Home Australia Feeling on edge right now? Astrologers reveal why – and warn things won’t improve until April 8

Feeling on edge right now? Astrologers reveal why – and warn things won’t improve until April 8

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Feeling on edge right now? Astrologers reveal why - and warn things won't improve until April 8

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

There is a dynamic interaction between the personal side of your life and the sense of distance you feel from some of your friends and connections.

It’s a little bit complicated! However, it’s a good time to go out and have fun regardless of others. So have a little fun in the sun now… but not too much.

Romantic idealizations can also float in your mind, which makes life interesting. It’s also a great time for kids… yours or someone else’s. Pamper your inner child now by going out and having fun!

Sometimes your hopes and dreams may be reflected in reality, which is part of life, but try to move forward with some leisure and pleasure.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Home and family are where they are now and the privacy of their sanctuary needs to be respected. There may be important conversations with female relatives, particularly with a motherly type figure.

Sometimes it can feel like you are walking a tightrope between the public world of work and the security of home and family. You might find endings and new beginnings in your career or with authority figures.

Can technology be a feature or is it your teacher? Find inner balance so you can shine as your radiant self! Under the Leo Full Moon, Taurus claims the night.

Embrace your inner animal this month.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Fabulous, wonderful, great! Do these words describe how you feel? If not, don’t worry because the Full Moon offers a promise of hopeful communications and times of learning.

You might make decisions based on how you feel rather than logic, but that’s okay as long as you’re aware that you’re operating in the fluid world of feelings.

Your Sun is pushing you to expand your horizons through travel, education, or even spirituality or all three! Distant relatives, cousins ​​and siblings may also appear, and you may hear some news. Something happening in your local community may also be appealing.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Endings and new beginnings around resources you share with another person may be on your agenda.

You may be interested in investments, loans, legalities or even inheritances and it’s time to get organized in how you manage your shared assets. Privacy included! What’s that? I hear some say… it’s primarily your relationship with yourself, which then trickles down into close relationships with others.

So now is the time to get really clear about trust, vulnerability and deep understanding. What you once considered valuable may now change as you see the deeper meaning of “value.”

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

The Full Moon in your sign blesses you with warmth and generosity as you radiate your passion to the world!

Your heartfelt emotions are the fuel that will propel you into the spotlight and allow you to spread your message to the world. You may feel the need for a change in appearance and/or identity to better reflect who you really are.

Buy new clothes, put on makeup, or get a new haircut, but maybe not on a dramatic day. You are also beginning a new zodiac cycle which may feel like a new chapter.

It may take you a little time to find your balance; However, getting out into the world is key.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Waiting time, waiting time I hear around you! Your daily demands could keep you from the quiet moments you need to reflect on your life.

The busy world comes with responsibilities that you feel you must fulfill. It’s tough because we all need downtime sometimes. You may be able to continue with your daily routine, your work or your health, however, make a deal with yourself to slow down and have some time for yourself.

Never break those agreements with yourself and ask yourself, “Where can I begin to find balance in life?” Pay special attention to your dreams and those little flashes of brilliance you can find among mundane thoughts. The Moon in Leo gives Virgo extra grace.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

This Full Moon makes you a shining star with friends, group and contacts. It’s all very exciting and very good, as you finally get a little more of what you need to feel fulfilled.

Go out and enjoy some leisure and pleasure with other people. You’ve probably always known that no one is an island, so you might be tempted to do something more radical than usual while socializing.

Your hopes and dreams are burning right now and you’re probably feeling better than usual.

A possible downside is feeling a little too trusting or too charitable – don’t give away the kitchen sink!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Hold on to your hat, it could be a pretty intense time as your ruler Pluto and the Sun combine their power at home or with the family. However, you could also shine in your public life, whether in your career or on social media.

Your reputation precedes you and people feel your powerful aura. Either way, your public life shines through the grace of the Moon. However, be careful not to share too much in the public domain.

Authority figures may notice you now, especially employers, parents, or other people in positions of power… and you’ll probably get positive feedback.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

This fiery Full Moon increases your natural fire and it’s time to let yourself go.

It’s okay to change your mind sometimes because you’re going places! You might also think about travel, education or spirituality as you look to grow your horizons… there’s a big world out there.

Higher concepts and blue sky thinking are driving positivity now, so make the most of the opportunities presented to you. You usually give the benefit of the doubt, but do some people deserve this generosity?

Relationships can also be intense and compelling. Foreign connections may also become more important now.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Sometimes it’s hard to trust, especially after being hurt intensely. An opportunity for vulnerability could arise… will you act as you normally do or try something different?

Something that fosters trust and love could bring healing. Shared assets may appear in your calendar. Resource issues like real estate, investments, or something you share with another person may also need your attention.

Personal finances could also be a challenge, and could a man be involved somehow? You may have to do a balancing act to find a solution.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Relationships sometimes require compromises to get the best results. Can you compromise on small things that don’t really matter much to you?

The little things add up and if you can do this, your relationships will improve dramatically.

It’s great to feel powerful, but only a true leader can give something to those who sometimes need a break. Will you be sincere or mediocre this month?

It’s also important to be true to yourself, so figure out where those small commitments lie and stick to issues close to your heart that are really important to you.

As a fixed sign, it can be stubborn when some flexibility is required.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Daily habits and work could consume a lot of time and energy now. Can this Full Moon in Leo help you recruit others to your cause?

Maybe you can lend a hand? Health and wellness are also top of mind now, and you might be feeling a little better, especially when it comes to any routine.

Just a thought…is it time to listen to important women in your life? The Sun and Pluto are not very happy deep in your subconscious right now, so you may find that you are having all kinds of ideas about your inner life, with endings and new beginnings.

Fountain: rose smith

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