Home Australia Fifty shades of the grays: New book explores strange SEXUAL encounters with UFOs

Fifty shades of the grays: New book explores strange SEXUAL encounters with UFOs

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Nigel Watson is one of the authors of UFO Files

A new book explores the disturbing stories of sexual encounters with aliens and UFOs.

Stories about these wild interactions have been around since the 1950s, and in The UFO Files, Nigel Watson explores the psychology behind them.

In an interview with DailyMail.com, Watson explores whether they come from our subconscious or are part of a longer tradition of supernatural encounters dating back many centuries.

Nigel Watson is one of the authors of UFO Files

But the book notes that many of these encounters were “remembered” with the help of hypnotists, who may have planted the memories there.

Reports of encounters with supernatural entities are also much older than people believe.

Watson said: “Whatever the genesis of such reports, we must consider that people have reported sexual contact with all kinds of supernatural beings throughout history.

‘Either aliens have been carrying out bestial experiments for millennia or these stories respond to deeply rooted socio-psychological needs.

“Until solid medical evidence is obtained or hybrid children appear, the latter hypothesis seems more likely.”

Antonio Villas Boas

One of the first alien abduction stories, by Brazilian farmer Antonio Villas Boas, also included a strong sexual element.

In October 1957, Boas was “taken aboard” a star-shaped UFO that landed in front of him, before being experimented on and covered in a mysterious gel.

One of the first alien abduction stories, by Brazilian farmer Antonio Villas Boas, also included a strong sexual element.

One of the first alien abduction stories, by Brazilian farmer Antonio Villas Boas, also included a strong sexual element.

Villas Boas, 23, was seduced by an “alien” woman who was blonde and blue-eyed and who, he later claimed, kept a sample of his sperm.

But he said: “Some of the grunting that came out of her at certain times almost ruined everything, as it gave the unpleasant impression of lying with an animal.”

Researchers have since suggested that Villas Boas used details from previous Brazilian news stories and that he was a devotee of UFO author and alleged contactee Georges Adamski, but Villas Boas never recanted his story until his death in 1991.

Betty and Barney Hill

The Antonio Villas Boas story kept a relatively low profile until Barney Hill’s kidnapping and alleged sexual assault made headlines around the world.

Betty and Barney Hill’s experience in 1961 became the de facto “first” alien abduction story: the couple found a strange light on a road in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

The experience of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961 became the de facto

Betty and Barney Hill’s experience in 1961 became the de facto “first” alien abduction story.

The couple couldn’t remember part of the trip and their watches had stopped working, but the worst awaited Barney.

He claimed that a cup-shaped device was placed over his genitals, before another cylindrical object was inserted into his anus, and in both cases “samples” were taken.

Psychiatrist and hypnotist Benjamin Simon helped the couple remember their experience; Freudian, he suggested that it could indicate latent homosexuality.

Gabriella Versacci

In October 1973, Gabriella Versacci was driving near the small town of Langford Budville, near Somerset, England, at 11 p.m.

Versace’s car shut down and she went outside to investigate, before being pushed to the ground by a dark metallic robot and passing out.

In October 1973, Gabriella Versacci was driving near the small town of Langford Budville, near Somerset, England.

In October 1973, Gabriella Versacci was driving near the small town of Langford Budville, near Somerset, England.

She woke up inside a circular room, naked and tied to a table.

She claimed that a male humanoid looked at her “with no visible emotion”, before pressing a pin-like device against her and raping her.

She took a pregnancy test (it was negative) but her story was all her own, rather than being told under hypnosis.

Ed Duvall

Ed Duvall was hypnotized in 1986 by UFO researcher Budd Hopkins.

He reported on an abduction he “remembered” in the early 1960s, where a violent attempt to take a sperm sample using a “suction device” left him humiliated.

Duvall's experience came to light under the hypnosis of Budd Hopkins.

Duvall’s experience came to light under the hypnosis of Budd Hopkins.

Duvall said, “They take what they want when they want it, no matter what.” They don’t seem to care how we feel.

But later, he was approached by an alien who, Duvall recalled, was “well endowed, definitely had breasts.”

After intercourse, the gray aliens took a sperm sample which they kept in a bottle.

Pamela Stonebrooke

Los Angeles-based jazz singer Pamela Stonebrooke called herself the ‘Intergalactic Diva’ long before her alleged encounters with extraterrestrials.

She said of the nickname: “Funnily enough, it works now.”

Pamela Stonebrooke, the 'Intergalactic Diva'

Pamela Stonebrooke, the ‘Intergalactic Diva’

Since then, he has described multiple sexual encounters with aliens and with creatures that were apparently alien-human hybrids.

She said: ‘My first sexual encounter… was so intense and pleasurable.

‘I woke up from my dream and found myself making love to what appeared to be a Greek god.

‘But the sex was very intense. The next time I opened my eyes, it had transformed into a reptilian entity with scaly, snake-like skin. That’s when I realized she was making love to a shape-shifting alien.

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