Home Australia Exposed: Dating app predator Anton Smolin has secret criminal record and brags about dirty sex

Exposed: Dating app predator Anton Smolin has secret criminal record and brags about dirty sex

A sexual predator who tried to deny brutally abusing women he met on dating apps was recently convicted of using a mobile phone to threaten, harass or offend. Anton Smolin (above) committed the offence last year


A sexual predator who tried to deny brutally abusing women he met on dating apps was recently convicted of using a mobile phone to threaten, harass or offend.

Electrical engineer and self-confessed psychopath Anton Smolin committed the offence in Sutherland, south of Sydney, in February last year and was found guilty in January.

Smolin attempted to have the matter quashed at Downing Centre Local Court in March but, after abandoning that application, was convicted and given a two-year $500 good behaviour bond.

Daily Mail Australia can now also reveal how a disturbing “seduction” guide written by Smolin catalogued his sexual encounters with women from across Eastern Europe.

Smolin’s history of sending malicious messages to women he met on dating apps, calling them “fat pigs” and “bitches”, was exposed by Daily Mail Australia late last year.

The 43-year-old sued the publication for defamation in the New South Wales District Court but accepted his suit was futile when he learned that a book he had published, entitled Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath, would form part of the defence.

Smolin had fought to keep his identity as the author of the book, which he sold through Amazon and was reviewed on Goodreads, secret.

On Thursday, Judge Judith Gibson ruled in favour of Daily Mail Australia in the defamation action and ordered Smolin to pay costs estimated to run into the six figures.

A sexual predator who tried to deny brutally abusing women he met on dating apps was recently convicted of using a mobile phone to threaten, harass or offend. Anton Smolin (above) committed the offence last year

Despite Smolin’s total capitulation and the verdict against him, the misogynist continues to fight to prevent the full content of his book from being published.

Smolin has continued to deny having written The Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath despite his name, photograph and mobile phone number appearing in publicity for the work.

A rundown of Smolin’s sordid exploits in Australia and abroad is still being promoted online, including an orgy with a “toothless granny” and a “gang bang with a girl tied up and blindfolded”.

Smolin describes himself as a psychopath “with almost no empathy or moral and ethical standards of any kind” and admits to keeping an Excel spreadsheet of his “sexual conquests.”

The Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath contains such disturbing material that a copy will now be handed over to police for investigation into whether it contains admissions that Smolin committed serious indictable offences.

A promotion on the website Goodreads, apparently written by Smolin, says the book features “funny, weird and interesting seduction stories that took place in Australia and abroad.”

“All the stories are true and the events described happened in real life,” Smolin said.

‘They are portrayed through the eyes of a psychopath with almost no empathy or moral and ethical standards of any kind.

‘I live in a different world; what may seem strange and disturbing in your world may be a normal, everyday occurrence in my world.

‘Unlike fiction writers, I didn’t make things up to shock people; I simply wrote things as they were in real life.’

Daily Mail Australia can now also reveal how a disturbing guide to

Daily Mail Australia can now also reveal how a disturbing ‘seduction’ guide written by Anton Smolin catalogued his sexual encounters with women from across Eastern Europe.

A press release that includes Smolin’s name and phone number says the book, published in 2014, faithfully records his “extensive travels” across Eastern Europe.

“He writes about his passionate relationships with the girls he met, including drunken encounters with several girls, prostitutes who agreed to have sex without charging him anything, skinny dipping at night and trysts on nude beaches,” the press release states.

The press release also provides summaries of some of Smolin’s sexual encounters in Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Estonia, Ukraine and Russia.

‘While in Lithuania, Smolin had a very intimate relationship with an absolutely stunning “9/10” target he had just met in an empty VIP nightclub,’ he claims.

‘Describe in detail, step by step, how the seduction progressed (over the course of the evening) from “Hello” to her putting her hand down his pants in the public place.

‘In the Russian Federation, Anton invited two attractive young women to his place of stay and had sex with one while the other lay next to them and watched (in the same room).

‘A tall, beautiful, big-breasted redhead in a Belarusian nightclub suggested they ‘go home’ together after just a few hours of meeting.

“She was not a prostitute, but rather a perfect example of effective quick seduction techniques,” Smolin said.

Smolin also describes episodes of public and drunken sex.

“A girl in Latvia, who immediately after meeting him for the first time (in the morning), suggested that they go back to her place to get drunk,” the press release states.

Smolin struggled to keep his identity secret as the author of The Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath, which he sold through Amazon. He is pictured in front of London's Tower Bridge.

Smolin struggled to keep his identity secret as the author of The Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath, which he sold through Amazon. He is pictured in front of London’s Tower Bridge.

‘Shortly after entering Anton’s apartment, she took off her panties, washed them in the bathroom and hung them near the open window. They then proceeded to drink three bottles of champagne together.

‘A 19-year-old girl Anton was dating while in Ukraine had sex with him on a public beach at a lake, in the water, while people were swimming and sunbathing right next to them.

‘Smolin recruited a private tour guide (a local young woman) to show him Latvia’s tourist attractions.

The Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath by Anton Smolin was available on Amazon

The Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath by Anton Smolin was available on Amazon

‘He ended up copulating with her on top of a 13th-century castle tower. ‘Public sex is immaculate,’ Smolin said.

Smolin boasts in the press release that he had “slept” with 106 women – “not including prostitutes and sex party girls” – and that more than 70 of those encounters occurred in the previous five years.

“I now live in a world of multiple girlfriends, threesomes, group sex and international pimping,” Smolin says.

‘I keep a detailed record of all my sexual conquests in a sophisticated Excel spreadsheet that I use to plot complex graphs and perform strategic data analysis.’

An entry for The Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath on the Goodreads website written by Smolin refers to sexual acts too graphic to publish.

“Some of the content is explicit and some of it is very explicit,” he says.

‘If you would feel uncomfortable reading about… a four-on-one orgy with a girl tied up and blindfolded, or a 20+ person orgy with a toothless grandmother and a mentally retarded person, then don’t read on.’

Daily Mail Australia first exposed Smolin’s serial abuse of women he met on dating apps in an article published last November when he was an associate director at a Sydney engineering firm.

Four women came forward to describe their dealings with Smolin and his habit of exploding into blind rage when they cancelled or changed appointments.

Smolin sued the Daily Mail Australia over a story published last year. Four women came forward to describe how Smolin erupted in furious insults when they cancelled appointments with him.

Smolin sued the Daily Mail Australia over a story published last year. Four women came forward to describe how Smolin erupted in furious insults when they cancelled appointments with him.

Smolin told one woman who decided not to meet him: “Fuck off, you stupid fat pig,” and told another who turned down a second date: “You’re a stupid, lying b***h.”

Smolin denied that such exchanges had occurred and sued the Daily Mail Australia for defamation, claiming the article destroyed his reputation and wrongly portrayed him as a psychopath, sexual predator and misogynist.

While preparing to defend Smolin’s libel suit, lawyers acting on behalf of the publication obtained an electronic copy of his book.

Upon reading the 305 pages of Seduction Chronicles of a Psychopath, solicitors at Mark O’Brien Legal determined they had a legal obligation under the Crimes Act to pass it on to the police.

The book was obtained through a subpoena issued to Smolin’s then-employer, engineering consultants Erbas & Associates, who detained him after seeing the story about his treatment of women.

Lawyers for the Daily Mail Australia presented evidence showing that before leaving his employer, Smolin asked the company to wipe the hard drive of his work computer, which it did.

Before wiping the hard drive, Erbas had made a copy of all of Smolin’s stored documents and among that material was Chronicles of Seduction of a Psychopath.

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