Home Australia Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest in Puerto Rico (before vice president is told what they were ACTUALLY saying)

Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest in Puerto Rico (before vice president is told what they were ACTUALLY saying)

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Vice President Kamala Harris clapped, smiled and swayed to the music playing outside her tour of a cultural center in Puerto Rico on Friday, but stopped abruptly when it appeared that Executive Director Mariana Reyes (left) informed her about the translation of the letter.

Kamala Harris joyfully applauded a Spanish-language protest song before abruptly stopping, after it was revealed that the lyrics took aim at the vice president and the administration’s foreign policy.

Videos showed Harris clapping and smiling enthusiastically as a group played drums and sang in Spanish during their trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Friday.

But her face fell after an assistant leaned in to talk to her, presumably to translate the lyrics. Harris immediately stopped clapping, lowered his hands and adopted a more serious facial expression.

The song was a protest anthem that questioned: ‘We want to know, Kamala, what did you come to do? We want to know, Kamala, what’s going to happen?

This is the latest in a series of blunders that have seen the Democrat’s approval ratings plummet in what is shaping up to be a ruthless presidential election year.

Vice President Kamala Harris clapped, smiled and swayed to the music playing outside her tour of a cultural center in Puerto Rico on Friday, but stopped abruptly when it appeared that Executive Director Mariana Reyes (left) informed her about the translation of the letter.

Vice President Kamala Harris clapped, smiled and swayed to the music playing outside her tour of a cultural center in Puerto Rico on Friday, but stopped abruptly when it appeared that CEO Mariana Reyes (left) informed her about the translation of the letter.

Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest

Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest

The award video shows Harris abruptly stop clapping and smiling when a Spanish translation of a song was revealed that said: “We want to know, Kamala, what did you come to do?” We want to know, Kamala, what is going to happen?… Long live free Palestine and Haiti too!

After Kamala Harris (pictured) realized the translation of the lyrics, her face fell. Here she appears waiting to speak after touring a private home in Canóvanas, Puerto Rico.

After Kamala Harris (pictured) realized the translation of the lyrics, her face fell. Here she appears waiting to speak after touring a private home in Canóvanas, Puerto Rico.

After Kamala Harris (pictured) realized the translation of the lyrics, her face fell. Here she appears waiting to speak after touring a private home in Canóvanas, Puerto Rico.

Harris was initially enjoying what she thought was a fun song, but it seemed like CEO Mariana Reyes, who accompanied her on the trip, gave her insight into the translation of the lyrics.

The song took aim at the vice president, the Biden administration in general, and its policies.

Half a dozen protesters who performed in the street in front of the vice president expressed with their song their support for the Palestinian people in the midst of the conflict between Israel and the Hamas terrorists in Gaza, as well as for Haiti as gang violence threatens to completely collapse the island government.

“Long live Palestine and Haiti free too,” they say in the song, according to a translation by DailyMail.com.

Harris met with community leaders during a tour of the Coyco Community Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Friday, March 22, when she was confronted by the protest singers.

The vice president was visiting Puerto Rico on a trip in which he highlighted the Biden administration’s actions to support the island nation’s recovery and renewal efforts. He also attended campaign events during his trip.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a visit to Canóvanas, Puerto Rico

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a visit to Canóvanas, Puerto Rico

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a visit to Canóvanas, Puerto Rico

Kamala Harris greets the artists, before they began singing lyrics that included sentiments adverse to the beliefs of the Biden administration.

Kamala Harris greets the artists, before they began singing lyrics that included sentiments adverse to the beliefs of the Biden administration.

Kamala Harris greets the artists, before they began singing lyrics that included sentiments adverse to the beliefs of the Biden administration.

He continued to shake hands with the locals he met during his tour of the area.

He continued to shake hands with the locals he met during his tour of the area.

He continued to shake hands with the locals he met during his tour of the area.

People hold a sign on the side of the road as US Vice President Kamala Harris' motorcade arrives in Puerto Rico.

People hold a sign on the side of the road as US Vice President Kamala Harris' motorcade arrives in Puerto Rico.

People hold a sign on the side of the road as US Vice President Kamala Harris’ motorcade arrives in Puerto Rico.

‘The vice president arrived, making history. We want to know, what do you think of the colony? the singers outside the community asked.

During Vice President Harris’ trip to Puerto Rico, there were many demonstrators protesting her and President Joe Biden’s policies regarding the foreign conflict in both Haiti and Israel.

People in San Juan burned American flags in the street during Harris’ visit and held signs with inciting messages such as: ‘Kamala Harris war criminal.’

Another said: “We did it, Joe: 14,861 children killed,” referring to the death toll in Gaza.

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1711308873 73 Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest

Protesters at Vice President Harris’ visit to Puerto Rico last week called her a “war criminal” amid protests over Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinians.

Protesters flooded the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico, during Vice President Harris' trip to the island nation on Friday, March 22, 2024 to express their opposition to US support for Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists.

Protesters flooded the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico, during Vice President Harris' trip to the island nation on Friday, March 22, 2024 to express their opposition to US support for Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists.

Protesters flooded the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico, during Vice President Harris’ trip to the island nation on Friday, March 22, 2024 to express their opposition to US support for Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists.

Protesters burn an American flag in the street during Harris' trip to Puerto Rico

Protesters burn an American flag in the street during Harris' trip to Puerto Rico

Protesters burn an American flag in the street during Harris’ trip to Puerto Rico

Over the years, Harris has become known for her “word salads,” where she repeats phrases and talks in circles until the words lose their meaning.

Last year, he emphasized to reporters that “community banks are in the community” and therefore investing in them is good for the community.

She said, “And so, for years we have worked to expand investment in community banks because, you see, community banks specialize in providing loans and financial assistance to small business owners, particularly those in underserved and underserved communities.” .

In a similar vein, he said in September: ‘We invested an additional $12 billion in community banks, because we know that community banks are in the community and we understand the needs and wants of that community, as well as the talent and capacity of the community. ‘

In addition to the verbal gaffes, Harris came under fire this week for being tone deaf after visiting the scene of a school shooting. The victims’ parents criticized her for using their trauma as a photo opportunity.

Ryan Petty’s 14-year-old daughter, Alaina Petty, was killed in the Parkland school shooting in Florida in 2018 along with 16 other people.

Vice President Kamala Harris walked past grieving parents holding photos of their children to deliver her speech at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Vice President Kamala Harris walked past grieving parents holding photos of their children to deliver her speech at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Vice President Kamala Harris walked past grieving parents holding photos of their children to deliver her speech at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

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1711308874 673 Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest

“I will continue to advocate for what we need to do in terms of universal background checks and assault weapons bans,” Harris told her audience.

Harris visited the school on Saturday and gave an emotional speech promoting “red flag laws,” before paying her respects at a memorial to the victims.

But Petty criticized her for taking advantage of a “tragedy,” saying the visit was a “slap in the face” to the families of the shooting, saying: “I find this whole thing offensive.”

He told Fox News: “What they want to do is create an opportunity for the vice president to deliver talking points about gun control at a site that, frankly, is hallowed ground right now.”

The incidents have caused Harris’ popularity to plummet.

An NBC poll conducted in January found that 53 percent of voters view her negatively. Only 28 percent of voters view it positively.

A DailyMail.com poll last year found that Harris was seen as the worst vice president in decades.

When asked to choose a word to sum up the vice president, respondents chose “incompetent” much more than complimentary words like “smart” and “strong.”

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