act’s screening measures, we are basically asking people who are already breaking the law by coming to the United States illegally to respect the honor system. No way; American elections should belong to American citizens, period.’

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