Home US Revealed: Faces of masked gang who stabbed trans girl outside roller disco in ‘revenge for lying about her gender identity before having sex with boy’ – as they are put behind bars

Revealed: Faces of masked gang who stabbed trans girl outside roller disco in ‘revenge for lying about her gender identity before having sex with boy’ – as they are put behind bars

Summer Betts-Ramsey (photo) attacked the victim fourteen times on February 10 last year, stabbing her in the nose, thigh, hand and buttocks

A gang of thugs who senselessly attacked a transgender girl at a roller skating party in revenge for lying about her gender identity before performing a sex act on a boy were locked up today.

The 18-year-old victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was lured to a roller disco where a masked crowd shouted “tranny” as they punched, kicked and stomped on her after she was stabbed repeatedly by ringleader Summer Betts-Ramsey. .

In a horrific 45-second attack, which was filmed and released on Snapchat, the victim was knocked to the ground where she was kicked at least seven times by Betts-Ramsey before the 19-year-old pulled out a knife.

As the victim lay helpless, Betts-Ramsey stabbed the victim nine times in the nose, thigh, hand and buttocks at Harrow Leisure Center on February 10 last year.

Other teenagers, pictured for the first time today, punched her and hit her with a pair of roller skates and boots before ripping off her handbag and fleeing, leaving the victim in a pool of blood.

The victim only survived the attack after a member of the public intervened to stop Betts-Ramsey from stamping on her head and called an ambulance.

Betts-Ramsey appeared at the Old Bailey today and was sentenced alongside 18-year-olds Bradley Harris, Camron Osei and Shiloh Hindes, and a 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named, who finally admitted causing serious injury with intent had caused bodily harm. .

Betts-Ramsey was sentenced to four and a half years in a juvenile facility, plus an additional four years of probation.

Meanwhile, Harris, Hindes and Osei were all sentenced to three years in a juvenile facility. The 17-year-old boy was given an 18-month youth probation order.

A sixth girl who admitted to the robbery by taking the victim’s bag will be sentenced later today.

The trial heard how Harris planned the attack when the victim denied she was transgender before kissing him and performing an oral sex act a few days earlier.

Summer Betts-Ramsey (photo) attacked the victim fourteen times on February 10 last year, stabbing her in the nose, thigh, hand and buttocks

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, only survived the attack at Harrow Leisure Center (pictured) after a member of the public intervened to stop Betts-Ramsey stamping on her head and calling an ambulance.

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, only survived the attack at Harrow Leisure Center (pictured) after a member of the public intervened to stop Betts-Ramsey stamping on her head and calling an ambulance.

Summer Betts-Ramsey

Bradley Harris

The attack was plotted by Bradley Harris (right) after he had a sexual encounter with the victim on January 29. He was later told she was transgender. Betts-Ramsey is pictured in a mugshot (left)

Camron Osei

Shilou Hinds

Camron Osei, Shilou Hinds and a 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named, are also sentenced after admitting causing grievous bodily harm with intent

Unbeknownst to the victim, Harris recorded the Jan. 29 sexual encounter during a FaceTime video call.

A friend then called Harris to tell him the victim was transgender, which she only admitted after Harris held her under the knife and said, “I’ll stab you if you lie.”

The victim later apologized, but Harris was already meticulously planning a vicious revenge attack.

Hours before the attack, Betts-Ramsey was heard on the phone saying: “I’ve got to go to Harrow to beat up a tranny brother.”

The knife-obsessed 19-year-old decided to take one of the knives she had delivered to the children’s home where she lived.

Afterward, Betts-Ramsey, now 20, bragged about the stabbing, posting a story on Snapchat with footage of the attack and laughing emojis, and telling friends, “I’m going to jail… man, I stabbed her 12 times.” ‘

Others taunted the victim by sending messages saying: ‘You look cute.’

In a moving victim impact statement, the transgender girl said she has suffered panic attacks, struggles to sleep and fears she may not be able to work as a model because of her injuries.

“I have become depressed and am always afraid to leave the house,” she said.

The Old Bailey (pictured) heard on Wednesday how Harris arranged the attack after the victim denied she was transgender before kissing him and performing an oral sex act a few days earlier.

The Old Bailey (pictured) heard on Wednesday how Harris arranged the attack after the victim denied she was transgender before kissing him and performing an oral sex act a few days earlier.

‘I am constantly afraid of being attacked again. Sometimes I feel like this is taking over my life.

“The incident has resulted in thick scars on my body, which makes me sad every time I see them. I feel like I’m the one serving a life sentence because of them.

“I have experienced hostility towards me as a transgender person in the past, but I never thought someone would hate me so much and want to attack me the way they did.”

Betts-Ramsey was subject to a community order at the time of the stabbing after being convicted of theft and battery.

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