Home Life Style Find out if Alida and Robert are compatible on this week’s Blind Date: “Best date I’ve ever been on.” But I don’t think she would agree…’

Find out if Alida and Robert are compatible on this week’s Blind Date: “Best date I’ve ever been on.” But I don’t think she would agree…’

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Alida, 55, is divorced and mother of two grown-up daughters aged 18 and 21.

Alida, 55 years old

Divorced and father of two adult daughters, ages 18 and 21.

Past encounters?

I have been single for a year and a half since splitting from my partner of six years. Before that, I was married for 15 years.

Pre-date nerves?

I didn’t feel too much pressure, no. It’s just about going out for a meal and meeting someone new, right?

Alida, 55, is divorced and mother of two grown-up daughters aged 18 and 21.

Alida, 55, is divorced and mother of two grown-up daughters aged 18 and 21.

First impressions?

Robert seemed like a nice man, but I knew right away that I didn’t like him. It is difficult to determine why. After all, he was full of smiles and elegantly dressed. He came across as a “husband,” which is a good thing. And it’s always a bonus when a man has hair.

Easy to talk to?

He looked like a husband – and had hair too!

We chatted easily for over three hours; I came away with the feeling that we had the same values ​​and that there was nothing I didn’t like about him. We talked about our kids, our work, how we both love cooking, playing tennis, and walking.

I probably talked too much – I always do when I’m excited or nervous – but I don’t think I dominated the conversation.

Embarrassing moments?

No, there were no awkward moments.

Ailda hopes to meet someone funny, witty and affectionate who wants to be in a relationship for good – and with a full head of hair

Ailda hopes to meet someone funny, witty and affectionate who wants to be in a relationship for good – and with a full head of hair

Ailda hopes to meet someone funny, witty and affectionate who wants to be in a relationship for good – and with a full head of hair

Did sparks fly?

There was definitely some “banter” in our conversation and our eyes met the entire time, but I didn’t sense any feelings of flirtation from him. It’s a shame because he’s a lovely man – and yet I just didn’t like him. I can’t even say why, there just wasn’t a “spark”.

However, he might like me if we met again.

Goodbye ?

I had a very pleasant time and could have talked with him for many more hours. I think as a potential relationship it was always a failure, but I think it might be nice to get to know him as a friend and see where it goes from there – it’s is difficult to tell from a single appointment.

What do you think he thought of you?

I’m really not sure. He didn’t give off a lot of flirty vibes, so I’m not sure he likes me.

Would your family like it?

My daughters would see that he was more of a “husband” than a “boyfriend” – the kind of kind, safe, reliable man I am looking for.


Alida, 55 years old

Divorced and father of two adult daughters, ages 18 and 21.


An office administrator at a school.


Someone funny, witty and affectionate who wants to be in a relationship for good – and with a full head of hair.

Robert, 61 years old

Divorced and father of three adult children: two sons and a daughter.


Independent seller of office furniture.


Someone outgoing who isn’t held back by pets or grandchildren.


Divorced and father of three adult children: two sons and a daughter.

Past encounters?

My wife and I separated after 32 years of marriage in 2020. Since then, I’ve gone on about 15 dates through the Bumble app. I met some lovely women, a couple I would have been happy to start a relationship with, but they didn’t feel the same way.

Pre-date nerves?

I was feeling great until I got to the bar and realized I was on a blind date. I’ve never done anything like this before!

Robert, 61, is divorced and the father of three adult children: two sons and a daughter.

Robert, 61, is divorced and the father of three adult children: two sons and a daughter.

Robert, 61, is divorced and the father of three adult children: two sons and a daughter.

First impressions?

I thought Alida was beautiful: slim and beautiful with blond, curly hair. She had pretty eyes and seemed sparkling. We gave each other a little kiss on the cheek and we never stopped talking.

Easy to talk to?

We had a lot in common and talked about our children, our past relationships and the future. I liked that she seemed to have lots of friends. We both enjoy walking, although Alida is much fitter than me.

Best date I’ve ever had. But I don’t think she would agree…

One thing that made me wonder if she was into me – or even if she was dating anyone – is that she seems to enjoy her own space. After being single for a while, you like having your house to yourself and I’m not sure she’s ready to share hers.

Embarrassing moments?

No, I came away from the date thinking, “That was the best date I’ve ever been on.”

Robert is looking to meet someone outgoing who isn't held back by pets or grandchildren

Robert is looking to meet someone outgoing who isn't held back by pets or grandchildren

Robert is looking to meet someone outgoing who isn’t held back by pets or grandchildren

Did sparks fly?

I was definitely attracted to her. But I’m really good at reading people’s body language, and there was absolutely no movement of his romantic needle towards me. She gave me a quick hug goodbye and I almost put my business card in her hand in hopes that she might contact me, but I don’t think she will. It is very good. But all this time, I was hoping that she might see something in me that she liked.

To see her again ?

I doubt. I would like to, but I’m not sure she wants it.

What do you think she thought of you?

We got along and time passed quickly, but there was something about me that he didn’t like.

Would your family like it?

They would really like her, she’s my type and she’s adorable.


LOVE? The conversation, the food, it was lovely.

REGRETS? No way.



LOVE? All. It was really a great day.



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