Home Australia Elon Musk makes terrifying prediction about AI and issues chilling warning about how technology will harm children

Elon Musk makes terrifying prediction about AI and issues chilling warning about how technology will harm children

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Elon Musk made a terrifying prediction about artificial intelligence and warned parents about how technology is harming children
  • Musk spoke at a technology conference about the future of artificial intelligence
  • The South African billionaire said that in the future no one will need a job

Elon Musk made a terrifying prediction about artificial intelligence and warned parents about how the technology is harming children.

Musk, 52, spoke at a technology conference Thursday about the future of AI and warned the audience that it will take over most of their jobs.

Speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris, the Tesla CEO said “probably none of us will have a job” when discussing how AI will develop and grow.

“If you want to do a job that’s like a hobby, you can do it,” Musk said. “But otherwise, AI and robots will provide all the goods and services you want.”

Musk explained that for this scenario to work, there has to be ‘universal high incomes’.

Elon Musk made a terrifying prediction about artificial intelligence and warned parents about how technology is harming children

Universal High Income (UHI) is a concept that imagines a society where AI reduces the cost of human labor, which would make basic needs affordable for everyone.

This concept should not be confused with universal basic income, which means that the government gives a certain amount of money to everyone, regardless of their income.

“There would be no shortage of goods or services,” Musk said, describing the future of AI.

Artificial intelligence has progressed rapidly in recent years, leaving researchers and regulators struggling to keep up.

However, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory found in January that workplaces are adopting AI much more slowly than experts had predicted and feared.

Experts don’t believe AI can take over certain jobs that require high levels of emotional intelligence, such as mental health professionals, teachers and creatives, according to cnn.

Despite being certain of AI’s role in our future, Musk described the technology as his biggest fear and has openly expressed his concerns.

The CEO of Space .

Musk referenced Ian Banks’ ‘Culture Book Series’, which is a utopian fictional look at a society run by advanced technology, which he says is the most realistic and ‘the best vision of a future AI.’

He wondered if humans would be satisfied with a life without jobs or careers.

“The question will really be one of meaning: if computers and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning?” he said. “I think maybe there’s still a role for humans in this, in the sense that we can give meaning to AI.”

Musk also warned parents not to let their children use technology.

The billionaire told parents to limit the amount of time their children spend on social media because “they are being programmed by a dopamine-maximizing AI.”

Musk, 52, spoke at a technology conference on Thursday about the future of AI and how it will take over most jobs.

Musk, 52, spoke at a technology conference on Thursday about the future of AI and how it will take over most jobs.

Musk recently claimed that “AI will be smarter than any human being by the end of 2025,” and experts said he might be right.

Nell Watson, artificial intelligence expert and ethicist, shared a detailed timeline of how the technology could transform from chatbots to super-intelligent agents in the next 12 months.

The path would begin with a massive $100 billion investment in new computing infrastructure, then the AI ​​would learn to self-improve until it became “sentient.”

“While a year is a short time, remember that it has only been 15 months since the breakthrough of ChatGPT, which propelled AI into the public consciousness,” he told DailyMail.com.

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