Home Australia Elon Musk launches bizarre attack on Kamala Harris as he jumps to JD Vance’s defense: ‘Holocaust for humanity!’

Elon Musk launches bizarre attack on Kamala Harris as he jumps to JD Vance’s defense: ‘Holocaust for humanity!’

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Elon Musk has come to the defense of vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance amid criticism over his comments on the

Elon Musk accused Vice President Kamala Harris of wanting to see the extinction of the human race.

The SpaceX and Tesla boss has come to the defense of Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance after the senator came under fire for his comments about the “childless cat lady.”

“Shamala is an advocate of species extinction,” Musk wrote on his social media website X, formerly Twitter. “The natural extension of her philosophy would be a de facto holocaust for all of humanity!”

It came in response to Vance’s tweet that mentioned a clip of Harris claiming that young people are anxious about having children because they are worried about the future of the climate crisis.

“I’ve heard young leaders talk to me about a term they’ve coined called climate anxiety, right?” Harris said in a re-surfaced video. “It’s about fear of the future and uncertainty about whether it makes sense to even think about having children.”

Elon Musk has come to the defense of vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance amid criticism over his resurfaced “childless cat lady” comments

Vance suggested that liberals don't want more children after sharing an old video of Vice President Kamala Harris claiming that the

Vance suggested liberals don’t want more children after sharing an old video of Vice President Kamala Harris claiming “climate anxiety” is causing people to have fewer children.

Vance, who became Trump’s vice presidential nominee at this month’s Republican National Convention, responded to the clip with: “It’s almost like these people don’t want young people to start families or something.”

“Really weird stuff,” he added.

Musk claimed that Harris and other radicals want to wipe all of humanity off the face of the planet.

“Shamala is an extinctionist,” the billionaire wrote on X.

‘The natural extension of his philosophy would be a de facto holocaust for all humanity!’

Vance has been on the defensive all week after comments he made to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in 2021 resurfaced and went viral.

Vance said in a 2021 interview with Tucker Carlson that the United States is being ruled by

Vance said in a 2021 interview with Tucker Carlson that the United States is being run by “childless Democrat cat ladies who are miserable with their own lives and the choices they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

Vance said in that interview that the United States is being run by “childless Democratic cat ladies who are miserable with their own lives and the choices they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

“What’s the point of us handing over our country to people who really have no vested interest in it?” he added.

Vance has insisted in the week since the comments resurfaced that he holds no grudge against people who do not have children, especially since those who were unable to conceive have spoken out about the insulting remark.

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