Home Life Style Find out if it’s a match for Melody and Jeremy on this week’s Blind Date

Find out if it’s a match for Melody and Jeremy on this week’s Blind Date

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Melody, 49, has been single for four years. She is divorced and has no children and works as an actress and artist.


Divorced. Single for four years, without children.

Past quotes

I was married for four years when I was in my early 40s. Before that, my longest relationship was, again, four years. When I was younger I was interested in a conventional life path of marriage and children, but nowadays I feel relaxed about finding someone.

Pre-date nerves?

No, I really wanted to reassure my date. Since he’s an accountant, I was worried that he was a nerd, especially since he mentioned in his application that he was born on May 4th (known as Star Wars Day) and therefore a Jedi.

Melody, 49, has been single for four years. She is divorced and has no children and works as an actress and artist.

Melody, 49, has been single for four years. She is divorced and has no children and works as an actress and artist.

First impressions?

Jeremy is a warm, friendly and attractive guy. Physically, he is tall and has an open, attractive face. We greeted each other with a hug and a kiss, which we both instigated. He told me it was nice to meet me and then he offered me the seat against the wall, which meant I got the comfy couch.

Easy to talk to?

Yeah, and we joke that Jeremy talks a lot more than I do. He was glad to hear it: he is an interesting man.

His man bag was like my bag, and he had a nail file…

I liked that it has solid friendship groups. She has been skiing with a group of guys for 20 years. We also talked about his kids and her ex, but we mainly focused on our passions.

Jeremy likes sports; he loves to play squash. I confessed that I wasn’t sure I was sporty enough for him, even though I had completed many tetrathlons, which involve shooting, swimming, horseback riding and running. Jeremy confessed that he had to look for it!

Embarrassing moments?

Jeremy had a man bag. It was a similar design to my Italian leather bag. There’s something quite feminine about it. He even had a nail file, which I thought was pretty funny.

Did sparks fly?

I think there was a little bit of chemistry. I found Jeremy attractive. We both flirted a little: there was a lot of eye contact, but no physical gestures or holding hands.

He really wanted to take a selfie and snuggled up next to me on the couch.

Melody is looking for a man who is kind, fun and happy with himself. Arrogance is a turn off for her

Melody is looking for a man who is kind, fun and happy with himself. Arrogance is a turn off for her

Melody is looking for a man who is kind, fun and happy with himself. Arrogance is a turn off for her

See it again?

Well I hope so. Jeremy is lovely company, although he mentioned that he has a couple more blind dates lined up. My surprised expression made him step back a little.

What do you think he thought of you?

I don’t know. At one point, she said I’m a hard reader. I’m open and honest, so I don’t know what he meant.

Would your friends like it?

Definitely. Jeremy is very funny. He is someone you would want at a party.



Divorced. Single for four years, without children.


Actress and artist.


A kind, fun and happy man with himself. Arrogance is a turnoff.

JEREMY, 55 years old

Divorced, single for two years, with two teenage children.


Certified Public Accountant.


A warm, fun woman, naturally well presented and who takes care of herself.

JEREMY, 55 years old

Divorced, single for two years, with two teenage children.

Past quotes

I had two serious girlfriends when I was 20 and then was married for 22 years. I’m social, but “going out” isn’t really me. A platonic friend took me on as a project and offered me this opportunity. Since 2024 is my year to say yes, I agreed.

Pre-date nerves?

A bit. But that is natural, because it is the fear of the unknown. I was also looking forward to it and took the day off to enjoy the whole process.

Jeremy, 55, has been single for two years. He is divorced, has two teenage children, and is a public accountant.

Jeremy, 55, has been single for two years. He is divorced, has two teenage children, and is a public accountant.

Jeremy, 55, has been single for two years. He is divorced, has two teenage children, and is a public accountant.

First impressions?

I have a history of dating petite blondes and Melody checked all those boxes. She is slim, neat, with short blonde hair, and is a rather pretty and sweet person. We greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. To start the conversation, I started with: ‘So how did you end up here?’

Easy to talk to?

Yes, although Melody is a fan of muscular men, while I am the tenth runner. She made quite a few references to my man bag, but I’m used to this reaction: it’s always a topic of conversation. In fact I have five! In my defense, they are necessary for keys, phones (I have two), and my sunglasses.

…I actually have five men’s bags. Women always ask about them.

It was fascinating to hear about Melody’s professional world; She has worked with actors such as Aiden Turner and Jason Statham. I joked that she was modeled after Statham, with his lack of hair and stubble.

Embarrassing moments?

No, although the waiter had to come back four times to take our order because we were talking so much.

Did sparks fly?

Not for me. I had a great time with a good person. But romantically it’s a no. I usually know right away if there’s a romantic spark with someone, and I just didn’t feel it with Melody. Although we spent almost three hours together.

Jeremy is looking for a woman who is warm, fun, naturally well presented and who takes care of herself.

Jeremy is looking for a woman who is warm, fun, naturally well presented and who takes care of herself.

Jeremy is looking for a woman who is warm, fun, naturally well presented and who takes care of herself.

See her again?

Umm, probably not. No. That’s pretty brutal, isn’t it? But it’s an honest answer. I’m waiting for something real and I didn’t get that romantic feeling on our date.

What do you think she thought of you?

I hope the same as me: that there is no romantic future for us, but that he is good company and easy to talk to. I’m glad I did it and it was great to meet someone new.

Would your friends like it?

Yes, Melody is outgoing, sociable and good company.


APPRECIATED? There was a lot of laughter.




APPRECIATED? Relaxed company.

REGRETS? I do not regret at all.


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