Home US Flight attendant reveals the things she would NEVER do as an air passenger, from drinking the tea or coffee to wearing strong perfume

Flight attendant reveals the things she would NEVER do as an air passenger, from drinking the tea or coffee to wearing strong perfume

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Do not wear socks or go barefoot, the travel expert warns air passengers

From drinking tea to ignoring the safety briefing, a former flight attendant has revealed a number of things she would never do as a passenger after learning the ins and outs of the industry.

A flight attendant from the US, who worked as cabin crew for a number of years with various airlines, shared some of her observations and pro-tips with DailyMail.com.

She also revealed some of her pet hates, with everything from strong perfume to oversized carry-on bags among her gripes.

Take a flight down to gain some insight so the next time you fly, you can have a lower stress and safer journey.

Wear socks or go bare feet

Do not wear socks or go barefoot, the travel expert warns air passengers

Do not wear socks or go barefoot, the travel expert warns air passengers

The planes are not thoroughly cleaned regularly, says the former flight attendant, so she therefore recommends not walking around in socks or with bare feet.

She advises: ‘The carpets are quite ugly and the toilet floors get dirtier as the flights go on.

‘I wanted to take a pair of flip-flops with me to wear on the plane.

‘When you’re done with them, you can just place them, soles together, in a Ziplock or plastic bag that keeps them away from other things in your bag.

‘Flip flops can be easily washed off.

‘An alternative is to pack a pair of hotel slippers and discard them on the plane when you’re done with them.’

Book a seat at the back of the plane

Having worked on planes for years, the aviator has seen the agony caused by long landings and people in the back of the plane trying to make connections.

For that reason, she says she would never book a seat at the back, especially with a layover of less than an hour.

If you can, she says, choose premium seats at the front of the cabin or those as far forward as you can in economy.

She adds: ‘If you weren’t able to book, try asking a flight attendant if there are any available seats closer to the front if the flight isn’t busy.

“Sometimes, if you’re polite, they’ll be able to accommodate you.”

Sneak big bags as hand luggage

“A lot of people try to bring big bags as hand luggage, but that just holds everyone up as bigger bags are harder to store,” says the avid traveller.

With that in mind, she only travels with one small personal item in the cabin and checks any larger bags.

“Not only does it lighten my load, but every little bit helps when it comes to making boarding a more seamless experience,” she says

Drink coffee or tea on a flight

The hot water pots are rarely 'thoroughly cleaned' on flights, says the travel expert

The hot water pots are rarely 'thoroughly cleaned' on flights, says the travel expert

The hot water pots are rarely ‘thoroughly cleaned’ on flights, says the travel expert

Almost all flights, including short-haul flights, run with hot drinks, but the aviation expert warns against drinking coffee-tea on the plane.

She says that the hot water pots are rarely ‘thoroughly cleaned’ and that they can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

Instead, she recommends sticking to cold drinks for the flight or filling a flask with a hot drink from an airport vendor before boarding.

Wear heavy perfume

“What may smell good to you may not smell so heavenly to the person next to you, so try to avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes if you can,” says the former cabin crew.

She also points out that some people may suffer from allergies or be hypersensitive to fragrances.

As well as avoiding perfumes, she recommends staying away from curries or garlic dishes before flying, as ‘not everyone wants to inhale the leftovers from last night’s dinner.’

Her pro tip is to take a shower before going to the airport and to use a mild deodorant.

While “for those who have access to the lounge, there are often showers there that you can freshen up in as well.”

Skip drinking water

After spending long layovers on planes, the former flight attendant says she realizes the healing power of water.

She advises taking a large bottle of ‘clean’ water and sipping it throughout the flight.

The pilot explains: ‘The air is dry and less oxygenated and you will be prone to headaches.

‘Because of this, water will be your best friend. Try to avoid alcohol if you can and stick to some good old H2O. You will feel much more refreshed when you reach your destination.’

Another wellness tip she recommends is getting up to stretch “every two hours or so.”

Ignore the safety briefing

1710592516 413 Flight attendant reveals the things she would NEVER do as

1710592516 413 Flight attendant reveals the things she would NEVER do as

“It’s important to know where your oxygen masks fall off and how to put them on,” says the former flight attendant on the subject of safety briefings

After working on different planes, the former flight attendant says she has come to realize the importance of listening to the safety briefings, as the layouts can vary ‘massively’.

The travel professional explains: “Although the briefing can be boring to watch, they are generally quite quick and will help if an emergency arises.

‘It is important to know where your oxygen masks fall from and how to put them on.

“The same applies to your life jacket.

‘Another thing I like to do is count the rows to the exit doors. That way, if the light goes out or smoke fills the cabin, I know roughly how far I have to travel.’

Unbuckle my seat belt

“Having witnessed many bouts of unexpected turbulence, I always want to keep my seat belt fastened during flights,” says the former host.

If you plan to move around the cabin to either visit the toilet, venture into the galley or simply stretch your legs, she advises moving ‘with a purpose’.

She adds: ‘It’s really important not to stand aimlessly blocking the aisles.

“Just standing around can expose you to unnecessary risks, and if the plane starts to shake, your head can hit the ceiling before you can react.”

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