Home Health Experts are closing in on the triggers for lupus, the painful immune disease that has struck stars Lady Gaga and Selena Gomez — and is everywhere

Experts are closing in on the triggers for lupus, the painful immune disease that has struck stars Lady Gaga and Selena Gomez — and is everywhere

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Scientists have long tried to figure out what exactly triggers systemic lupus erythematosus, better known as lupus. The condition, which Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga and Nick Cannon also suffer from, causes the body's immune system to mistakenly attack healthy tissue instead of

Living in a busy, polluted city could increase the risk of an autoimmune disease affecting 50,000 Britons, alarming research suggests.

Scientists have long tried to figure out what exactly triggers the onset of systemic lupus erythematosus, more commonly known as lupus.

The condition, which also affects Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga and Nick Cannon, causes the body’s immune system to mistakenly attack healthy tissue.

But now researchers in China believe that prolonged exposure to air pollution “may increase the risk of developing lupus.”

Dr Yaohua Tian, ​​an expert on air pollutants and chronic diseases at Huazhong University of Science and Technology and co-author of the study, said: “Our study provides crucial information on air pollution contributing to autoimmune diseases.

Scientists have long tried to figure out what exactly triggers systemic lupus erythematosus, better known as lupus. The condition, which Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga and Nick Cannon also suffer from, causes the body’s immune system to mistakenly attack healthy tissue instead of

But Chinese researchers now believe that prolonged exposure to air pollution

But Chinese researchers now believe that prolonged exposure to air pollution “may increase the risk of developing lupus.” Pictured is Lady Gaga, who is known to suffer from lupus

‘The findings may inform the development of stricter air quality regulations to mitigate exposure to harmful pollutants, thereby reducing the risk of lupus.’

Patients suffering from this condition often experience flare-ups in which symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, extreme fatigue, and skin rashes worsen.

These episodes may last for weeks or longer.

In the new study, Chinese researchers followed 460,000 patients and found that 399 people were diagnosed with lupus over a 12-year period.

Average levels of six pollutants near their homes were also assessed.

These included PM2.5 (particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric oxide (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).

All four are linked to health problems such as heart disease and dementia.

These particles, emitted by car exhausts, cleaning products and wood stoves, among many other things, can be So small that they travel deep into the lungs and bloodstream.

The researchers found that there was a one in 1,000 risk of developing lupus among those exposed to the highest levels of NO2, and only a 0.075 in 1,000 risk among those exposed to the lowest levels.

This trend was reflected in the other three particles.

Writing in the diary, Arthritis and rheumatologyThe scientists said the findings provide “crucial insights into environmental factors that contribute to autoimmune diseases.”

They added: “The findings may inform the development of stricter air quality regulations to mitigate exposure to harmful pollutants, thereby reducing the risk of lupus.”

The researchers, however, acknowledged that the study had “certain limitations,” including the fact that participants enrolled voluntarily.

This means that “they may have been healthier, more health-conscious or more willing to participate in the study,” they added.

The World Health Organization has long called on countries to take tougher measures to combat the scourge of pollution, which is believed to kill seven million people worldwide each year.

According to Lupus UK, around one in every 50,000 people in the UK has the condition.

Patients with the condition often experience periods when symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, extreme fatigue and skin rashes worsen. These episodes can last for weeks or longer. Pictured is Nick Cannon, who is known to have lupus.

Patients with the condition often experience periods when symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, extreme fatigue and skin rashes worsen. These episodes can last for weeks or longer. Pictured is Nick Cannon, who is known to have lupus.

There is no cure for lupus; instead, there is treatment designed to help people manage their symptoms.

Lupus can range from mild, causing skin or joint problems, to severe, life-threatening.

Flares, periods when symptoms worsen, are another aspect of the disease that scientists are still trying to understand.

It is still unclear what triggers them or what makes them go away.

What further complicates the issue is that some patients do not experience flares at all.


What is lupus?

It is one of the chronic autoimmune diseases, in which the body produces antibodies against itself and begins to attack it. Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) has different degrees of severity. Some patients only have mild problems, while others suffer life-threatening damage to organs such as the heart and kidneys.

What are the symptoms?

Fatigue, joint and muscle pain. A common first symptom is joint stiffness, especially in the morning. Skin and hair problems are a major feature of SLE: a butterfly-shaped rash on the cheeks and nose is common, as is hair loss and sensitivity to the sun. Other problems include depression, lung and heart disease, and kidney inflammation.

What can it be confused with?

It is often confused with other joint problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis, which is also characterized by morning joint stiffness. It can also be misdiagnosed as a skin or blood disease.

How is it diagnosed?

If your GP suspects that you have SLE, he or she will order a blood test. Specific antibodies that attack the body can be measured in the blood. The diagnosis is made when a combination of typical symptoms and elevated levels of antibodies are present.

Who is at risk?

SLE is ten times more common in women than in men and usually develops between the ages of 12 and 25.

Which is the treatment?

Control the symptoms, as there is no cure, using anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid pills in more severe cases.

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