Home Life Style Find out if it’s a match for Frances and Patrick on this week’s Blind Date: ‘She suggested we go to the Cotswolds. I loved that’

Find out if it’s a match for Frances and Patrick on this week’s Blind Date: ‘She suggested we go to the Cotswolds. I loved that’

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Frances, 71, is a widow with two adult children and two stepchildren. She is retired, has worked as a teacher for 47 years and is looking forward to meeting a sincere and worldly man.


Widow, with two adult children and two stepchildren.

Past dates?

I have been single for almost five years since I lost my husband. He was older than me and we were together for 46 years. I haven’t been on a date since before I met him.

Pre-date nerves?

This was a new experience for me, so yes, I was a little nervous.

Frances, 71, is a widow with two adult children and two stepchildren. She is retired, has worked as a teacher for 47 years and is looking forward to meeting a sincere and worldly man.

Frances, 71, is a widow with two adult children and two stepchildren. She is retired, has worked as a teacher for 47 years and is looking forward to meeting a sincere and worldly man.

First impressions?

Patrick was very gentlemanly and got up to pull out my chair, which was lovely. Initially I wasn’t attracted to his appearance and was disappointed that he wasn’t in a shirt and tie. But then I found out that he is Australian and that is simply due to his style and not his lack of effort.

Easy to talk to?

We just laughed and chatted about all kinds of nonsense. I can talk about my family for years.

Was nervous? I haven’t dated in almost 50 years!

We both ordered the shepherd’s pie and discovered a mutual love for the brown sauce. I told him I needed to try the fruity version of a bacon sandwich, which made him laugh.

She seems to do a lot for charity and travels to India once a year, which was interesting, and I told her about my 47-year teaching career.

Embarrassing moments?

Not really, it was a lot of fun.

Did sparks fly?

I thought he was a lovely man and very flattering. I also complimented him on his pocket square.

But it was my first date in a long time, so I wasn’t expecting to be blown away. At first I felt that we are more suitable for friendship, but who knows what can happen over time?

Frances liked that Patrick was gentlemanly: he stood up and pulled out his chair when she arrived.

Frances liked that Patrick was gentlemanly: he stood up and pulled out his chair when she arrived.

Frances liked that Patrick was gentlemanly: he stood up and pulled out his chair when she arrived.

Would you like to meet again?

Yes, it was great company and I didn’t feel like I had to be on my best behavior. We exchanged numbers and then he messaged me to thank me for a great afternoon and ended with “your friend always”, which I thought was lovely.

What do you think he thought of you?

I think he quite liked me and enjoyed my company, and seemed to agree that we would remain friends.

Would your family and friends like it?

He’s such a lovely man, I think. Although they are struggling with the idea of ​​him meeting anyone right now.



Widowed, with two adult children and two stepchildren.

Current role

Retired professor.

Would you like to meet

A sincere and wise man in the world.


Widowed with five children.


Retired from nursing in the merchant navy.


Someone kind and entertaining. I am an extrovert so no one is too shy.


Widowed with five children.

Past dates?

I was widowed in 2009 and have been single since then. Even though my friends have tried to set me up, I still say no. But my kids are older now, so I’ve decided now is the time.

Pre-date nerves?

I could barely stand up because of my nerves. But I noticed she was shaking, so clearly we were both in the same boat.

Patrick, 72, is a widower with five children. Retired from nursing in the merchant marine, he is looking for someone kind and entertaining.

Patrick, 72, is a widower with five children. Retired from nursing in the merchant marine, he is looking for someone kind and entertaining.

Patrick, 72, is a widower with five children. Retired from nursing in the merchant marine, he is looking for someone kind and entertaining.

First impressions?

I thought Frances was charming and very pretty. She looked natural with very little makeup, although I complimented her on her pretty painted nails. It was sweet that she was so nervous; I told him me too and we both calmed down.

Easy to talk to?

She was wonderful company and would make a great dinner guest. She’s not shy and shoots from the hip, which I like.

She suggested we go to the Cotswolds. She loved it

I grew up in Australia, so I’m simple and I like their manners. By coincidence, she has a daughter in Australia, so she knew the places she had been.

Frances was a teacher for 47 years, which is an incredible feat. There was no pretense as she is very genuine. We continued chatting for more than four hours.

Embarrassing moments?

No, thanks to God.

Did sparks fly?

Not publicly since we were just getting to know each other, but we got along very well.

When we started talking about places we wanted to visit, she said, “Let’s go to the Cotswolds; we’ll have our own rooms and have an adventure.” I loved that.

I told him I was done swinging from chandeliers and wanted company, so it was a great idea.

Patrick's first impressions of Frances were good: he thought she was very pretty and liked that she was natural and with little makeup.

Patrick's first impressions of Frances were good: he thought she was very pretty and liked that she was natural and with little makeup.

Patrick’s first impressions of Frances were good: he thought she was very pretty and liked that she was natural and with little makeup.

Would you like to meet again?

I’d love to. She had been recommending a spicy version of HP sauce, so I bought some to try and reported back.

What do you think she thought of you?

I think he likes me and I hope we go away and have fun together.

Would your family and friends like it?

Oh yes, absolutely. Frances is a very nice lady and she would get along with everyone.


APPRECIATED? It’s fun and down to earth.

REGRETS? Taking years to decide what to wear.



APPRECIATED? His manner and presentation.

REGRETS? No, I really want to meet.


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